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    ztracené heslo?
    TRAGEDWarhammer 40.000 - Dark Heresy & Rogue Trader
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    BE_BE: to je opatrný odhad, spíš bych tak 4-5 přitlačil

    REDGUY: smutná pravda.
    REDGUY --- ---
    BE_BE: No, nerad bych aby to vypadalo ze nejak mavam plnou srajtofli jak Paroubek, ale na to jak dobre to vypada mi 7k prijde jako velmi prijatelna cena. Obzvlast s ohledem na to, ze muj sice hezkej, ale velmi standardni mniskej habit blahe pameti stal iirc kolem 2k a ted jsem dal za prachobycejny dziny z OP Prostejov 1.3k.
    BE_BE --- ---
    REDGUY: děláš si srandu? Tak sedm tisíc, dle mého odhadu.
    REDGUY --- ---
    BE_BE: Pokud to myslis jako na penize, tak je to doma delany a rekl bych ze zas tak extra drahy to nebylo. Spousta prace, ale cena materialu snesitelna. Ovsem pokud to myslis jako ze na to ma postavu, tak jo, to mas pravdu 8)
    BE_BE --- ---
    REDGUY: no jo, když si to může dovolit.
    REDGUY --- ---
    Nezkousel. Cekam az vyjde nova edice WHFRP ktera me laka podstatne vic (vyrazne inovativnejsi).
    BE_BE --- ---
    Bezvaaa! x)
    Už jste někdo zkoušeli hrát? Nepotkal jste někdo pravidla... zkonvertovaná do snáze transferovatelné formy (rozuměj, v PDFku, kdo by těm vydřiduchům a lupičům z Games Workshop chtěl platit, že jo...)? Nějaké postřehy a zkušenosti s hraním?
    REDGUY --- ---
    Nazev upraven.
    REDGUY --- ---
    Vzhledem k tomu jakej je tady brutalni provoz myslim neni problem aby se sem RT vesel.
    BE_BE --- ---
    Bude se zaládat vedlejší klub pro Rougue Tradera? Nebo už je? Nebo se RT vejde sem?
    ZOLTAN --- ---
    S Ogřím Doupětem na Games Day 2009

    Vážení zákazníci, máme pro Vás připravenou speciální nabídku!

    V předvečer příprav největšího festivalu stolních her od firmy Games Workshop vyhlašujeme speciální akci. Pokud si v datech 25.8. - 14.9. zakoupíte v prodejně Ogří Doupě zboží, za alespoň 1500 Kč, dostanete výherní kupón, který vyplňte a vhoďte do připravené schránky, v případě nákupu na našem elektronickém obchodě do poznámky napište "chci se zúčastnit slosování" a své telefoní číslo. 14.9. v 19:00 vylosujeme jednoho výherce, který poletí na Games Day 2009 do Birminghamu se zástupcem Ogřího Doupěte.

    Games Day 2009 se koná 27.9.2009 od 10:00 - 16:00, cesta bude jednodenní, nebo dvoudenní s nocí v hotelu poblíž letiště.

    Prosíme vás o řádné vyplnění všech kolonek na výherním kuponu, včetně telefonního čísla. Výherci se ozveme telefonicky ihned po vylosování. Zvažte prosím při vyplňování, zda vám Games Day 2009 vyhovuje časově a máte tedy možnost se tohoto největšího festivalu na světě zúčastnit.
    Hodně štěstí přeje vaše Ogří Doupě!

    V případě dotazů neváhejte kontaktovat mě na marekjanda@fantasy.cz
    TRAGED --- ---
    IRWIN: Nalezeno na Cyberspace.cz
    IRWIN --- ---
    TRAGED: Uznávám že tohle je naprosto geniální. At už jsi to vymyslel či někde vyhrabal nemá to chybu....
    BATEAU --- ---
    TRAGED: luxus, tak tohle mi opravdu spravilo naladu .. :)
    TRAGED --- ---
    "My Lord, I bring news."

    Typhus Marburg paused in his study of the situation map of the dreary little planet his forces were engaged in
    ravaging. "Yes?"

    "Lord. Starships have appeared in the outer system and are on course for a landing. They have been identified as
    elements of the Flesh Tearers."

    "Yeah? Tell them to sod off and find their own world. Tell 'em we got here first."

    "Sire, you misunderstand. They are here to defend this world!"

    "What! Why? It's a sorry state of affairs when the followers of Chaos start to defend the weakling Imperium from each

    "Um, Lord... the Flesh Tearers are a loyalist chapter."

    "They are? With a name like that! Are you sure they're not one of ours?"

    "Positive, My Lord."

    "Have you been able to call for any assistance?"

    "The Astropaths have contacted other forces nearby. Unfortunately this has also alerted other loyalist forces in the
    sector and they are also headed our way."

    "Bugger. So who gets here first then?"

    "The Alpha Legion, sire."

    "It never rains, it only pours, hey?"



