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    ztracené heslo?
    BIDLOHP&PoHB (6) - spoilery
    JANOS --- ---
    Victoire je zrejme dcera Fleur a Billa, a kedze je Teddymu 19, ju by som tipoval asi fakt na 18 ci 17, a teda v 7 alebo 6 rocniku.

    Pottrovi spratci maju 9,11, a james ma neznamo kolko rokov, ale viac ako 11.
    Weasleyovi maju 11 a menej ako 11.
    KORINKA --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: tak i hope they remember...boli v mortal peril, ktovie, co si tak vystresovany clovek zapamata;)
    dufam ze mu potom zavesili ten obraz do pracovne riaditela potom.
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    KORINKA: dyt to rek voldemortovi pred plnejma ochozama, ze snape byl dumblydoruv a ne jeho a ze vsechno bylo pripraveny a domluveny
    KORINKA --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: hihi uz vidim o 9 rokov hafo ludi obliehat v septembri king's cross...
    KORINKA --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: no ja som tusila ze dumbledore dlho nevydrzi...to s tou rukou a tym elixirom volajakym...no, keby padol niekto z hlavnej trojice, bolo by to drsne, ale ti by aspon padli hrdinskou smrtou pocitam, a chudak snape...tam ho zakusol volajaky serpent uplne mimo...ktovie, ci sa okrem harryho, hermi a rona niekto potom dozvedel, ze snape bol dobry. harry nevyzeral, ze by to nejak extra rozoberal, ked to este aj synovi sepkal;)
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    jinak co mi prislo zajimavy je casovej ramec , kterej najednou pribyl ... rodice umreli v 81 , takze dej sedmicky se odehrava v roce 97 .. akorat pak je divny ze 19 years after vychazi na 2016
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    KORINKA: krutarna by to byla kdyby umrel nekdo z hlavni trojice ... navic vetsina tech dulezitejsich smrti prisla az uplne nakonec a moc se to tam uz neresi , takze me prijde ze cela kniha je mnohem min drsna nez ctyrka a smrt cedricka nebo sestka s dumblydorem
    KORINKA --- ---
    BIDLO: no ono to nebude zas tak jednoduche najst...ale vies ako to byva v tych hororovych filmoch...nikede sa objavi vajocko netvora a zacne praskat...a roluju zaverecn titulky...
    BIDLO --- ---
    Dalsi na co jsem zvedavej, jestli si Harry a Rowlingsova mysli, ze kdyz druhy Hallows jen tak zahodi v lese, ze se nekdy nekde za par let ci stoleti zase neobjevi. Vsechny tri jsou ocividne velmi fortelni (plast se neosoupava na rozdil od obycejnejch, hulka se taky nelame, takze i ten kamen bude festovni kousek).
    KORINKA --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: sokova terapia. aby si clovek zvykol podla mna hned na zaciatku, ze to bude krutarna
    KORINKA --- ---
    BIDLO: no u mna vyhral.

    o ich fanfiction nic hovorit nemusis, ja mam henten druh dobre nacitany;)
    slash je slash. a uz je 11.;)
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    jinak co se tyce smrti tak vsechny beru, ale Hedwig nechapu .. k cemu to tam je, jakej to ma smysl
    BIDLO --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: Ja to chapal tak, ze Victoire je o par let mladsi, jeste chodi do skoly (asi uz do sedmicky), takze ji jen prisel vyprovodit.
    KORINKA --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: to nebolo v exprese, nie? on bol volade za rohom ci kde...toz ich bol pozdravit...mozno je ta jeho victoire este underage a chodi do skoly...who knows;)
    BIDLO --- ---
    KORINKA: No priznejme si po pravde, ze Snape se celou serii pretahoval s Harrym o to, kdo bude mit vice priznivcu. Otazku je kdo vyhral. A jeho fanousci budou z maleho prostoru v 7 urcite zklamani.
    Akorat kamoskam nevysla predpoved SW endingu, v ktery po 6. dile stale doufaly "Harry jsem tvuj otec" :) [o ostatnich typech jejich fanfikce, jaky je vlastne vztah mezi Snapem a Harrym neradno hovorit pred 22h]
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    ja mam teda jeden zasadni dotaz ... co dela Ted Lupin v 19ti letech v expresu nach Hogwarts
    KORINKA --- ---
    JANOS: to ale asi budu mat aj umbridgku...alebo ta bola odvolana, tak tu mozno nie...
    KORINKA --- ---
    sorry ze to tu tak osnejpovavam, ale po 5 rokoch worshippingu snejpa a adminovani klubu jeho privrzencov...well...you see it.

