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    ztracené heslo?
    MESKPeak Oil - zlom ropy
    XCHAOS --- ---
    o hliníkových bateriích jsem mluvil už před několika lety... aneb budoucnost patří aluminiu:
    Will Future Tesla Cars Use Metal-Air Batteries? - Slashdot
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Ropný zlom sa odkladá? Nie tak rýchlo! Blog - Alexander Ač (blog.sme.sk)
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Resource Insights: Aging giant oil fields, not new discoveries are the key to future oil supply
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Some vested interest group played a dirty hand in getting me, Mark Anthony, completely banned on Seeking Alpha. My previous articles are still there. But I bet they will ultimately remove all traces of them eventually...

    My study shows that Bakken well declines MUCH FASTER than even Arthur Berman claimed. For example I summed up production from 3062 Bakken wells that has been continuously producing in all the months from May to Nov 2012, including 128 wells that only started in May 2012. That's the entirety of all wells I can find that has been producing continuously, but excluding a few that produced for a while and then shut down.

    In May 2012, those existing wells produced at average of 506869 Barrels per day (BOE), with gas and oil production lumped together as Barrel of Oil Equivalence (BOE).

    In Nov 2012, only six months later, these same 3062 wells produced at 353040 BOE/day. That's a drop of -30.35% in merely six months. That's averaging at -0.2% drop per day, or -5.9% drop per month, or -51.5% drop per year.

    The Oil Drum | Drumbeat: April 10, 2013
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The Secret of the Seven Sisters - Special series - Al Jazeera English
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Resource Insights: Will the final blow for America’s shale gas ‘revolution’ be high prices?
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Jeden z posledních článků V. Smila. Za celý článek nezmínil cenu ropy...s ní to už až tak růžově nevypadá.

    When the final figures for the fourth quarter of 2012 are in, the world will have a new crude oil production record: the total for the first three quarters was about 1 percent ahead of the 2011 total. This is a remarkable achievement for a commodity with annual output that now surpasses, for the first time ever, 4 billion metric tons and which has been, for decades, the largest source of fossil energy and the most valuable item of international commerce

    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Russia, the second largest natural gas producer closely behind the U.S., faces a
    struggle between declining production from ageing fields and new expensive and time
    consuming developments in Northern Siberia and offshore. Russian gas production
    reached a first peak in 1989 when the largest fields passed peak production. Gazprom
    production never reached that level again. Ageing fields force Russia to speed up the
    development of new fields. The developments of Shtokmanskoye in the Barents Sea
    and of other fields in Yamal are delayed. If the gas fields in the Yamal Peninsula
    would be developed in time, they would have produced 310-360 bcm in 2030
    according to Gazprom. But even this will not be sufficient to compensate for the
    decline of ageing current fields. Domestic consumption in Russia and growing demand
    from Asia will put increasing pressure on volumes available for export from Eurasia to
    Europe in the coming years.

    Celý report -
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Rusko dalo přednost Číně. Evropa může mít do deseti let vážný problém
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The world’s “supermajor” independent oil companies — BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, and Total — project a rosy future, assuring us that oil will be abundant for decades to come. But in fact they’re spending record amounts to keep oil flowing, while their production is actually falling.

    The BP Energy Outlook 2030, released in January 2013, confidently asserts that oil production will keep pace with demand. Through 2030, it projects, “More than half of the growth will come from non-OPEC sources, with rising production from U.S. tight oil, Canadian oil sands, Brazilian deepwater and biofuels more than offsetting mature declines elsewhere.” Indeed, BP says, the “once-accepted wisdom has been turned on its head. Fears over oil running out –- to which BP has never subscribed –- appear increasingly groundless.”

    Peak oil was never about “running out.” That’s a strawman argument. The word “peak” in peak oil simply refers to the maximum production rate of oil, as I have explained ad nauseam. While oil producers constantly trumpet new discoveries and rising reserves, they tend to avoid talking about production rates.

    But reserves are meaningless if they don’t amount to an increasing rate of production. If you had a billion dollars to your name, but could only withdraw $1,000 a year, would you be worried about running out of money or paying your bills?


    Oil majors are whistling past the graveyard | SmartPlanet
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Japonští experti jako první na světě vytěžili plyn z metan hydrátů. Sloučeniny připomínající led je na Zemi až desetkrát více než fosilních paliv a Japonsko by mohla ochránit před nedostatkem energie. Experimentální těžba se odehrála pod mořským dnem nedaleko japonského pobřeží.
    Zdroj: http://ekonomika.idnes.cz/plyn-z-metan-hydratu-0rf-/eko-zahranicni.aspx?c=A130312_153644_eko-zahranicni_neh
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Buffettova železnice koketuje s plynem. Blíží se konec dieselových lokomotiv? | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Forget "peakists" vs. "cornucopians." It's really Energy Literacy (http://bit.ly/YtQCTO ) vs. Wishful Thinking (#CERAWeek). @postcarbon
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Stomach-twisting fuel storage for gas-powered cars - tech - 07 March 2013 - New Scientist
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Nórsko počíta s poklesom ťažby ropy | finweb.hnonline.sk - TASR
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