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    ztracené heslo?
    KILLINEY --- ---

    I've got a funny feeling there's something wrong today
    I've got a funny feeling and it won't go away

    I've got an itchy finger and there'll be hell to pay
    I'm gonna pull the trigger and blow them all away

    Don't ever try to tell me how much you care for me
    Don't ever try to tell me how you were there for me

    I don't believe there's a reason (I hope you see this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I don't regret this)

    I've got a wicked demon inside that never fades
    I've got an empty feeling I won't be home today

    Don't ever try to tell me how much you care for me
    Don't ever try to tell me how you were there for me

    I don't believe there's a reason (I hope you see this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I don't regret this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I hope you see this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I don't regret this)

    I want you to stop and help out with doing what you want to do
    No one is guilty here now, there's nothing new now

    I don't believe there's a reason (I hope you see this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I don't regret this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I hope you see this)
    I don't believe there's a reason (I don't regret this)
    KILLINEY --- ---
    Chinese Democracy
    New Song #1
    New Song #2
    New Song #3
    The Blues
    There Was A Time


    všechno nejnovější verze
    that nine purported "mastered, finished" tracks from GUNS N' ROSES' 14-years-in-the-making album "Chinese Democracy" were leaked online yesterday (June 18) by the web site Antiquiet.com, prompting a quick cease-and-desist from the band's handlers and the removal of the links.

    Six of the songs have already leaked in one unfinished form or another: "Better", "The Blues", the title track, "Madagascar", "IRS" and "There Was a Time". The three previously unheard songs are "Rhiad and the Bedouins", "If the World" and a track whose title is unknown.

    "Chinese Democracy" has reportedly been in the works since 1995, with singer Axl Rose the only original member still in the band. According to a report published three years ago by the New York Times, Rose had allegedly burned through $13 million in the studio by that point.
    KILLINEY --- ---
    leak 2
    It seemed like forever and a day,
    If my intentions are misunderstood,
    please be kind, I've done all I should.
    I won't ask of you what I would not do.
    Ooooh I saw the damage in you,
    my fortunate one, the ending of you.

    Why would they tell me to please… in my face…
    When all of the reasons they don’t ask all over themselves to give way [?]

    It's not a question of whether my heart is true.
    Seemed like I had to pull through.
    Look for a new beginning, on you.
    Ooooh I, I got a message for you oooo
    Open away it’s when I've got you through [?]
    Give what you have, what you might loose.

    What would you say if I told you that I'm to blame?
    And what would you do if I had to deny your name?
    Where would you go if I told you I loved you, and then walked away.
    Oooh ya.
    Who should I tell if not for the ones that you could not say.
    Oooh now.

    I told you where'd I'd find you,
    If no one doubts you, you should be careful with other’s [something]
    Now they surround you,
    All that it amounts to is love that you [something] for fortune and fame.


    If my affects are misunderstood,
    and you decide I’m up to no good,
    don’t ask me to enjoy them just for you.

    Ask yourself: what I would do to bring you down, myself
    To live with fortune and shame.
    Oooh ya.
    You should have turned to the hearts of the ones, but you would not stay [?]
    I told you where’d I’d find you,
    all it amounts to is love that you [something] for fortune and fame.

    [guitar, effects…outro.]
    GABRI --- ---
    KILLINEY: Z toho starýho shopu jsem si kdysi objednal triko z turné 2002, starý trička se mi nelíběj. Teď podražili, ale furt to je o dost levnější než v jiných shopech, o merchandisingu VR nemluvě.
    KILLINEY --- ---
    zkoušel už někdo objednávat z e-shopu co je na gunsnroses.com ?
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    KILLINEY: v Corku, Irsko.. :-) .. stálo 19 eur a měli ještě asi 4 motivy.. velká lebka atd..
    KILLINEY --- ---
    kde to prodávaj ?
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    jsem si dneska udělal radost...

    GABRI --- ---
    KINGFISHER: Žádná reality show nebude, to už bylo popřeno. Tomuhle jsme přece nikdy nemohli věřit, že by do toho Axl šel.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    trochu nechápu, proč je v názvu tohohle auditka CHINESE DEMOCRACY .. nejlepší léta jsou už dávno pryč a stejně to album nebude nikdy lepší než co kdy gnr vydali.. budoucnost je k ničemu, minulost je nejlepší..
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    reality show? no tak to teda hodně velkej lol..

    .. trapný, trapný a ještě jednou trapný. ta deska mě vůbec nezajímá..
    GABRI --- ---
    Kytarista GN'R Robin Finck odešel k Nine Inch Nails?

    A pic of guitarist Robin Finck appeared on Nine Inch Nails' official site with the caption "Welcome Back," leaving the impression he has rejoined NIN for their upcoming tour. If this is the case, this wouldn't be the first time Finck had returned to NIN since joining GNR. Finck rejoined his former bandmate Trent Reznor in 1999 for the band's "Fragility" tour - but then returned to GNR afterwards. Reznor tried to lure Finck back again when the band's "With Teeth" album was released in 2005, but Finck turned him down at the time.

    Komentář Axlova blízkého přítele a spolupracovníka Dela Jamese:

    Only Robin knows what the hell he's doing.
    WUXIA --- ---
    Dovolil bych si upřesnit - autor je tupé, odporné, deprivované hovado. Ale co chcete, dyť je to tam na tom streamu jeden vedle druhýho samej debil nebo blbeček.
    GABRI --- ---
    Je to neuvěřitelná snůška blbostí. Axl odsouzen k zapomnění? Cože? Izzy vyhozen z kapely? Cože?? A Axl to komentoval tak, že moc chlastal a fetoval? Cože??? V listopadu vydali singl Madagascar? Cože???? Tam není správně snad ani jediná věta. Ten autor je tupé, tupé hovado.
    WUXIA --- ---
    Blábol je to děsivej, opomíjej tam třeba úplně album Spaghetti Incident, Dizzyho Reeda považujou za člena původní sestavy a podobně. Nesmysl na nesmysl.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    KILLINEY: proč? třeba s tim izzym mi to přijde docela na místě..
    KILLINEY --- ---
    KINGFISHER: no to je blábol
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