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    ztracené heslo?
    TSOHfree community ☮ & traveller places
    CLOWN --- ---
    nejaka inspirace pro lidi co nejsou spokojeny s se systemem v kterym se narodily....
    a maj chut to nejak zmenit a alespon neco udelat pro sebe jako jedince...... Letos jsem se zucastnil jiz ctyr protestu na ulicich, nekolikrat jsem sqotoval cizi pozemky a to jen kvuli tomu ze jsme letos byli vyhozeni z privatniho pozemku kterej sme mneli pronajatej od majitele, a jelikoz se to nikomu nelibylo a nevedeli (zastupitelstvu, policajtum a lidem z okoli co nam nejspis zavideli nas pohodovy zivot), majitel pozemku kvuli nam dostal pokutu 10 000 liber a nam nezbylo nic jineho nez se znovu dat na cestu ilegalni. Coz v zimne neni zadna sranda, hlavne kdyz vetsina z nas radne pracuje jako kazdej jinej. A deti chodej do skoli a podbne.
    Cele leto travime na cestach po festivalech cele evropi a anglie, je to naz zivotni styl a nechce se nam na tom nic mnenit, vetsina z nas tak zije uz desetileti neli generace. Jsme cistotni, platime dane, platime vse kolem, pracujem jako normalni lidi. Ale protoze zijem odlysne a neodpovidame standardum zivota bile rasy tak nas zatoodsuzuji. Jen kvuli tomu ze utratime za elektriku a vodu jen tretinu nez jaky koliv obcan. Proto ze vetsina nasich deti dostava alternativni vzdelani. A to ze nezapadame do skurvenyho systemu.
    BERUNA --- ---
    no zacinat prispevek slovy> sem uplnej kreten, nejni uplne povzbudivy
    CLOWN --- ---
    Pokracovani z jineho auditka at nejse off on top....
    asi sem uplnej kreten ze jsem se jeste neprestehoval do baraku, ale zatim nemam to nutkani a dokud si ten svuj barak na tom svym pozemku nepostavim tak abych nemusel bejt pripojenej na elktryku, vodu a ptat se nekoho ze zhora jestli to tak muze bejt, jestli muzu mit svuj hajz pripojenej na vodovod a kazdy svy hovno splachnout nekolika litrama vody jen tak, protoze to tak prece ma bejt.......

    I had never seen a Wasichu (white man) then, and did not know what one look liked like; but everyone was sayng that the Waishus were coming and that they were going to take our country and ryb us all out and that we should all have to die fighting. .
    Once we were happy in our own country and we were seldom hungry, for then the two-leggeds and the four leggeds lived to gether like relatives , and ther was planty for them and for us. But the Wasichus came, and they have made littel islands for us and other littel island for the four legeds , and always thes islands are becoming smoller for around them surges the gnawing flood of the Wasichu; and it is dirty with lies and greed.
    I was ten years old that winter, and that was the first time I ever saw a Wasichu. At first I thought they all looked sick, and i was afraid they migh just begin to fight us any time, but I got used to them.
    I can remmeber when the bison were so many that they could not be counted, but more and more Wasichus came to kill them until there were only heaps of bones scattered where they used to be. The Wasitchu did not kill them to eat; they killed to them for the metal that make them that crazy, and they took only the hides to sell. Sometimes they did not even take the hibes, only tongues; and I have heard that firebouts come down the river Missoury loaded with dried bisoun tongues;you can see that man who do this was craezy. Sometimes they did not even take the tongues, they just killed and killed because they liked to do that. When we hunted bison, we killed whot we needed.

    Black Elk Speaks from Touch the Earth

    "We did not think of the great open plains, the beautiful rolling hills and the winding strams with tangled growth, as 'wild. Only to the white man was nature a 'wilderness' and only to him was the land 'infested' with 'wild' animals and 'savage' people. To us it was tame. Earth was boutiful and we were surrounded with the blessings of the Great Mystery. Not until the hairy man from the east came and with brutal frenzy heaped injustices upon us and the families we loved was it 'wild' for us, it was that for us the 'Wild West' began."
    CLOWN --- ---
    YouTube - LOPPSI 2: la fin des squats (Marseille)
    CLOWN --- ---
    YouTube - syntax et dj godzy - gens du voyage (2003)

    IKEZZ23 --- ---
    KROJC --- ---
    Do řecka z frankfurtu.No nevim.
    TONAS --- ---
    no hlavne jestli i vubec odletis z toho frankfurtu :)
    ACIDIKTATEK --- ---
    KOVOUN: Poplatek za změnu jména 100E??? To je možná i víc než stojej ty letenky.
    KOVOUN --- ---
    čau,můj kmoš má letenky navíc na Kos(řecký ostrov), má tři místa jelikož se mu na to pár lidí vykašlalo... Termín je 27.12 až 3.1 , letí se z Frankfurtu - tam autem...poplatek za změnu jména letenky je 100E. Když naplníme auto,tak benzín vyjde tak na 800 Kč...
    V případě zájmu o bližší imfo volejte/pište na 603 306 184..
    SHULDAA --- ---
    tady by jste mu mohly poradit
    ¨(Na Erg Chebbi se bohuzel nepodivam, tentokrat jedem do Zagory a pak na zapad. Ale potreboval bych pomoci/poradit: Po skonceni tohoto zajezdu bych potreboval najit nejake bezpecne misto, kde bych mohl zaparkovat a cekat na dalsi skupiny. Nevis o necem? Pokud mozno nekde blizko letiste Casablanca.)prectete si komentare.
    NOMAAD --- ---
    Cau,videl sem vase Andalusky fota ze santa Fe,Je tam krasne,potesily me fotky mercedesu Marcely a Capy,sou to my stary kamosi,neco sme se spolecne nacestovali:))Maj dvojce myho Mergla,tak se mi libil ze sem ho koupil taky....Vypada ze vam to jezdi,takze to nakonec nebyla zla koupe.?Ma 308 taky v pohode,razime na celou zimu na hory...
    TSOH --- ---
    TLOUDEV: nemáš to na tom pěknym kopci u Roztok ?
    SGNLR --- ---
    mate nekdo zkusenosti s cestovanim v kalifornii-stredni-potazmo jizni americe? mame s kamosem takovy prvotni planovaci zachvaty ohledne pripadny cesty z Kalifornie do jizniho ameeru.v Kali koupit obytnaka(tipuju ze papirovani bude pruda, ale mame tam nekjaky znamy na ktery by treba slo pripadne napsat apod) a dojet kam to pude.cesta cca na 1 rok, vyrazet bychom chteli na podzim 2012
    TLOUDEV --- ---
    tady bydlim ja :-)

    CLOWN --- ---
    next december 14th will be vote in french assembly the loppsi law :

    living in a truck, yurt or caravan will become illegal !!!
    an oficial letter will be issued to each municipality and the prefecture binding for non-reporting to a fixed fine ...of 3700 euros !!!!

    our own home could be destroyed in a delay of 48 hours.

    please inform your people !!!

    Další 14.prosince se bude hlasovat ve francouzské sestavy loppsi zákona:

    žijící v kamionu, jurtu nebo karavan stane nelegální!
    oficiální dopis bude vydáno pro každou obec a prefektury závazné pro non-hlášení na pevnou pokutu ... o 3700 eur!!

    vlastní domov by mohly být zničeny při zpoždění 48 hodin.

    informujte své lidi!

    ZUBR --- ---
    SONIC666 --- ---
    KCE: nadhera!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam