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    ztracené heslo?
    TRAGEDWarhammer 40.000 - Dark Heresy & Rogue Trader
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    TRAGED: uvidíme jestli/jak se tenhle projekt ujme.
    TRAGED --- ---
    GREATDRAKE: Posledni bod: To neni ironie, to je vlastne v poradku. UA byla soucasti Imperia, ale osamostatnila se a tak pouziva Imperialni zbrane k udrzeni te svobody.

    BTW Mozna bych zvazil i pridani par as less as possible scifi Tau techniky, coby proxy za Javeliny, HIMARS a Leopardy a dalsi zapadni podpory.
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Asi všichni zde do 3.sv klubu chodíte, ale je to on topic, tak to dám i sem.

    Naše snaha spojit koníček a reálnou pomoc se dostala do publikovatelné fáze.
    Armáda se staví, maluje, dáváme na sítě jak to celé roste. Snažíme se mít podstatnou část hotovou k výročí invaze či záhy po něm.

    Astra Ukraina - The 40k Army for a Real War

    Astra Ukraina First Test Batch
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    CODEHUNTER --- ---
    Shanim tyto 3 knihy. Neproda nekdo?

    TRAGED --- ---
    TRAGED --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: O tom to je, nehledáš strašidla, odhalujes veškerá strašidla jako obyčejné hereze!
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    TRAGED: simtě, členové gangu a ne zcela dobře vybavený výsadek se nedají srovnávat! Navíc - nenašli jsme strašidlo :)
    TRAGED --- ---
    Jen teda nevím, jestli Sororitka byla víc Daphne nebo Velma :-)
    TRAGED --- ---
    KID_MCHUTT: A já v tom úplně viděl ten váš Dream team :-)
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    TRAGED: hereze.
    TRAGED --- ---
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Rusko se k té Astra Militarum rychle blíží, už chybí jen "Emperor protects".

    A ceremonial shipment of an echelon of T-90M Proryv tanks to the #Russian Ministry of Defense was held.
    "The combat vehicles were blessed and drawings and letters from the children to the tank builders, as well as Orthodox icons, were placed inside", states Russian media. https://t.co/6rfPgQzj6V
    HARALD --- ---
    DRUI --- ---
    GREATDRAKE: mam vyhrady u Lorgara, tohle si neumim predstavit jako whiny little bitch clerica :-)
    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    Nějaký ten vlhký sen o ideálním castu na wh 40k film.

    TRAGED --- ---
    Armies of Mankind: Scale Comparison. From a Humble Guardsman to a Warlord Titan

    TRAGED --- ---
    Armies of Mankind: Scale Comparison. From a Humble Guardsman to a Warlord Titan
    JONY --- ---

    A pobavilo k tomu tohle :)

    "Congratulations Andre, you've completed your basic assassinorum training. It's time for your to specialize."

    "Thanks so much Master. I choose to specialize as a Culexus."

    "Wonderful, here's your 40kg training helmet. You must wear it at all times to develop the necessary shoulder and neck muscles so you don't accidentally break your neck."

    "Wait, wait.... this seems really heavy and awkward. Wouldn't this be better as a backpack or some kind of chest or shoulder harness?"

    "Nonsense. That's heretical talk. This helmet has worked for thousands of years and is based off a holy STC. Innovation is heresy. You will wear the 40kg helmet on your head at all times or die, it's as simple as that. Any deviation is heresy, and you will also die."

    "Is there perhaps an opening in the Vindicare school? Their gear seems much more reasonable. And certainly easy to just shoot a psyker for 1km distance. No armour saves, penetrates all invulnerable saves. No risk of neck strain, or neck breakage. Seems more like my line of work."

    "Now, now, now. Don't be silly. You've chosen the time honoured field of Culexus Assassins. You will develop neck muscles that will make a grox drool with jealousy, or you will die. it's as simple as that."
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