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    ztracené heslo?
    PETVALSharepoint & Foundation :: MOSS & WSS :: Project :: FAST, Search :: ...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka Sharepoint / Teams / Viva / SPFx / Copilot...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka
    GARFIELD --- ---
    KERRAY: je ale je tam nainstalovanej language pack s tim jazykem

    PETVAL: zkusim zitra
    KERRAY --- ---
    není v jiném jazyce?
    PETVAL --- ---
    GARFIELD: pouzivam tenhle kod pro zjisteni template ID, podivej se, jestli na wss ma sajta zalozena na stejne template stejne ID jako na mossu.

    GARFIELD --- ---
    PETVAL: tadle utilitka mi hazi ze mam vsechny potrebne featury ale porade ta sama chyba...nejaky dalsi napad?
    PETVAL --- ---
    a nepouziva ta sablona nejakou moss-only funkcionalitu? timhle [ PETVAL @ Office Sharepoint Server / Windows Sharepoint Services ] muzes zjistit zavislosti (pust to na tom WSS serveru)
    GARFIELD --- ---
    mate nekdo zkusenosti s prenosem stp sablon z mossu na wss? ja se nedostal dal nez na
    The template you have chosen is invalid or cannot be found.
    PETVAL --- ---
    SharePoint Search & Replace

    SharePoint Search and Replace utility enables you to replace hardcoded strings in SharePoint lists, document libraries, web part properties and text-based documents.

    Along the process of implementing SharePoint based solutions, configuration changes can lead to a situation where hardcoded strings in the SharePoint information store is either not updated anymore, or even worst - simply wrong, pointing to a wrong location.

    For example, a "Favorites" links list item, that directs users to "http://intranet/site", now needs to be changed to "http://extranet/site".

    KWizCom SharePoint List String Search and Replace will scan your entire SharePoint lists, WebParts and text documents, and will replace the existing strings with your updated chosen string.

    PETVAL --- ---
    CompleteSharepoint.NET is a content management system (CMS) built on top of Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 (WSS 3.0). This CMS is meant to be a simple alternative to Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS) 2007.
    TAJFUN --- ---
    Ahoj ...vie mi niekto prosim poradit? mam SS07 na SBS03, mam vytvorene mimo ine blank stranku a pod nou podstranky pre team spolupracu (diskuze, tasky a pod) . Jak muzu na prvni blank strance ukazat vsechny nove, update tasky/diskuzni prisp. soucasne v jenom seznamu, neco jako dashboard. pro vsechny podstranky soucasne ... nebo jak to muzu udela jinak? hledam proste souhrn vsech podstranek... jsem lama, neumim to propojit . dik
    KERRAY --- ---

    Honestly, I've been a HUGE supporter of Microsoft technologies throughout my career as a developer for the last 15 years, but since getting involved with SharePoint and Workflows, my opinion has SIGNIFICANTLY dropped! It all seems so buggy, poorly thought-out, and not scalable or maintainable at all!! (The perfect example of buggy is that the Timer activity in WWF never wakes up...c'mon, you'd think a fundamental thing like a TIMER would get tested at some point!!)

    What's even more sad is that companies, like mine, invest thousands of dollars in products like SharePoint and Workflows foolishly believing that because the Microsoft name is on it, that it's going to be robust and useful. We've been working on the customizations of our SharePoint site for over a year now, and don't even have Rev 1 up and running yet (workflows are a good chunk of the time we're wasting trying to get this stuff to work!)

    PETVAL --- ---
    Understanding the Crawler Architecture in SharePoint Server 2007 and Search Server 2008

    In this post, I'll explain how the crawler works in SharePoint Server 2007 and Search Server 2008 and from this, draw several Best Practices for the creation and maintenance of content sources and Crawler Impact Rules.

    KERRAY --- ---
    PETVAL: jo, zřejmě to je ono, kolega už to mezitím vypátral
    V případě, že otevřeme dokument Office pomocí aplikace Internet Explorer, nelze tento dokument editovat, je jen pro čtení
    Tato situace může nastat, pokud otevíráme odkaz v e-mailu, jiném dokumentu Office nebo Windows Sharepoint Services.
    Řešení lze dosáhnout pomocí editace registru - je třeba přidat tento klíč:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\[verze Office]\Common\Internet\OpenDocumentsReadWriteWhileBrowsing = 1, tedy v sekci Internet vytvořit novou DWORD hodnotu, do ní vložit jako název OpenDocumentsReadWriteWhileBrowsing a tomuto klíči dát hodnotu 1.
    PETVAL --- ---
    KERRAY: koukni, jestli to nahodou nezpusobuje tohle http://support.microsoft.com/kb/870853
    KERRAY --- ---
    jak zařídit, aby když uživatel dostane v úkolu odkaz na dokument ten dokument nebyl jen pro čtení, ale šel i uložit?
    PETVAL --- ---
    Full SharePoint backup with Powershell script

    This script backs up everything you need for a full restore of your Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) or Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (MOSS).

    Sites, 12-hive and IIS Metadata is compressed and saved on a userdefined central location. The XML configuration file contains the settings of one or more sitecollection backups with different backup/reporting parameters for each job.

    * Backup of Sharepoint site collections with STSADM
    * Backup and compress the 12-hive
    * Backup and compress the IIS Metadata (portable with encryption password)
    * Multiple settings for different site collection backup jobs (configurable in the XML-file)
    * E-mail report
    PETVAL --- ---
    SPList Access Layer Generator
    SPList Access Layer Generator is a windows application which allows developers to generate classes to access SharePoint lists like an ORM. This project has been initiated to be compliant with the Rapid Application Development methodology.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Help Resources for SharePoint developers (Imtech Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Visual Studio 2008 Dynamic Help v1.0.0)

    PETVAL --- ---
    Sharepoint Access Checker Web Part
    The Access Checker Web Part is a Windows Sharepoint Services Web Part, for use within Windows Sharepoint Services v3 and Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007, that displays a tree view showing permissions on objects for a user scoped to a Site hierarchy. It also has a second mode which will show the permission inheritance of objects within a Site hierarchy.
    PETVAL --- ---
    STP Inspector
    STP Inspector is an site template inspector for WSS/MOSS 2007. It analyzes a site template file (.stp) and basically shows its dependencies on the site features and site collection features.
    PETVAL --- ---
    neresili jste nekdo vyhledavani? mam s tim takovy komplexnejsi problem. napr. bych potreboval rict vyhledavacimu centru, aby na klicova slova treba "firemni zpravy hledane_slovo" vracel prioritne vysledky ze seznamu FiremniZpravy. a jeste mi to komplikuji crawl rules, kteryma treba zakazu vsechno z /lists/firemnizpravy/allitems.aspx (exclude, ale indexovat vse, na co odtud vedou odkazy), tzn. vsechny polozky z /lists/firemnizpravy/dispform.aspx?ID=... by se mely zaindexovat, coz se podle logu i stane, ale na nektera klicova slova se mi treba vysledky vubec nevrati, prestoze tu stranku ma zaindexovanou, na jina klicova slova se vrati, ale jsou az na konci, treba na 4 strane.

    jde to udelat bez vlastniho kodu?
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