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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    jj, taky se mi to líbí
    JONY --- ---
    Hunting Rituals - Hunting Rituals (Faunasabbatha, 2009)

    Horn, crap junk and electronics forming a canvas of broken bones and barbed wire. Wait until the creeping drone gets louder, to become increasingly distorted until swallowed up into the rising fires of the magical ritual.

    JONY --- ---
    9.5.2009: Habsyll (FRA), Or (CZ), Kašpar von Urbach (CZ) v Chapeau Rouge


    Khanate, Monarch!, Corrupted. Pokud to jsou kapely, při kterých vás mrazí v zádech, měli byste zbystřit taky u jména Habsyll. Francouzská trojice dala vzniknout morbidnímu kříženci funerálního noise, (drone) doomu a sludge. Žádný výstřelek nebo bezpohlavní klon aktuálního undergroundového trendu, tady se jde na práh fyzické bolesti. Extrémně silové bicí přímo atakují nervová zakončení posluchače, zatímco odumírající kytarové stěny otvírají hypnotické vakuum, které probouzí veškeré tělesné tekutiny…

    Členové Habsyll mají za sebou zkušenosti jak z grindové a noisové scény, tak z té elektronické nebo obecně experimentální. Bubeník hrál například v punk blackových Nuit Noire. Debutní album MMVIII vyšlo společnými silami 6 labelů, především výtečných tUMULt a At War With False Noise.


    Kapela hrála (či teprve bude) s Aluk Todolo, Grey Daturas, Overmars, Grails, Monno, Monarch!, Alkerdeel nebo Sylvester Anfang. Do budoucna chystá několik sedmipalců (např. s The Austrasian Goat) a také dva covery Swans a Kraftwerk.

    Před nimi vystoupí dvě pražská seskupení. Kaspar von Urbach vycházejí z estetiky původního industrialu (Throbbing Gristle, Einstürzende Neubauten). Kde však jejich předchůdci řvali, tam KvU ztišují hlas, promlouvat pak nechají spíš objekty/instrumenty samotné v duchu myšlenky „chyba jako záměr“.

    Druhá domácí formace Or drhne řádně zatěžkaný stoner/noise rock a naživo převládá ta hlučnější stránka. Tak, jak to mají mazlíčci rádi.

    Habsyll, Or, Kaspar von Urbach vystoupí 9.5. v Chapeau Rouge (Jakubská 2, Praha 1).
    Vstup 150,- pouze na místě.



    WELL --- ---
    ZERO --- ---
    prvni z peti desek SKATERS solo projects.
    Edward Flex - Do you believe in Haway?
    JONY --- ---
    Godseye - Godseye (Dial Square Tapes, 2009)

    new droplets from the TULSA contingent, debuting in limited fashion. nathan young, eden hemming-rose, & brad rose break down the crust between the seeds. bone-dry electronics with barely lucid words flickering like dead birds on the surface, with a nod to ruth white but with a bleak, midwestern vibe. first installment, more on the way.


    MAHISH --- ---
    JONY: hmm
    JONY --- ---
    Zola Jesus - Tsar Bomba (Troubleman Unlimited, 2009)

    Zola Jesus is the endeavor of a solitary girl named Nika to simultaneously combat and invoke the approaching apocalypse using the only weapon/offering she has: her voice. After a decade of opera study and a musical awakening involving such varied inspirations as Billboard bubble-gum, classical arias, no-wave and '77 punk, she was able to thread her influences into a sound uniquely her own.

    JONY --- ---
    Aaron Dilloway - Infinite Lucifer (Hanson Recpords, 2007)

    This quite atmospheric piece of distorted loops to me feels more like an ambient release in a sense, but is perhaps best explained if I call it noise. Or I could try explain how it sound DJUUN DJAAAAAEEEN DJUUN DJAAAEEEN which then transcends into a blup blip blop blep bläp blop all over a constant PSSHHT etc. etc. Not your average noise record, 12½ minutes of concentrated quality.

    JONY --- ---
    Heavy Winged + Windy & Carl - Monolith: Earth (Music Fellowship, 2008)

    The first monolith appears on Earth. The apes, huddled in a valley, find the mysterious object and approach it with trepidation. With one hesitant touch, evolution is spurred, and the apes begin their ascent(/descent) to humanity with the use of tools. Territorial wars between apes are no longer fought with fists and teeth, but with bones and clubs. As the victorious ape hurls his deathclub into the air, thousands of years of evolution fly by from first tool to spacecraft.

    The Monolith series combines two artists on the same one-sided, reverse-cut LP by hard-panning one recording to the right and the other recording to the left. By adjusting the panning controls on his or her turntable, the listener is free to control the degree to which the two recordings melt into one. Each edition in the series is limited to a one-time pressing of 500 picture disc LPs featuring a Monolith inspired painting by Ned Clayton and includes a CD with stereo mixes, extended versions, and bonus tracks.

    Monolith: Earth is the oxymoronic pairing of dreamcore drone legends Windy and Carl and new school leaders of free rock Heavy Winged. Heavy Winged contribute one of their darkest, most oppressive tracks yet. The addition of Windy and Carl's purity creates something entirely different. It's no longer the sound of three bros busting out dark drone metal in some shed in snowy Vermont; it's now the sound of some communal artists busting out epic krautjams in the German hinterland. Primitive, vicious early man meets colossal pristine symbol of higher thought - could there be any better pairing for this Monolith?

    JONY --- ---
    HOOKER: no máme tuny, ale asi nejjednodušší bude se podívat na slsk. tam je toho habaděj
    HOOKER --- ---
    nejake albicko od Aarona Dillowaye nemate?.. dikzanej
    JONY --- ---
    Ajilvsga - Little Earth (Peyote Tapes, 2009)

    Brighter, shinier, more blissed out - more stars lighting the sky. Named for the toughest Indian encampment in the world. B-side is the A-side in reverse. Think of it as the Earth spinning backwards - because it is. Totally cryptic Pawnee star gazer art


    Sorc'henn - NVIT RAVBE D’OREE (PeyoteTapes, 2009)

    Haunted tones and demonic blackened thrash metal buzz. Masked Apache passion play art.


    The North Sea - Peyote Forest (Peyote Tapes, 2009)

    Resonator, bass and drone vocal float from Brad Rose. Walking through an Indian graveyard at night. Floating in space Delaware grave marker art.

    JONY --- ---
    John Wiese - Circle Snare (no fun productions, 2009)

    Consider "Circle Snare" a hard-wrought souvenir. Composed and realized in the midst of a comprehensive Scandinavian/European tour in 2008, John Wiese found himself tangled deep in dialogue with his instruments and ideas. Wiese increasingly scrutinized his native tongue and vocabulary, seeking new forms of grammar and cadence, as only extensive dives in unfamiliar waters can inspire. His given electronic anatomy of drum machine, microphones, tapes, and MSP folded out of their hard accustomed formations, breaking out into a more cogent and vital arsenal. "Circle Snare" is the cumulative result -- a finely detailed and dimensional evolution of an already unique voice. Those who have been stalking Wiese all along -- through the landmark statement "Soft Punk," to the recent "Dramatic Accessories" LP -- will find "Circle Snare" to be a revelatory work. As Wiese continues to travel and work relentlessly and restlessly, we have no choice but to keep up; the circle is a spiral from the side, and the greatest trap is standing still.

    JONY --- ---
    tedy samozřejmě 9.5.
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