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    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    JONY --- ---
    Skullflower - Taste The Blood Of The Deceiver (Not Not Fun, 2008)

    First vinyl in ages from the mighty Skullflower, and much like the triple cd box reviewed elsewhere on this list, the new SF sound finds Skullflower mastermind mixing the two distinct sides of his sound, the looped hypnotic riffy side, and the free abstract noise side, and the results are pretty fantastic, forging a new sort of noise drenched, proto metal abstract free drone psychedelia, and of course incorporating all kinds of other sounds, like black metal buzz, and minimal industrial percussion. The lp is the perfect addendum to that massive triple album box, serving almost like a 4th disc in the set, covering similar ground, but with its own particular twist.
    Side one opens with that distinctive abstract-krautrock, metallic-psychedelic riff that only Skullfower seems to be able to pull off, looped and repetitive, but slowly shifting, almost imperceptibly, over a swirling morass of distorted buzz and feedback drenched howl, noisy and heavy but strangely meditative. The follow up shifts gears and offers up a buzzing wall of sound with soaring high end melodic streaks over the top, and what sounds like vocals buried WAY down in the mix. Hot on the heels of that one comes an awesomely droning psych rock dirge, this time with drums, and an incredibly catchy and surprisingly melodic main riff, woozy and druggy, but sounding like some classic eighties metal riff, just Skullflower-ed. And so it goes, the tracks shifting from chiming ritualistic dronemusic to buzzing abstract ambience to noisy almost-industrial plod and back again. And we're digging it big time. These two most recent releases might just be our favorite Skullflower records since Exquisite Fucking Boredom on tUMULt!

    JONY --- ---
    Blue Sabbath Black Cheer - Untitled (Gnarled Forest, 2008)

    Blue Sabbath Black Cheer have become the band du jour of the deathdirgedronedoom scene, their records disappear in a heartbeat, we were lucky to get 25 of this new one, it's already out of print and sold out at the label.
    This sick love for BSBC makes perfect sense the second the first filthy note comes oozing out of your speakers, this is harsh, hellish, abstract black black ambience. Take the slowest sickest Khanate song, strip away the drums, slow down the vocals to a raspy gurgle, add later after layer of filth and crust and grime and you'd be getting closer to whatever subterranean pit these anti-musical miscreants crawled from.
    There's two side long tracks, each previously released as insanely limited cassettes, remixed and remastered for this release, with additional sounds from Chris Dodge of Spazz and aQ pal Matt Waldron from Irr. App. (Ext.). The A side begins with slowed down vocals, a monstrous demonic murmur, slithering over a grim landscape of high end hiss and deep tectonic rumbles, distant tones pulse and throb, all manner of crash and scrape and crunch, the track building slowly to a frenzy of hellish howls, thick sheets of white noise, crumbling walls of distortion, grinding washes of thick, dense buzz and whir, a seriously fucked up, freaked out expanse of post industrial noisemusic, thick with drones and haunting textures and undulating layers buried beneath the skree. The B side begins with a low resonating drone, a thick, serpentine rumble, that is eventually subsumed by a symphony of buzz saws and crackling fires and collapsing buildings and grinding scrapes and processed vocals and malfunctioning tape machines, all wound into some sort of hellish high end ur-drone, before slipping back into another shimmering expanse of upper register skree, eventually drifting back into something much more mellow but no less ominous and intense, a creepy low end drone, field recordings, crackle, whispers, evokes hiding in the woods, terrified, as something stalks you, muted growls, the crack of dried branches underfoot, the whisper of leaves falling to the ground, all set to the boom of distant explosions. Intense, and in its own way, sort of sickly beautiful.
    Akin to Gnaw Their Tongues, Khanate, Wolf Eyes, Alkerdeel, the more abstract and dismal end of the doomdirgedrone spectrum.... this definitely takes all that and pushes it even further, darker, noisier, more dismal and way more grim.

    SEEKER --- ---
    znáte tu projekt kytaristy z The Faint "Vverevvolf Grehv - Zombie Aesthetics"? Naladěn recenzemi obdivujícími extrémnost spojení elektronické distorze a metalových riffů jsem si to navíc jakožto člověk zabývající se zombie filmy opatřil a aniž bych zatím hodnotil kvalitu, tak mě zarazilo, že je to tak měkký. To sou dneska metaláci tak vyměklý, že jim tohle přijde "Due to the cacophony of noise the first listening sessions of ‘Zombie Aesthetics’ are a sheer torture" ??!!

    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    Suishou No Fune - Where The Spirits Are (Holy Mountain, 2008)

    New album"Where The Spirits Are" of Suishou no Fune
    by label Holy Mountain of American San Francisco started sale now.
    Suishou no Fune's excellent new album, "Where the Spirits Are," will also be in stores on March 28, 2006. They are yet another astonishing example of Tokyo's rich tradition of producing dark, avant-garde psychedelic rock groups.
    Holy Mountain
    Formed in 1999 as a duo of female guitarist Pirako Kurenai and male guitarist Kageo, Suishou no Fune have been making some of the most charmingly chaotic dream music coming out of Japan. Their sound contains subcutaneous elements of no-wave energy mixed with psychedelic rock a la early Fushitsusha or Kousokuya. Other songs approach balladry with oddly beautiful twinned vocals and distorted guitars. They have performed around Tokyo with a list of people who could succinctly be described as everybody and were even invited to play Scotland's Weekend festival in 2005.
    Midheaven U.S.A

