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    ztracené heslo?
    DAKRLSFotografie extrémních sportů
    MRAVENECEK --- ---
    MRAVENECEK: kdyz na to ted koukam, tak bych priste fotila "trochu vys", abych tam nemela tolik ty placaty peny vepredu....
    MRAVENECEK --- ---
    tohle je muj prvni pokus surfovych fotek s novym fotakem, tak mi poradte jak to zdokonalit :) Dik
    CHOCHYKA --- ---
    Markus Eder dub cork 1260 mute
    CHOCHYKA --- ---
    neni zrovna moc extremni....budiz

    DVS --- ---
    DAKRLS: Dej echo az s něčím vyjdes na světlo. ;)
    DAKRLS --- ---
    DVS: časem snad něco vyndám, ale klient bere první .)
    DVS --- ---
    DAKRLS: jiny auditko? zensky me taky zajimaji.... mas totu nekde? rad se priucim....
    Ja letos nic nefotil bo jsme se snooky cekali prcka a na hory se mi samotnymu moc nechtelo, takze jsem vlastne taky fotil jen nejaky zensky :) povetsinou tehotny :)
    DAKRLS --- ---
    DVS: jenom nějaký ženský, a to asi nestojí moc za ukazování :D
    DVS --- ---
    DAKRLS: jj...to je krasny :). Nemas ty neco novyho?
    ZEWL --- ---
    presne, jo to bomba, jako by tam nekdo hodil rybu :DD Tady je krasne videt, ze barva hadru JEZDI!! :)) Proto skacu picu,.protoze mam cernou bundu
    STEWIE --- ---
    DAKRLS: Kruty... Ten typek mi trochu pripomina clownfish aneb Hleda se Nemo :D
    DAKRLS --- ---

    hezký obrázky, check it!
    Transworld Snowboarding - Wallpaper
    MRBLACK15 --- ---
    Male promo ,diky Kajo :))
    SURFSPOT | Surfcamp v portugalsku
    KROTITEL --- ---
    MATZX: Hurvajs :))
    MATZX --- ---
    samý kecy a žádný fotky kurŇa :)

    THRAWN --- ---
    DAKRLS: no aspon ze ta porota pozna kvalitni fotku :)
    KROBAS --- ---
    DAKRLS --- ---
    tojo, ale precti si komentare, tam uz o kvalitu fotky moc neslo :)

    jeden z poslednich komentaru od nekoho z vitezny partaje

    "Vid „Vid-Barić“ Barić včera v 15.55 napsal:

    i dont understand why are you that upset, rules were clear. it is more then obvious that winning photo is far away from being for real the best one here, but competition rules allowed us to make a really big hype about this photo contest in our hometown Rijeka (around 150 000 citiziens) which helped us a lot to collect votes. a lot of people were involved in hyping the votes, and believe me - it was not about one ipad, it went far away on another level, bringing people together having fun and voting and searching for another votes. I´ve contributed on a lot of this kind of contest and it was always about likes/votes and not about the quality. people are used on it and no one at the internet community with little experience in this like/vote competitions dont even expect that actually the best photo would vote with 100 random votes. I understand your wonderment with the final results, but its the organizers who need to change the voting rules for next year, otherwise it will be again kidna spam contest and as you could see we were really good in pushing the traffic on this site. Bye bye everyone and see you next year in Spindlerov Mlyn. "

    haha, uplne vidim jak behaj po hospodach a shanej hlasy :)
    KROBAS --- ---
    DAKRLS: fer, congrat...!a musim teda rict ze vitezna fotka by public vote je dost silena:)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam