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    ztracené heslo?
    MART1NKA --- ---
    PUPEK: Naši majú vinohrad a tvrdia, že sucho nie je kvôli tomu, že bolo chladné jaro, ale že príroda je spomalená.
    PUPEK --- ---
    JAROUSH: to je jen optická iluze, pár vysokejch šlahounů..... ale celkově hmoty je tam opravdu málo
    JAROUSH --- ---
    PUPEK: No tak zrovna teď roste tráva jak utržená ze řetězu. Myslím, že při další seči to dožene.
    PUPEK --- ---
    Nemám fotodokumentaci, ale jak se projevuje sucho u táty na farmě:
    8ha louka, na který dělá balíky senáže, vždy ke stejnému datu
    2017 - 96 balíků
    2018 - 60 balíků
    2019 - 39 balíků
    TEAPACK --- ---
    AVATAR: no, to by byla divná rejže :-D ale zejtra se tam projdu asi ještě jednou, ať mám porovnání s polem nad náma... =)
    AVATAR --- ---
    TEAPACK: spis to vypada na ryzi, clovece :)
    TEAPACK --- ---
    DRAGON: nebo třeba takhle (úplnou před nemám, ale tahle je hned někdy ze začátku..)

    tohle je spodní hrana naší louky, kde jsme začali dělat remízek - předloni jsme na podzim vypověděli pronájem agrákům (asi koncern) a začali budovat louku pro včely a sad...
    FILIPSZ --- ---
    sem spis myslel ze naprsi a uschne..
    DRAGON --- ---
    a takhle, milé děti, funguje voda.
    TEAPACK --- ---
    dnešní deštík...
    v nádrži chybí tak 3 kubíky ...

    Za dvacet minut už to vypadalo tahle...
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    Pics Before and After Being Called A Good Boy - Thedailytop.com

    N_I --- ---
    RADENA --- ---
    GIOVANNA --- ---
    snad nebylo..
    Amerika 60. let a dnes: Opuštěná místa ožívají v unikátních animacích, podívejte se | Reflex.cz
    ZANGWIL --- ---
    cat stevens / yusuf islam
    SITH --- ---
    více zde
    13 Pics Of ‘Chernobyl’ Cast Compared To Old Photos Of Their Real-Life Counterparts | Bored Panda
    SITH --- ---
    Sam Troughton As Aleksandr Akimov, Shift Supervisor Of The Night Crew

    Akimov was the shift supervisor on the night of the disaster. When he first received news that something was wrong, Akimov didn’t believe it. He even relayed false information to his superiors for several hours — a terrible mistake that he made up for later that night.

    When he finally realized the gravity of the situation, he stayed behind to do everything he could to mitigate it. Akimov was the one who declared an emergency as soon as the reactor was shut down, though by then the damage had already been done. The reactor had exploded and was exposed, leaking extremely high levels of radiation.

    Rather than evacuate, Akimov stayed behind. He had his crew turn on the emergency feedwater pumps to flood the reactor, but the power source was no longer active. Along with several of his fellow engineers, Akimov stayed in the poisonous air in the reactor building, manually pumping emergency feedwater into the reactor without any protective gear.

    Akimov died two weeks later due to ARS

    SITH --- ---
    Jared Harris As Valery Legasov, Scientist

    Valery Legasov was the deputy director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, and was part of the team responsible for investigating the accident at Chernobyl. While those above him tried to cover up the cause and extent of the disaster, Legasov tried to remain open and honest about what really happened. This took a toll on him professionally and emotionally, and the day before the results of the investigation were to be announced, Legasov took his own life.

    Eight years after his death, Legasov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Russian President Boris Yeltsin, in recognition of his courageous efforts to tell the truth about Chernobyl.

    SIEGR --- ---
    Jedno před a po na jedné fotce. Dcera a offnyx matka. Podoba čistě náhodná

    MADIETTA --- ---
    Olivia Hussey a Leonard Whiting ze Zeffirelliho Romea a Julie - po 50 letech

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