    a to som si tyzden pred vyjdenim knihy nechala urobit bronzovo-rysavy melir...(to s lily nesuviselo, prisaham;))
    KORINKA --- ---
    mugglenet forum: ukazka toho, co ludia napisali o Snapovi:

    -I felt horrible for hating Snape. I always knew Dumbledore had a true reason for believing him, but I hated him as much as he was mean to Harry. So when he died I cried.
    -glad snape turned out to be good though. i was really pulling for him.
    -R.I.P. Severus Snape.
    -i am seriously upset by all the deaths. i knew that snape had to die, there was no way he could just fall back into society if he survived the war.
    -I'm mostly disappointed because everything turned out the way I expected. I've been a big Snape loves Lily as motivation shipper from the first time she mentioned that Snape was in school with James and Lily.
    -I KNEW SNAPE was NOT EVIL!!!!!!
    -Snape was such a terrific, complex character, and his end didn't disappoint.
    -Did anyone else feel that some characters were uncharacteristic? for one --Snape and Lily , I always pictured Snape as a socially isolated genius kid,who probably never even talked to a girl (n mind u,I liked him) but now we know he did all that he did for LILY...that's a little hard to digest for me!!
    -Snape is good, evil and working for his own purposes all at once.

    -The epilogue gave Harry a family, and returned to the beginning, with the next generation leaving for Hogwarts, like saying that life goes on. It also reminded us of Snape's sacrifice, with Harry naming his son Severus and saying that he was the bravest man he ever knew, because it was a big sacrifice to kill Dumbedore and make everyone hate him, although he was on their side, and not even dying a hero's death in the end.

    -oh ive changed my mind. i like snape now. weee ^_^
    -snapes death! omg soooooo tragic! i never liked snape and two dats ago when talking to my friends i said"snapes evil i hate him i hope she kills him off" but i didnt cry for any character as much as i cried for him 8- ron n hermiones kiss OH WAIT I GET IT! during occulmency classes when harry saw that memory where snape calls lily mudblood the reasons snape refuses to do the classes is because that is that is when lily got angry and they stopped being friends. the memory he was ashamed off, and that was always there to haunt him! wow im slow!

    -I read the book in one sitting. One word. Amazing, it was just so so so amazing I can't describe. The part that effected me the most was Snape's death. I always knew he loved Lily, the way he died was so tradgic, he was so brave. If it weren't for Snape, I doubt Harry would have succeed as successfully as he did. It shows HOW much Snape must have loved Lily and how remorseful he was, (I mean this is Snape we're talking about!) to go to the end of the earth and risk his life constantly for HER son,( he was conning Voldemort all this time!) not James. I thought that was beautiful, how he grasped Harry and said Look...At...Me... before he died to see Lily one last time, his love, the only person who had ever loved and cared for him as their friend. I was horribley sadden by Dobby, Remus, Tonks, and Fred's deaths, I love them all, though I have to say, Snape's aspect of the story effected and moved me the most. I can't believe it's over, there's something hollow in my chest, it doesn't seem really. I grew up with Harry, I feel like my journey through adolescense and childhood is over as well. I didn't cry while reading the book (I read it in one sitting! read it in 9 hours) but tonight I started bawling, the impact of the finality of everything finally hit me. Harry made it. Thank you so much Jo, more than you can imagine for giving me something to escape to and dream about. I loved every minute of it.
    BIDLO --- ---
    Kdo asi bude novej rida? McGonagallka?
    Jinak u Snapika je skoda, ze tam krome souboje, smrti a vzpominek na Lily nic nema. Proste sedmicka se toci jen kolem Harryho questu na Golgotu.
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