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    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    JONY --- ---
    Ajilvsga - Little Earth (Peyote Tapes, 2009)

    Brighter, shinier, more blissed out - more stars lighting the sky. Named for the toughest Indian encampment in the world. B-side is the A-side in reverse. Think of it as the Earth spinning backwards - because it is. Totally cryptic Pawnee star gazer art


    Sorc'henn - NVIT RAVBE D’OREE (PeyoteTapes, 2009)

    Haunted tones and demonic blackened thrash metal buzz. Masked Apache passion play art.


    The North Sea - Peyote Forest (Peyote Tapes, 2009)

    Resonator, bass and drone vocal float from Brad Rose. Walking through an Indian graveyard at night. Floating in space Delaware grave marker art.

    JONY --- ---
    John Wiese - Circle Snare (no fun productions, 2009)

    Consider "Circle Snare" a hard-wrought souvenir. Composed and realized in the midst of a comprehensive Scandinavian/European tour in 2008, John Wiese found himself tangled deep in dialogue with his instruments and ideas. Wiese increasingly scrutinized his native tongue and vocabulary, seeking new forms of grammar and cadence, as only extensive dives in unfamiliar waters can inspire. His given electronic anatomy of drum machine, microphones, tapes, and MSP folded out of their hard accustomed formations, breaking out into a more cogent and vital arsenal. "Circle Snare" is the cumulative result -- a finely detailed and dimensional evolution of an already unique voice. Those who have been stalking Wiese all along -- through the landmark statement "Soft Punk," to the recent "Dramatic Accessories" LP -- will find "Circle Snare" to be a revelatory work. As Wiese continues to travel and work relentlessly and restlessly, we have no choice but to keep up; the circle is a spiral from the side, and the greatest trap is standing still.

    JONY --- ---
    tedy samozřejmě 9.5.
    JONY --- ---
    8.5. v Chapeau Rouge


    Habsyll - MMVIII (tUMULt / At War With False Noise / PsycheDOOMelic / Obscure Sombre / Odio Sonoro / Skyr, 2009)

    The long awaited and debut full length from French ultra-mega-abstract-doom trio Habsyll, which just so happens to feature one member of the mighty Fantastikol Hole, whoo i've been obsessed with for EVER, as well as the former drummer of faerical punk blasters Nuit Noire!

    But whether you know those bands or not, nothing, and i mean nothing, will prepare you for Habsyll's particularly virulent strain of ultradoom. Heavy and slow, yeah obviously, but it's HOW heavy (very) and HOW slow (ummm, so slow the songs seem to have almost zero forward momentum) that makes Habsyll something much more than a metal band or a doom band, it's almost like twentieth century classical played with downtuned guitars and massive drums. So much space, the notes and drum beats miles apart, the drums not so much beats and rhythms (although those do pop up occasionally) as brief explosions or percussive squalls, more for dynamics and texture, or if they are actually engaged in some sort of actual beat, it's mind bendingly abstract and extended and slow to the point of hovering around 2 or 3 bpm. If you're thinking Khanate, Monarch, Moss, Bunkur, Fleshpress, you're already thinking too fast, too structured, too riffy. This is some excessive extremist radical dooooooooom, the sort of chug and plod and buzz and bombinate that makes the rest of those bands sound like speed metal.

    But in this slow sprawl, and these long stretches of decay, these sudden flurries of drum splatter and downtuned chug, there is a buried beauty, occasionally, these disparate parts mesh into a brief flicker of melody, or a single epic majestic hook filled swell, before slipping back into blackness. And once or twice the band ramps it up, and locks into some serious pounding crushing black hole sludge, but even then, it's a crawl, a glacial black ooze tempo, and before too long, the band abandon any sense of rhythm or tempo, opting instead to drift through some wide open stretch of outerspace ultra doom emptiness.

    The guitars go from grinding and sharp, to muddy and massive, the chugs flung into the ether and carried along on streaks of whirring hiss and blackened buzz, spitting out huge jagged shards of feedback, and long smears of blurred anti-riffage, the bass is a massive cloud of low end, throbbing and pulsing, exploding like a brick wall to the side of the head before slipping back into a shadowy rumble, the vocals a caustic demonic shriek, raspy and hellish, slipping into an almost hysterical falsetto, and just as often offering up some alien ululations, and the drums, oh the drums, any drummer can tell you how hard it is to play slow, but they're talking slowcore slow, or even regular doom slow, this is something else entirely, this is doom drumming gone free jazz, pound and skitter in equal measure, meting out beats one at a time, like some sleek black submarine releasing depth charges.

