z jedné konverzace ITiku:
prvni: apt-cache search "beamer*"
kdissert - mindmapping tool
latex-beamer - LaTeX class to produce presentations
texlive-doc-pt - TeX Live: Portuguese documentation
texlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX supplementary packages
texlive-publishers - TeX Live: Support for publishers, theses, standards, conferences, etc.
wiki2beamer - Tool to create LaTeX beamer presentations in wiki syntax
prvni@ntb:~$ sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
texlive-latex-extra is already the newest version.
texlive-latex-extra set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
druhy: prvni,
http://latex.simon04.net/ http://deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_theme.html
treti: prvni, to nejde jen tak sou z latexu
prvni: druhy: ja koukal na toto ..
prvni: to je ocividne neco trochu jineho ..
treti: a ja na
http://www.latexfashion.cz/ to je take ocividne neco jineho