Tak to by mne zajímalo, co na to říká Janda z CEPu, agresivní chytráček z peak oil debunker a jiní rozumbradové. A zejména kolega E2E4.
"Ten years ago in May 2002 Colin Campbell and I organised the world’s first conference on Peak Oil in Uppsala. ASPO, The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas was also formed at that time. In a press release we displayed a graph of estimated future oil production. It showed a plateau of maximal production for 2009, 2010 and 2011 at 85 Mb/d. Our analysis was published in a scientific journal in 2003 and was generally regarded as far too pessimistic. Some regarded it as sheer fantasy. We can now state that we were, in fact, too optimistic."
Energy policies will lead to diesel fuel rationing in Europe « Aleklett’s Energy Mix