Dieter Janecek (čtěte prosím od spodu)
+ Oil Reserves (BP Review): Asia Pacific 38,7 North America 49,9 Africa 77,4 Europe & Eurasia 97,5 S & Central America 98,6 Middle
+ M. Klare: oil & gas companies won't let their game end, they drive political actions. Oil companies will try to steal US
+"Peak Oil and Beyond". Jörn Richert, Bundeswehr Transformation Centre. Background: Bundeswehr study (German) #aspo2012
+ Smith-Stegan: Al Qaeda is actually not very likely to attack (renewable decentral) energy infrastructure. For example Desertec :)
+ Greater reliance on large scale solar RE plants could generate new dependencies and relationships. New suppliers and "transit"
+ Critical materials: Chile has majority of recoverable lithium. Bolivia half of global lithium reserves. China 90% of rare earths
+ Prof. Karen Smith-Stegen (Bremen): Can Renewables Enhance Energy Security? Yes. There's potential to substitute oil and gas.
+ Werner Zittel: Discussion on shale gas reminds me on the discussion on peak oil 10-12 years ago
+ Germany gas reserves: Tight Gas (Erdgas) Niedersachsen. Shale Gas, Coal Gas NRW. Population density: USA 30.000 qm. Germany 4.000
+ Werner Zittel (#ASPO Germany): European gas reserves and production are in decline. Import dependence and gas supply cost will
+ Berman (Texas): We will see the end of the natural gas over supply in the US within the next year or two. #aspo @TheOilDrum
+ Via Skype Arthur E- Berman, Petroleum Geologist @TheOilDrum "US Shale Gas won't meet supply expectations except at much higher
+ Michael T. Klare: USA vs China im globalen Wettstreit um Sicherung fossiler Ressourcen. Konflikte insbesondere im Südchinesischen
+ Carter Doctrine: Attempt by any outside force gain control of Persian Gulf region will be regarded as assault on vital interests
+ Michael T. Klare, Hampshire, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies "The Geopolitics of Oil and Gas". Bios
+ Capitalism founded on increasing supplies of cheap fossil fuels + free license to pollute. End of both is death knell for capitalism
+ Dr. Euan Maerns @TheOilDrum talking about "Unconventional Oil and Gas, a Game Changer?"
+ Kjell Aleklett: World divided into countries that are importing or exporting oil. Meadows: More and more oil be taken off the market
+ Question (audience): Doubled energy efficiency would enable fossile industries to increase business (higher prices, more affordable)?
+ Audience: Climate Change experts (IPCC) should link with #ASPO peak oil experts. Together stronger movement. climate vs. ressources?
+ Dennis Meadows: We've got enough data: Oil's going to decline. But: What will be consequences for transport sector, for politics?
+ Dennis Meadows: "chaotic disruptions to be expected for global economy" #ASPO good in analysis but not in telling people what to do
+ Conventional reserves gas + oil cumulative emissions (up to 1500 Gt CO2) twice as high as necessary for 2 degree stabilization target
+ Jeremy Gilbert BP's ex chief engineer: we've got the #peakoil message through BUT still lack data, industry, action
+ Kjell Aleklett: "The laws of physics are stronger then the law of economy." Today oil deep drilling up to 8.600m (Mount Everest)
+ Kjell Aleklett, ASPO President is speaking. The Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas was formed in May 2002 Uppsala, Sweden
+ Maria Vassilakou: "The energy issue is the most crucial issue on the planet. Vienna wants to increase share of renewables by 2020"