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    ztracené heslo?
    PETVALSharepoint & Foundation :: MOSS & WSS :: Project :: FAST, Search :: ...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka Sharepoint / Teams / Viva / SPFx / Copilot...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka
    PETVAL --- ---
    Download Zipped List Items Feature Released!
    Hay all, I've released today this little but still usefull feature :)

    This Custom UI Actions for Sharepoint extends the lists action meny to allow users to zip document library items and download all of them either with or without version


    Download all document library items
    Versions: if you are caring about document versions you can download them as well
    Ability to download only the selected view items instead of all list items

    KERRAY --- ---
    v prvním příkladu, jak mám X, tak jsem právě neměl X, ale s.AllWebs[0]...etc, takže to nešlo
    KERRAY --- ---
    nejsou stejné
    jakože při druhém pohledu chápu, že když si pro to sahám přes site a web, tak to může dělat problémy...
    KERRAY: A kdyz udelas:
    object a = s.AllWebs[0].Lists["Deep"];
    object b = s.AllWebs[0].Lists["Deep"];
    bool jsouStejne = object.ReferenceEquals( a, b );

    co je v promenne "jsouStejne" ?
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, takže:
    s.AllWebs[0].Lists["Deep"].RootFolder.Properties["XXX"] = "YYY"; s.AllWebs[0].Lists["Deep"].Update()
    neudělá nic

    r = s.AllWebs[0].Lists["Deep"].RootFolder
    r.Properties["XXX"] = "YYY";
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, asi už bych měl jít domů, ale tohle teď fakt nechápu... vezmu seznam, jakejkoliv, třeba X, a zapíšu mu něco do property bagu:
    X.RootFolder.Properties["neco"] = "neco jineho"

    ale když to zkusím přečíst, tak nic nic - property "neco" v properties není... nepomůže ani X.Update()

    co dělám blbě? jestli nic, můžete to kdyžtak někdo zkusit pls? :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, neni to uplne malej ukol, ale melo by to jit...
    KUBIS --- ---
    PETVAL: mno prave oboji... v te access databazi mam stromovou strukturu vcetne dokumentu vnorenych v te stromove strukture ktere mohou byt navic okomentovany... a ja bych to potreboval presunout vse do dokumentove knihovny... coz je masakr...
    KERRAY: udelat si skripty by slo... jen jsem docela junkie v asp a celkove v MS$ programovani... tak premyslim nad celkovym principem
    PETVAL --- ---
    KUBIS: v te access databazi mas soubory nebo data?
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, udelat si na to skripty...
    KUBIS --- ---
    KERRAY: aa, to by mohlo fungovat, jen resim ted jak prevest databazi v accessu do stromove struktury sharepointove dokumentove knihovny
    KERRAY --- ---
    KUBIS: nastavit u nejakyho viceradkovyho textovyho pole "Připojit změny ke stávajícímu textu" - budou to takovy jakz-takz komentare...
    PETVAL --- ---
    KUBIS: tam je hacek ve velikosti uploadu - kdyz mas treba max. velikost nahratelneho souboru stanovenou na 200 MB, tak kdyz nahravas timhle zpusobem vice souboru najednou, tak se to secte a nenahrajes takhle treba pet 50MB souboru, protoze soucet jejich velikosti prekroci ten limit, i kdyz jednotlive nebo v kombinaci 3+2 uploady je tam dostanes.

    tu Import Files Utility jsem jeste nezkousel, ale doufam, ze by to mohl mit osetrene :)
    KUBIS --- ---
    PETVAL: ja myslim ze to staci vsechny ty soubory nahrat pres okolni mista v siti...

    btw nevite nekdo jak bych mohl v dokumentove knihovne rozjet to, abych mohl psat komentare k jednotlivym dokumentum?
    PETVAL --- ---
    Analyzing Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Usage

    The current version of SharePoint gives an administrator the ability to look into what is actually happening on a farm, how many users are active, how heavy are they using the system, what type of requests are coming in, what kind of clients, etc. Much of this information is captured in the IIS logs.

    Mike Wise who works on the Customer Advisory Team specializes in SharePoint capacity planning and architecture and his goal is to make SharePoint capacity planning more of a science and less of an art. His whitepaper is the first step, concentrating on the descriptive side of the task and showing one powerful technique that can be used today to make SharePoint performance and capacity measurable. You can count on seeing more papers, reports, and calculation methods building off his technique in the coming months.

    Topics covered in the whitepaper:

    * Preparing the Analysis Machine
    * Preparing the Server Logs
    * Initial Queries
    * Counting Users
    * Load Balancing
    * User Types
    * Request (RPS) Distribution over Time
    * Distinct Users over Time
    * User Agent Distribution
    * Browser Usage Patterns
    * Office Client Web Service Usage
    * Slow Home Page Percentages
    * Import IIS Logs into SQL

    You can download the whitepaper here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=f159af68-c3a3-413c-a3f7-2e0be6d5532e&displaylang=en&tm

    PETVAL --- ---
    However, it wasn’t until learning about some of the most in-depth inner-workings of PowerShell did an important realization come about. In short: There was a potential for PowerShell users to constantly leak memory without knowing it! While this is not a common situation and it would be hard to do so in such large volume to really cause real harm—it is possible, and thus, everyone should know about it.
    Multiple threads can safely access the same SPSite or SPWeb simultaneously, so there’s no reason for a developer to open a reference to one of these objects and pass it to another thread. However, if you did try this, the unmanaged Heap (which is thread specific) will be “lost” and a new Heap will be allocated in the new thread. So if you did this endlessly your machine will eventually run out of memory (though this memory is freed if you close the PowerShell process).

    So on to the specific PowerShell concern. I only recently learned that every time a new ‘pipe’ in PowerShell is executed (essentially every time you press ‘enter’), that command is run in a unique thread. So what does this mean for SharePoint? Well, it means that saving an SPSite or an SPWeb to a variable will cause memory leaks—no matter what you do.
    Keep your eye out on this blog for other potential workarounds in the future

    PETVAL --- ---
    //vec, ktera by imo mela byt v sharepointu by default uz od microsoftu

    Import Files Utility (codeplex - Mike Ruberg)

    "The Import Files Utility is an application that will let you import files into a SharePoint library, from a local or remote Windows path. It has a recursive option that will create an entire tree structure of child folders, and populate the child folders with any files within them. It also has an option to make the names of the files and folders "web safe". For example, if there is an ampersand (&) in your file name, it will replace it with an underscore (_)."

    PETVAL --- ---

    "SPOExpandAndCollapseAll is a jQuery feature that adds a + and - to the menu bar of the document/list libraries to Expand/Collapse all grouped by's with one click. "

    PETVAL --- ---
    SharePoint QuickLaunchExtender (codeplex - J. Vossers)

    "Extends the SP QuickLaunch control to provide a richer experience. Configure it to transform the QuickLaunch into an Accordion or a set of collapsible/expandable panels. Adds scrollbar per panel if height limit is specified and exceeded. WSP + Feature included. Powered by jQuery"

    PETVAL --- ---
    Sharepoint List/Library Permissions - A new utility on Codeplex
    Recently, I released my own utility on CodePlex, it is known as Sharepoint List Security Manager.

    It addresses the inherent permission issue of Sharepoint Document Library, where two contributors are able to edit/delete each others document.
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