    Brand new album from the best post Fushitsusha/Rallizes underground rock group to chew Tokyo concrete in the past few years. Pirako’s fabulously wayward vocal gives the whole thing a dramatic edge of the void-style desperation, while the sublime octave-weighted fuzz moves of second guitarist Kageo are so uniformly on the money that you feel like you must’ve dreamt these solos in their entirety at least a buncha times. The addition of drums to the basic dual guitar set-up gives the whole thing a massive shot of forward momentum and the opening salvo is as great a blast of liberated rock form as you could possibly hope for. The downer ballads function to tip the whole picture further towards oblivion, with the somnambulant drug haze of Pirako’s guitar leading the whole group headfirst into new regions of breathless nada. Beautifully packaged in a textured dark blue sleeve, with shots of the duo looking exactly like yr favourite wasted bikers, this is the fucking TICKET you’ve been looking for.

    JONY --- ---
    Blood Of The Black Owl - A Feral Spirit (Bidrune Records, 2008)

    The temperate rain forest of the Pacific Northwest of the United States is a fecund node, both psychological and physical, profoundly affecting all that dwell there with the irresistible song of nature: The call to grow, to seek illumination, to gain nourishment, to grapple with the true reality of existence, to fight for survival among the ancient pines of a world wracked with modernity.

    From this organic cauldron comes BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL. Formed in 2004 by Heathen visionary Chet W. Scott, (of noted post-Industrial entity RUHR HUNTER), as a primitive fusion of slow tempo Earth Metal & Woodland Ritualistic Doom, the journey culminating in the debut self-titled album on Bindrune Records in 2006. An ode to the more destructive and primal elements found in not only nature, but in Black Metal and trance inducing Funeral Doom as well, the work marked a distinct movement away from the more ambient feel of much of the RUHR HUNTER material, while forging a unique musical path all his own in the deep woods of Washington state. 'A Feral Spirit' takes the journey further into the heart of the forest. Combining Native American shamanic influence and the Germanic nature worship of his own heritage with an entirely transcendent musical vision, BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL gives praise to the spirits of nature and the unspoken bonds that tie man, beast and environment. With elements of Doom Metal, ambient, ritual and native musics in evidence throughout the album, BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL involve the listener in a timeless and spiritually expansive journey of discovery, evaluation and reflection over the course of the album's 71 minutes. "A personal cleansing woven through audible passages of earthbound ritualistic transcendence"...

    With its rigid stand against modernity and monotheism, 'A Feral Spirit' is a clarion call for the rebirth of the human animal spirit and a return to the ancestral forests of our past. BLOOD OF THE BLACK OWL shall lead them...

    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    JONY: oh yeah!
    JONY --- ---
    Journey to Ixtlan s/t (Aurora Borealis, 2008)

    Pro mne jeden z největších objevů v tomto roce. Naprosto geniální mix psychedelického rocku a doom metalu.


    JONY --- ---
    ještě jedna vzpomínka na skepticism

    JONY --- ---
    NOIK: ne :-)
    NOIK --- ---
    JONY: a na cluster neupozorníš?:)
    JONY --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    jazkamer včera kupodivu velmi příjemně poslouchatelní :)
    JONY --- ---
    NOIK: imho pokud dnes nedorazí nějaký zájezd dědoušků na cluster, tak to bude s návštěvností ještě horší
    JONY --- ---
    Daniel Menche & Joe Preston "Cerberic Doxology" (2008)

    What might you expect from a match up between Mr. Joe Preston, he of Harvey Milk, Thrones, High On Fire and a million more, and Mr. Daniel Menche serious noise maker in his own right? Well definitely not this, although safe to say we're surprised but most assuredly not disappointed.
    Cerberic Doxology is a single 25 minute piece, for just vocals, a glorious primal, ritual of chants and longform vocal tones, which at first, and only for the briefest of seconds, sounds a bit odd, maybe because we were expecting to be blasted out of our seats, but within moments, the voices grow much less distinct, the sound around them gets hazier and blurrier, the floor drops out and the listener is suddenly suspended in some whirling otherworld, the low voices become fuzzier and buzzier and soon become thick undulating drones, the higher vocals, soar and shimmer, and offer up soft smears of melody. It's like Ligeti or Part filtered through SUNNO))) or Earth, a totally immersive and nearly suffocating soundscape of layered thrum and throb. With headphones, at about the halfway mark we forgot what we were listening to, but it had totally transported us, and we found ourselves gloriously lost in a seemingly endless vocal drone.
    Flip the dualdisc over, and play it in your dvd player, and not only will you be treated to enhanced sound, a super hi fidelity rendering of the music from the flipside, but you'll also get to see the accompanying images, slow shots of deserts and mountains, of wide open skies, smoldering volcanoes, strange stone monoliths, dark clouds, crashing surf, all shot in blacks and greys, and with some subtle yet strange effects, where the image will blur briefly, or the same few seconds will lock into a barely discernible loop, but always returning to it's slow haunting drift.

    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: no moje jediný triko je zatím sunn o))), to taky docela funguje ne?)
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: musíš si ještě pořídit triko hellhammer
    NOIK --- ---
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