ASPO-USA Webinar Series
An In-Depth Look at Critical Energy Issues
Thursday, October 25, 2:00 - 3:30 pm Eastern
Transportation in an Oil-Constrained World
Charles Schlumberger - Lead Air Transport Specialist, World Bank; Noted Commentator on Transportation and Energy Issues.
Richard Gilbert - Co-Author, Transport Revolutions: Moving People and Freight Without Oil; Independent Consultant on Urban Transportation and Energy Issues.
Transportation accounts for roughly 60 percent of world oil consumption--approximately 70 percent in the United States. How will the transportation sector respond to a world of increasingly constrained oil supply and rising global demand? How can America and other countries move toward oil-free passenger and freight transport systems and what would such systems look like?
To address these and other critical questions about the future of transportation in an oil constrained world, please join us for this webinar with two leading authorities on the issue.
Register now: via ReadyTalk