    "The Alpha Legion is one of ours."

    "It is?!"


    "I'm confused. You're telling me that a mob called the 'Flesh Tearers' isn't one of ours but a mob called the - what was
    it again..."

    "The Alpha Legion, sire."

    "Right... a mob called the Alpha Legion is one of ours."

    "That is correct, sire."

    "So who else is showing up to this barney then?"

    "The Blood Drinkers."

    "One of ours?"

    "One of theirs."


    "The Iron Warriors."

    "One of theirs?"

    "No. One of ours."

    "Go figure."

    "The Dark Angels."

    "Now I've heard of them. Followers of Slaanesh aren't they?"

    "No, I think you're thinking of The Fallen, sire. The Dark Angels are Loyalists too."

    "Bugger. So who else then?"

    "The Emperor's Children."

    "Oh, that one's too easy. They're obviously loyalists with a name like that."

    "Um, not exactly my Lord."


    "Yes, Lord. They're one of ours too."

    "This is silly. All the really evil sounding names are being used by weakling loyalists while it seems as though the
    forces of chaos have got the naff monikers. Are there any more of these I should know about?"

    "A few, Lord."

    "OK then, spell it out for me, starting with Loyalists that sound like traitors and then moving onto traitors that sound
    like Loyalists."

    "I will attempt to do so, Lord. OK - the Loyalists that sound like traitors... the Marauders, Rampagers, Destroyers and
    Storm Lords (all White Scar second foundings in point of fact)."

    "I like the sound of the Storm Lords. You sure they aren't one of ours?"

    "Quite sure. Then there's the Blood Drinkers and the Flesh Tearers - both of which are Loyalist second founding of
    the Blood Angels."

    "With names like that I'd always assumed they were more bone headed followers of the blood god."

    "Not so far, My Lord. Then there's the Red Talons..."

    "I thought they were renegade pirates."

    "No Lord, that's the Red Corsairs."

    "Oh. OK. Continue."

    "The Brazen Claws are loyalists too."

    "Good name for a Khornate force though isn't it?"

    "Yes Lord. Then there's the Black Guard (not to be confused with the Black Legion which IS one of ours), the
    Revilers, and the Raptors."

    "Hold on a minute! The Raptors? They're definitely ours. Hell we've got a small unit of them attached to our forces
    haven't we?"

    "My Lord, those are the troops known as Raptors but there is also a loyalist legion with the same name."

    "Must get a bit confusing for the loyalists then?"

    "I imagine so, My Lord. There are also the Doom Eagles, the Silver Skulls, and the Iron Hands (not to be mistaken for
    the Iron Warriors, who are ours)."

    "Bloody hell. Is that it?"

    "There are also some lesser known chapters that also seem to cause occasional confusion."

    "Such as..."

    "The Doomfarers are one that our forces have occasionally encountered."

    "Oh yeah. Those yoyos. So what about the Chaos forces that sound like loyalists then..."

    "Well as mentioned earlier there are The Emperor's Children, The Iron Warriors, the Thousand Sons, the Lunar
    Wolves (who changed their name to the Sons of Horus and then to the Black Legion)..."

    "Well at least they're easily IDed as one of ours now. The Black Legion eh? Now that's a proper name. Just postively
    oozes evil from every pore."

    "Yes, Lord. To continue, there are also the Word Bearers, and the Alpha Legion."

    "The Word Bearers? What kind of silly name is that for a Chaos Legion?"

    "They used to be missionarys sire"

    "We you'd think that once they switched to our side they'd change their name to something a little more in keeping
    with being evil mad men. I mean come on 'The Word Bearers'? It's a silly name."

    "Yes my Lord"

    "You know, I think the forces of Chaos should have proper Chaos names. There's no room for mistakes when you're
    called something like 'The World Eaters' or 'The Death Guard'..."

    "Actually Lord, both those chapters had those names when they were loyalists."

    "You're kidding."

    "No, My Lord."

    "Yeesh. I would have thought names like that would be a bit scary for the average imperial citizen. I mean "Yay we're
    being rescued by the World Eaters" just doesn't sound credible while "Aargh! Flee! It's the World Eaters" seems
    much more likely."

    "Yes, My Lord. I believe the latter is more likely these days anyway."

    "Makes no bloody sense at all."

    "Yes, My Lord."

    "Kill 'em all and let the Chaos Gods sort 'em out I say."

    "Sounds like a completely reasonable approach to me."
    TRAGED --- ---
    MRTREVOR: Ale tady je to o RPG :]
    KOVBOJ --- ---
    MRTREVOR: BloodBowl je super a ta deska je cool.
    MRTREVOR --- ---
    soráč, hraju WarZone, ale při hledání inspirace pro terény jsem narazil na herní desku hry co jsem taky hrával a musím se s někým podělit a ... kdo z vás nezná BloodBowl? :D
    TRAGED --- ---
    BE_BE: To sem rozhodne patri :)
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