There seems to be the Red Queen on her way, olala.
The Oil Drum | Is Shale Oil Production from Bakken Headed for a Run with “The Red Queen”?
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently published (recently as in a few days ago) the report: “Variability of Distributions of Well-Scale Estimated Ultimate Recovery for Continuous (Unconventional) Oil and Gas Resources in the United States”. USGS has revised their estimates for many U.S. shale plays (oil and natural gas) and their recent estimates ought to have a sobering effect.
For production (extraction) of shale oil in the Eagle Ford formation in Texas the study:”Eagle Ford Shale - An Early Look at Ultimate Recovery” (SPE 158207; SPE, Society for Petroleum Engineers) documented a trend of declining well productivity.
ROCKMAN is an experienced geologist and as close you get to an inexorable fountainhead for oil and gas field experiences on The Oil Drum.
ROCKMAN applied the same methodology as I did for Bakken on data from Texas Rail Road Commission (TRCC) for shale/tight oil in Eagle Ford and documented the same trend.
Does it appear as if shale oil production from Bakken is headed for a run with “the Red Queen”?