    Two lengthy epics, 17 minutes and nearly 29 minutes, neither very traditionally doomlike, but both most definitely doom, maybe more 'doom', than most actual doom we've heard. Like staring into the abyss, or looking up at a black moonless night sky, these sounds are the sounds of emptiness, of bottomless depths, of never ending expanses of space and time, the end of the world, the birth of new universes, the sound of black holes, of exploding stars, the soundtrack to the end of the world, to the end of everything. Slow and heavy and low and spaced out and damaged and fucked up and strangely beautiful and mysterious and abstract and far out and completely kick ass while remaining very very very difficult listening indeed

    This is a split label release, tUMULt of course, along with 5 other kick ass labels: At War With False Noise, Obscure Sombre, PsycheDOOMelic, Skyr and Odio Sonoro!


    JONY --- ---
    24.6. v Chapeau Rouge


    Sink - Process (Kult of Nihilow/Kaos Kontrol, 2008)

    The Kult Of Nihilow website has this to say about Sink's The Process: "This is not a sludge record. This is not a drone record. This is not an experimental record." Which is not actually true, since it's actually an awesome mix of all three. More accurately, it's not an average sludge record, or a typical drone record, and isn't like most experimental music, but that's precisely what makes it so appealing.
    Sink are from Finland and have shared a split with aQ faves, UK dronelords Marzuraan, and they traffic in a sound that is both crushingly slow, blindingly heavy, as well as mysteriously dark and droney, but just like anything, it's what you do with all that stuff that matters. Anyone can tune down and play an E chord for 10 minutes. But not anyone can make it sound like angels singing.
    On their split with Marzuraan, we described their sound as "a swirling, sludgy wall of hissing fuzzed out blackened ultra noise, harsh and horrific", but there's nothing like that here. The Process is much more musical, and more measured, for a band who is typically defined as a sludge band, they spend much of their time unfurling dark muted shimmery dronescapes, hushed whispery smears of barely audible thrum. And even when they are dropping some serious sludge, it's not really sludgey, the guitars are thick and corrosive, but glimmering and crystalline, rife with haunting chords, the vocals deep monk like chants. The opener here is the perfect example, it sounds like Tibetan monks fronting a doom band, only the doom is strangely melodic, and hauntingly cinematic. Halfway through the track fades into some dark chiming ambience, all muted and blurred, before the crushing doomic blows begin to rain down again, those vocals returning to underpin everything with their thick rumbling whir (sounding quite a bit like Tuvan throat singing). It's a pity the track is only 11 minutes long. We could have gone for twice that! At least.
    The second track is all soaring Sunroof! like streaks of sound and strummed acoustic guitars, sounding like a noisier doomier Kiss The Anus, but all washed out and smeared into bleary shoegazey drifts, reminding us of a way more abstract Nadja or Angelic Process actually.
    Strangely enough, almost the whole rest of the record is devoid of any hint of sludge or doom, instead exploring longform guitar drones, super minimal sinewave skree, gentle dreamlike ambience, rumbling cavernous dronemusic, until finally, the not at all appropriately titled final song "The Silence", which is anything but silent, four minutes of murky corrosive drift, but like the opener, rife with mysterious melody, disembodied vocals, glimmering chordal blur, all spread out into a thick sluggish doom-ic haze, that seems to blot out the sun, bathing everything in a burnished blood red glow.


    JONY --- ---
    Ovskum - -- (Raging Bloodlust, 2008)

    While we wait patiently for the long awaited first proper lp release (reissuing some of the previous cassettes) from Italy's obscure black metallers Ovskum, coming soon on the newly launched Obscure Origins label, we're graced, or cursed perhaps by what is essentially a new full length from these masters of mysterious blackened mood music. Four tracks, nearly 40 minutes, of a sound that really can hardly be compared to any other black metal groups. A gorgeously blackened languid doom, abject and miserable and suicidal, but also hauntingly pretty, the guitars clean, seemingly floating over a bed of buzz, tangled minor key melodies, the drums a barely there pound, the whole sound so weary and woozy, the vocals appropriately anguished and howled, but way back in the mix, it's the guitars that weave the magic here, lots of harmonics, spare almost post rock guitar lines, the sound not so much loping as sort of slowed down and dragging, like listening to Make A Change Kill Yourself, with someone pressing the finger down on the vinyl, lethargic and warbly, black, and sorrowful, and haunting and almost otherworldly. A bit like a less distinctly doomy Skepticism, or maybe like a black metal Mazzy Star or something. That same sort of gauzy shoegazey quality, but not the way most bands use that quality to get all blissy, Ovskum take that sound somewhere much more abstract and dark, a truly creepy, haunting, mopey blackened slowcore. So fucking great.


    KHALAVERA --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Kava Jar Race (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    First limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Kava Jar Race is a staggering two disc set subtitled: Jarva Jarva Headplug In; Finger Prints Plug Into Headstream Of Déjà vu Through The Desert Sands Of Jarvid 9 Into Time Tracks Of Red Earth Download Memory Of Fossils Underneath The Desert Sands Of Jarvid 9. Titles run through visions such as “API Uplink Sand Palace Of Déjà vu”, “The 9th Reborn Planet Of Jarvid D’Rog Nomad Race”, “Lizard Dreams Of Adobe City” and “Fingerprints Of Jarvo Sand Race”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. There are aspects of Sun Ra’s keyboard/drum wall style, Balinese gamelan trances, amazing new age synth beauty ala Harmonia et al, cut-up video game sonics, mantric vocal chants, deep pools of blissful tonefloat ala Popol Vuh… but alla the music has a pronounced reptilian/lizard quality with skittering beats and some of James’s most aggressive vocals giving way to actual attempts at lizard language, combing variously carved glottal phonetics, bursts of hissy breath and even hiccupping frog patterns slowed-down to specific gravities. There are more ideas in a single track here than in the careers of most ‘drone’ groups. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.



    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Gecko (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    Second limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Gecko is a staggering two disc set with titles that run through visions such as “Origins Of Geckopia”, “Head Tenticle” (sic), “Jumping Gecko Warrior” and “Spotted Mothership”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. The sounds are particular lizard-inflected with heavy vocals from James that are quite unlike any of his previous work, using atavistic regression to access visions of the reptile mind and combining obscure phonetic retorts with frog tones and pre-verbal hiccups in a way that erases most timid contemporary attempts at ‘sound poetry’. There are heavy tribal zones that feature massed vocals ascending to twin suns of tone through cultic flute/synth/hand drum ecstasy, heavy jungle exotica, gorgeous plateaus of brain stasis invaded by lucid drones, deep eternal music stylings... so much to take in here. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.



    James Ferraro Jarvid 9: Flushpipe (New Age Tapes No Cat 2xCD-R, 2009)

    Third limited double set in a series of three volumes self-released by James Ferraro of The Skaters documenting his exploration of inner/outer sci-fi landscapes populated by cyborg lizard deities. Flushpipe is a staggering two disc set that features cover art showing the view down to the pyramids from a hovering UFO filled with cryogenically-preserved aliens and titles like “Skyhanger”, “Flush Stream Of Sting Ray Blue Grid” and “Anemone Motion”. The imagery combines weird Frank Herbert-styled desert planet vistas with the kind of ophidian power visioning of Kenneth Grant’s Nightside narratives while the sonics stretch the length of Ferraro’s career. The sound is James’ most convincing amalgam of classic Skaters-styled vertical ritual with murky tape psych, ecstatic new age keyboard visions and post-Multitopia future/primitive 1980s computer game reverie. There are dense fields of bell tones that sound like John Coltrane’s Ascension broadcast via a shortwave radio at the bottom of a wind tunnel, gorgeous keyboard hymnals that hover over a bunch of simple, primal patterns ala Harmonia/Cluster and heavy vocals that are quite unlike any of his previous work, combining bursts of aggression with possessed reptile tongues and oracular insect voices. One of Ferraro’s most mind-bogglingly sustained transits of other states of there. Highly recommended.


    JONY --- ---
    Digitalis Limited presents... "Skull Bundle" a series of split tapes by Ajilvsga (Digitalis Limited, 2009)


    The procession was timed so that she would be left alone on the scaffold at the moment the morning star rose. When the morning star appeared, two men came from the east with flaming brands and touched her lightly in the arm pits and groins. Four other men then touched her with war clubs. The man who had captured her then ran forward with the bow from the Skull bundle and a sacred arrow and shot her through the heart while another man struck her on the head with the war club from the Morning Star bundle. The officiating priest then opened her breast with a flint knife and smeared his face with the blood while her captor caught the falling blood on dried meat. All the male members of the tribe then pressed forward and shot arrows into the body. They then circled the scaffold four times and dispersed.

    ZERO --- ---
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    Nějaké rozhovory jsem si s nimi přečetl. Osobně mám s tím jejich "světonázorem" problém. Chápu ale tvoje rozhodnutí sem politiku netahat, a tak se nechci pouštět do nějaký jalových sporů.
    JONY --- ---
    ADAMBERNAU: to se týká i druhého dema (btw v sestavě byl i Neige takže pozor na Alcest a Amesoeurs :-) ). Peste Noire sice nejsou ns nicméně když by si někdo angažovaný :-) přečetl rozhovory, tak asi nadšený nebude...

    Nicméně jak jsem psal při založení tohoto auditka. Politiku a kádrování sem tahat nehodlám.
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    JONY: Opravdu velice blízko: demo "Aryan Supremacy" (2001)
    JONY --- ---
    btw malkuth (bm projekt lidí z no-neck blues band) mají venku také nové album (zatím jen na vinylu, cd bude během pár týdnů). vydávájí opět hospital productions
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: jinak samozřejmě všichni uvědomělí hoši a dívky to nebudou ani stahovat neb peste noire mají velmi blízko k fašismu :-)
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: super! zrovna dneska jsem si říkal, že znovu opráším některé starší kousky, takže tohle přišlo jako na zavolanou.)
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: to album je naprosto skvělé
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: !!!
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