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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    Chico Magnetic Band - Chico Magnetic Band [1971]

    Even though this absolutely brilliant and overwhelming album is but a half an hour in length, it is so chock full o’ balls and amazing riffs that consistently make all the right moves at the right times it’s downright scary and seems twice the length due to its raging density of vision. Given that (and that fact it seems almost entirely culled from moments of only the top tier fab waxings in my collection) it also seems far longer than THAT because everything on it counts SO BAD it lights a fire in my head, creates a fevered dickswell and comes close to bursting my heart every time I spin it.

    Why? Put simply, this freakin’ album has EVERYTHING. And by that I mean it draws from elements of approaches set down by “Phallus Dei”-era Amon Düül Zwei, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Silberbart, Straight-era Alice Cooper, Can, Guru Guru, Groundhogs, Speed Glue & Shinki, Led Zeppelin, Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band, Tiger B. Smith and “Free Your Mind”-period Funkadelic (so help me Eddie) and are seamlessly wedged into one album.

    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    tak zas trochu toho lehčího sludge/doomu což?

    Zoroaster - Voice of Saturn [Terminal Doom Records, 2009]

    Voice of Saturn , the follow up to the band s critically acclaimed release, Dog Magic , has arrived. Recorded at The Living Room in Atlanta (The Black Lips, Mastodon) with engineer Ed Rawls, Voice of Saturn pushes ZOROASTER s heady mix of mammoth metal and psychotropic shoegaze to skyscraping new heights. From the galloping post-Sabbath rock of the roll out track Spirit Molecule to the concrete street cleaning of Lamen of the Master Therion and through to the tribal percussive vertebrae of the album's hidden closer, Voice of Saturn administers in-the-red levels of both the band's mysticism and barbarism in spades. The record features a guest appearance from friend and fellow Atlantean Brent Hinds of Mastodon, who contributes a searing guitar solo to the song White Dwarf.

    _ELPH_ --- ---
    JONY: ta skladba od anal cunt je nejako podozrivo dlha :)
    JONY --- ---

    výborný tracklist :-)
    PREVIT --- ---
    WENCA: Hraju si to uz od vcerejska a asi to budu hradi zitra a pozitri...:)
    WENCA --- ---
    JONY: to je dobry, tohle
    JONY --- ---
    ehm... Hypothermia, Lyrinx, Totalselfhatred a.... Skyclad....

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    JONY: j, to je hodně zajímavé
    JONY --- ---
    Tohle mne zcela sebralo:

    Ga'an s/t c40

    I caught Chicago's Ga'an the other night at the Empty Bottle, and they blew me away. I'd never heard of these guys, but they make driving, gothic prog sounds like satanic Krautrock with guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, and the night I saw them, a female vocalist. There is no distinct frontman, but for me, drummer Seth Sher's intense and precise playing was the highlight of the show.

    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    JONY: On se vubec nejak s Broadrickem roztrhl pytel. Vysly nove desky Jesu a Final...
    Jesu zde
    JONY --- ---
    GreyMachine - Disconnected (2009)
    JONY --- ---
    Grunt (Mikko Aspa) interview


    + live video


    citliví jedinci nebudou klikat
    TOTAL_MANGEL --- ---
    JONY: no teda ... oproti předchozímu in extremis fakt posun (ještě teda nevim jestli k lepsimu ci horsimu :)
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    JONY: supr
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    JONY: velmi pekne a ta teta najviac svudna :))
    JONY --- ---
    YouTube - The Funeral Orchestra - Opium de occulta
    MATHEW --- ---
    no ty vole
    JONY --- ---
    Pan Sonic and and Keiji Haino - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You(Blast First Petite, 2009)

    This is the documentation of a meeting between two of extreme music's most feared and revered operators. Both factions have entirely different approaches to sound construction, but share a solitary and radioactive piece of earth where unhinged yet articulate vocal acrobatics and multi instrumentalist prowess can converse with focussed blasts of electronic noise and tectonic shifting subbass. If you haven't checked the Wire's brilliant review of this album, then do so, because you'd realise why we're inclined to agree with Keith Moliné, as Haino undeniably manages to dominate this show with a purely cathartic display of guttural utterances and ancient spirits of darkness evacuated from the recesses of his imagination. With such a difference of range in his scope, it's actually unfair to compare the two,and this set is intensified and endlessly expanded by Pan Sonic's low end turbulence and subliminal electronics, but the moments of shock and awe are largely delivered by Haino's unpredictable outbursts and arcane instrumentation. The pair of acts work with an enthralling intuition, unravelling from extended passages of improvisation to solitary moments of psychedelic exploration to take heavier listeners on a trip they won't forget any time soon, while lighter eared noobs will be introduced to something remarkably alien and magical. If you need any more persuasion, the spot gloss double fold digipak housing was designed by Steven O'Malley, and looks freakin' gorgeous. One you need - Essential Purchase!


    Za sebe dodávám jen orgasmické "aaaach..."
    ZERO --- ---

    25. 7. v Praze vystoupí originální americký hudebník Zack Kouns spolu s kanadským kolegou Rory Hincheym a pražským příležitostným projektem The Ruin of Ruins. V klubu Bunkr Parukářka předvedou tři různé průniky folku, psychedelie a noisu. Koncert pořádá KLaNGundKRaCH ve spolupráci s Minority Records.

    Zack Kouns (US) je hudebník široce rozkročený mezi psychedelicky zabarveným písničkářstvím a volnou experimentální tvorbou. Používá různé nástroje (saxofon, kytara, klávesy, bicí, housle, elektronika) a je schopný je ovládat klasickým i velmi neortodoxním způsobem. Z jeho rozmanitých nahrávek je patrné, že je se stejnou naléhavostí schopen a ochoten uplatnit jak své popové (bluesové, countryové, folkové…) cítění, tak i experimentátorskou zálibu v desktrukci a spojování nespojitelného. Do Prahy přiveze aktuální 12“ album s názvem Michael Jackson: „I Just Can't Start Loving You.“ , které napsal pro/za „krále popu“ a pojal ho tak, aby se v něm reflektovala Jacksonova bizarní a esoterická osobnost. Výsledkem je neobvyklý mix chytlavého popu a šílenství. Jacksonovo úmrtí pouhé čtyři dny po vydání alba dodává Kounsovu počinu nový, nečekaný rozměr. Od koncertu se na rozdíl od konceptuálních a značně propracovaných studiových alb dá očekávat hlavně intenzita a bezprostřednost výrazu.

    Společnost Zacku Kounsovi budou dělat šéf vydavatelství Ownness a rozhlasový DJ Rory Hinchey (CA), který se na nahrávkách i koncertech prezentuje minimalistickou hrou na klávesy, jejíž plynulost občas naruší pronikavé elektronické ruchy, a příležitostný projekt The Ruin of Ruins, který vznikl spojením písničkáře, (ne)vystupujícího pod jménem Rouilleux, a improvizačního tělesa RUiNU – výsledkem jsou doom-popové písně sestavené ze zaprášených hudebních ruin, ruchů a vzdáleného zpěvu.

    Začátek ve 20:00, vstupné 120,-.

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