VSOUKOLOHLOR: naprosto výborný text z toho druida je tenhle:
The Archdruid Report: The Politics of Time's Shape
... nejspíš odměna pro mě za pokus oslavit včerejší Buddhovy narozeniny (první jarní úplněk) uspořádáním psytrance party poháněné solární energií (bohužel bylo pod mrakem, ale stejně jsme trochu dobíjeli)
je to crosspost asi do pěti fór, ale ten text je tak dobrý, že to možná přeložím do češtiny:
This is one of the core reasons, I’ve come to believe, that peak oil has been the red-haired stepchild of the environmental movement since the contemporary peak oil scene began to emerge in the late 1990s. There have been any number of attempts to force it into a Joachimist patterm—think of all the attempts to claim that we can overcome the challenge of peak oil through some great collective leap to a better world—or an Augustinian one—think of all the attempts to extract a satisfyingly sudden cataclysm from the long slow downward arc of fossil fuel depletion—but the great collective leaps have proven embarrassingly out of reach, and the sudden cataclysms contrast awkwardly with the reality of rising energy costs, disintegrating infrastructure, and economic dysfunction that peak oil is helping to bring about right now. If peak oil and the wider impact of the limits to growth define the future we actually face, both the winners and the losers are out of luck.