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    ztracené heslo?
    SCHWEPZTerence McKenna ۞ जयरामकृष्णन्हरी۞
    rozbalit záhlaví
    XCHAOS --- ---
    E2E4: njn, vyhýbat se ženám je čirý nesmysl.. to rozhodně.
    E2E4 --- ---
    XCHAOS: V "poslednim rozhovoru" rika neco ve smyslu ze mel kolem sebe vzdy hodne zen ktere kolem nej tvorily jakousi podpurnou sit.. Navic znamy charismaticky prednasejici - typicky alternativnim vysokoskolskym studentum, cestujici od mesta k mestu... :-)

    Jinak viz http://terence.zewling.com/TerenceMcKenna%20Audio/manandwoman1.mp3
    a pak nahradit jednicku 2,3,4-kou..
    LEOZ --- ---
    Inspired by Terence McKenna, iconoclast gonzo filmmaker Mike Kawitzky probes the outer limits of consciousness in Cognition Factor. One cyberpunk's search for enlightenment in a digital age, as twenty of the top minds of our times give their opinions on the “Big Five” questions relating to the human experience. Using 3D scenarios and backed by an original score from ambient masters, Cognition Factor is one of the world’s first smart movie with a dynamic way of presenting word, picture, music and opinion to increasingly informed audiences who are bored with media prescription.
    The plot takes place in a stream of consciousness as a cyberpunk quests for enlightenment in the digital age. The viewer is transported to a narrated virtual world in search of answers to the "Big Five" questions. It's a totally human experience as Cognition Factor stitches live conversations with Terence McKenna, brother Dennis McKenna, along with Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Metzner, Alex Grey, and twenty more of the top thinkers of our times. It's a narrated gonzo documentary, showcast inside a 3D landscape backed by original compositions from top musicians, like Dr. Lx Paterson, Dom Beken and Phil Le Gonedic, of The ORB, Merv Pepler (EatStatic/Ozrik Tentacles), Colin Angus& Matt Catt (The Shamen/Pablo Sandoz), Steve Hillage (System 7), all brought together by ambient composer, performer and originator, Mike Martin (Indidginus)
    LEOZ --- ---
    Cognition Factor - Homepage
    XCHAOS --- ---
    ED: Does it bother you that you probably wont be around for 2012?

    TM: I'd always assumed I'd live to see 2012. It doesn't bother me very much. Very few prophets live to see their prophecies -- Joachim de Fiore didn't, Marx didn't. If its gonna happen, its gonna happen, it doesn't need cheerleading. Its built into the morphology of space and time.

    That's all a very funny thing about me and my career that's different from Leary, different from all of these people: this strange relationship to prophecy and the eschaton. My fans don't understand any of that stuff, and my critics don't understand much of it either. So we all just have to put up with it until it clears itself out of the way.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: já to začínám chápat, že když píše o archaickým primitivních polygamních kmenech pojídajících v pralese houbičky, tak píše o tom, jak se v roce 1971 zhoubičkoval někde na mejdanu v Jižní Americe :-) ale stejně mu fandím...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    XCHAOS: Souček psal zajímavě a čtivě, a na rozdíl od Danninkena byl o něco více soudný imho. daninken viděl v iráku flek, kde se pálí cíhly a hned viděl plameny odlítajících UFOs co to spekly :-)
    XCHAOS: některé části knihy jsem četl dvakrát a pomalu a stejně mi asi dost uniklo. některé pasáže jsou uplné výpary...ale dá se to odfiltrovat :-)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: zajímavý.. o člověku jako čyuřrozměrném hyperprostorovém objektu psal i český normalizační Dänniken Ludvík Souček...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: the Incident ?
    JHA --- ---
    ORLOCK: hehe, taky se mi tu povaluje někde po bytě... ;*)
    ORLOCK --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: ta sa mi vynima v papierovaj podobe na policke prave:)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    ORLOCK: jen v angličtině. ale jestli chceš mám celou knihu "pravdivé halucinace" v pdf v češtině. dyžtak zájemci do pošty...

    "Mesmerizující, surrealistická zpráva o bizarních dobrodružstvích, které v r. 1971 prožila v Amazonii skupina amerických studentů na své výpravě za mytickými šamanskými halucinogeny. Tento tzv. Experiment v La Chorrera se stal základem všech dalších etnobotanických a farmakologickým výzkumů bratří McKennů."

    ORLOCK --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: celu tu knihu nahodou k dispozicii nemas?
    DETAIL --- ---
    Něco česky není prosím? :)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    "I always thought death would come on the freeway in a few horrifying moments, so you'd have no time to sort it out. Having months and months to look at it and think about it and talk to people and hear what they have to say, its a kind of blessing. Its certainly an opportunity to grow up and get a grip and sort it all out. Just being told by an unsmiling guy in a white coat that your going to be dead in four months definitely turns on the lights. "
    SCHWEPZ --- ---


    Nothing lasts. That's one thing I think you learn from life, psychedelics, or just paying attention. Very little lasts.

    These Buddhists aren't kidding: you are here for a very brief moment, and you can sit on your thumb and do whatever you want, but in fact the clock is ticking. What are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna blow it off, or be a hedonist? What are you gonna do with that? If most people took it seriously, a hell of a lot more would be done with more attention to quality and intent. And they're always talking about this stuff -- intent.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    some of Terence's thoughts on death>

    We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter.

    We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism.

    At death, the thing that casts the shadow withdraws, and metabolism ceases. Material form breaks down; it ceases to be a dissipative structure in a very localized area, sustained against entropy by cycling material in, extracting energy, and expelling waste. But the form that ordered it is not affected. These declarative statements are made from the point of view of the shamanic tradition, which touches all higher religions. Both the psychedelic dream state and the waking psychedelic state acquire great import because they reveal to life a task: to become familiar with this dimension that is causing being, in order to be familiar with it at the moment of passing from life.

    The metaphor of a vehicle--an after-death vehicle, an astral body--is used by several traditions. Shamanism and certain yogas, including Taoist yoga, claim very clearly that the purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. One will recognize what is happening. One will know what to do and one will make a clean break. Yet there does seem to be the possibility of a problem in dying. It is not the case that one is condemned to eternal life. One can muff it through ignorance.

    Apparently at the moment of death there is a kind of separation, like birth--the metaphor is trivial, but perfect. There is a possibility of damage or of incorrect activity. The English poet-mystic William Blake said that as one starts into the spiral there is the possibility of falling from the golden track into eternal death. Yet it is only a crisis of a moment--a crisis of passage--and the whole purpose of shamanism and of life correctly lived is to strengthen the soul and to strengthen the ego's relationship to the soul so that this passage can be cleanly made. This is the traditional position...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    nějaké knihy od McKenny v pdf v angličtině, některé ještě nevyšly v češtině:

    Invisible Landscape
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    SYZYGY: hodně štěstí a zdravé vůle! ,)

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