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    ztracené heslo?
    FRENNET --- ---
    DELIRIUM: Je jeho segry a obavy meli vsichni.
    SCHWAB --- ---
    ach, ono to není panenka.
    DELIRIUM --- ---
    MART1NKA: No to potěš koště. Snad to miminko není její...
    MART1NKA --- ---
    Honey Boo Boo

    TAPINA --- ---
    ZCR: Já v tom úplně vidím ztělesnění toho vtipu, jak mladý zaměstnanec s náručí plnou materiálů potká ve výtahu staršího kolegu s rukama v kapsách. "Po tolika letech praxe už to asi máte všechno v hlavě, že?"
    "V piči..."
    ZCR --- ---
    SITH: přišel o vlasy, ale zase mu roztáhli hubu
    SITH --- ---
    vstupní firemní kartička z roku 1976 vs kartička v roce 2022, retirement po 45 letech v jedné společnosti

    KRAPIKJA --- ---
    PŘED!!! Nezobrazí se náhled. Ale když vás, děvčata, chytne záchvat méněcennosti, je dobrý si shlédnout civil ;-)



    EZOUN --- ---
    JASMINOVA --- ---
    A Dubček má dnes smutné výročí, pamatuju si to, protože hrozně pršelo a já šla do první třídy a o té nehodě mluvila celá rodina.

    JASMINOVA --- ---
    Ještě Borise.

    JASMINOVA --- ---
    MIKE_HEKTIK --- ---
    TOOMIX: nechce se mi to psat, tak kopiruju z wiki. pointa je, ze konec, nize popsany jako prvni, je puvodni studiova verze, btw udajne natocena diky stedrym prispevkum americkejch krestanskejch organizaci. Ostatne ano, tenhle konec je cira krestanska propagnda, na dvd potom vysel directors cut, kterej udajne reziser chtel puvodne a je vernejsi predloze

    They transport the injured Neville back to his home, where Anna explains they survived the outbreak aboard a Red Cross evacuation ship from São Paulo, and are making their way to a survivors' camp in Bethel, Vermont. Neville argues no such survivors' camp exists. As he continues working to cure the female Darkseeker, Neville theorizes by lowering her body temperature with ice, he can increase the treatment's potency. The next night, a group of Darkseekers, who tracked Anna and Neville the night before, invade the house. Neville, Anna, and Ethan retreat into the basement laboratory sealing themselves in with the female test subject. Discovering the last treatment was successful, Neville assesses the situation as the Darkseeker alpha male rams himself against a glass door to break in. Neville draws a vial of blood from the woman he cured, and gives it to Anna, before shutting Ethan and her inside a coal chute in the back of the lab. Neville then kills both himself and the attacking Darkseekers with a grenade, saving the cure.

    The following day, Anna and Ethan arrive at the survivors' camp in Bethel, where they are greeted by military officers and other survivors before Anna hands them the cure. Anna narrates how Neville's efforts and sacrifices to save humanity ultimately became legend.
    Alternate ending

    The two-disc special edition DVD, released in 2008, contains an alternate ending which more closely follows the novel.[9]

    During the lab attack, the alpha male Darkseeker creates a butterfly shape while attempting to break through the glass to the laboratory. Neville realizes it is referencing the butterfly-shaped tattoo on the female Darkseeker's neck and the alpha male is trying to recover his mate. Neville puts his gun down and returns the female. Neville and the alpha male stare each other down and Neville apologizes after seeing the latter emotionally break down upon his mate's return. Although the alpha male initially contemplates killing Neville, he forgives his former adversary and departs with the rest of the pack. Once they are gone, a shocked Neville looks over at the many photographs of his test subjects and realizes he has become a monster in the eyes of the infected, showing remorse for the experiments he has undertaken over the years.

    The next morning, Neville abandons his research and heads along with Anna and Ethan to Vermont as a changed man, in the hope of finding the survivors' colony. They cross the George Washington Bridge, while Anna delivers a hopeful monologue ending with the statement: "You are not alone."[10][11][12][13][14]
    DIVER --- ---
    SULTHAN: jj, upíři. ale trochu jiný než do té doby byli. ta novela (1954) se označuje jako první moderní upírský román. a fakt dost ovlivnila literaturu o upírech a zombie.

    nejenže podle toho bylo natočeno pár různých filmů, ale různými způsoby to pak přepsalo a přepracovalo i pár dalších spisovatelů.

    I Am Legend (novel) - Wikipedia
    SULTHAN --- ---
    CORNELA: No, předloha. Ta předloha je teda dost odlišná. Pokud se nemýlím, tak jsou tam upíři. A už to natočené jednou v šedesátých letech (The Last Man on Earth) a jednou v sedmdesátých (The Omega Man).

    Takže k tématu klubu:

    (neviděl jsem, ale prý to nejsou vyloženě špatné filmy)
    ZCR --- ---
    DEVIL: no, děkuju za vysvětlení, akorát nevím, co jiného jsem asi mohl myslet tím "Problém takhle u pařezu může být, že je plocha listů z těch výpučků moc malá, a nebo že se to nemá jak rozvést do celé rostliny." :-D
    DEVIL --- ---
    ZCR: roundup je absorbovan skrz listy a zeleny vyhohnky. pokud drevina nema dostatek zelene na to, aby dostatecny mnozstvi roundupu se dostalo do korenu a obehoveho systemu rostliny, nic se nestane
    CORNELA --- ---
    TOOMIX: Aha, tak supr :)
    TOOMIX --- ---
    CORNELA: tenhle?

    I Am Legend (10/10) Movie CLIP - Alternate Ending (2007) HD
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