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    ztracené heslo?
    PETVALSharepoint & Foundation :: MOSS & WSS :: Project :: FAST, Search :: ...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka Sharepoint / Teams / Viva / SPFx / Copilot...a cela tahle aplikacni rodinka
    PERSEFONA --- ---
    cau, nevedeli byste pls, kdyz vyjmu a vlozim dokumenty z jedny knihovny do druhy, mizi mi cast metadat, nejaky tip, cim by to mohlo byt?
    CHAVITO --- ---
    hledám pro svého klienta konzultanta na sharepoint se zkušeností implementace. čím dříve... pošta pls
    KERRAY --- ---
    neexistuje uz nejakej zpusob, jak zajistit, aby se custom fieldtypes zobrazovaly i ve Wordu treba?
    PETVAL --- ---
    myslis nejakou ze service applications, ktere nahrazuji casti shared services?
    PETVAL --- ---
    Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint Performance Data - TechNet Articles - Home - TechNet Wiki
    BRAP242 --- ---
    jasne, bud pomoci webservice nebo primo pokud nareferencujes sharepointi dllka
    PETVAL --- ---
    nerochazeli jste nekdo na SP2010 claims based autentizaci vuci Oracle Internet Directory? mel by to byt LDAP v3, takze funkcni pres built-in Microsoft.Office.Server.Security.LDAPMembershipProvider, ale rad bych si to overil
    PETVAL --- ---
    ontolica free umi i wildcardy, ale asi nebude spolupracovat se search serverem.
    KUBIS --- ---
    doinstalovaval nekdo z vas do WSS3.0 Search Server? Jedina vec co me tak trosku stve je ze neumi vyhledavat casti retezcu, nevi nekde co s tim? diky
    KERRAY --- ---
    IronPython v SharePointu? Event receiver, stranka, workflow, konzole... jste prvni, za kym s tim jdu, takze by to urcite sneslo nejake testy a pokusy, a samozrejme kdyz narazite na problem, uvitam o tom info ,)

    PETVAL --- ---

    In its quest to get you a good farm backup, SharePoint tries to pause it too during the backup. Unfortunately the UPS doesn’t pause, so the backup process actually un-provisions the UPS during the backup, undoing all your hard effort getting the damned thing to work in the first place. When the backup is finished it tries to put everything back together and it reprovisions the UPS. Now, what do we know about provisioning the UPS, besides the fact that it burns one of your three wishes from a genie, and it takes one of your cat’s nine lives each time you do it? We know that the Farm account must be a local admin when it’s provisioned. We also know that if the UPS and Central Admin are running on the same box (and they often are) that you need to do an IISRESET after it’s provisioned. Unfortunately most of us don’t leave our Farm account in the local admin group as a general rule, so the reprovisioning fails. The symptom of this is that profile syncs no longer run, and the two FIM services on the box running the UPS are set to “disabled.”
    PETVAL --- ---
    SharePoint PowerShell Timer Jobs: Run PowerShell scripts in SharePoint Timer Service context. « Ingo Karstein's Blog
    PETVAL --- ---
    two-way userprofile synchronization v 2010 neni jeden atribut obema smery soucasne, ale pouze jednim smerem. tzn. z AD/DS/BDC do Sharepointu nebo naopak. ruzne atributy mohou mit ruzne smery, ale to uz to nezachrani.
    KERRAY --- ---
    hm, koukam ze je fakt nejvyssi cas vydat nase ironpython nastroje jako opensource, protoze uz ted to vlastne neni nic objevnyho...
    PETVAL --- ---
    Execute PowerShell script as event receivers. Just enter your scripts in on the list settings page in the browser.
    iLove SharePoint - Download: SharePoint Power EventReceiver 2010
    TOPICZ --- ---
    Ještě mě napadlo jedno řešení, ale nevím, jak to z toho dostat - v každý tý uložený verzi je v tom DOCu celková doba úprav. Kdyby se mi to podařilo nějakým způsobem vyšťourat z dvou po sobě jdoucích verzí a prostě bych to odečetl, získal bych to, co potřebuji. Zkusím po tom popátrat.
    KERRAY --- ---
    TOPICZ: v sharepointu tahle informace určitě není - tam je jen čas uložení dané verze... to spíš IIS logy
    TOPICZ --- ---
    Ahoj, nevíte prosím někdo, zda je možné v knihovně dokumentů u historie verzí nechat zobrazit, jak dlouho který konkrétní uživatel upravoval daný dokument (verzi)? (doba úpravy) dík moc
    KERRAY --- ---
    ad KERRAY
    ještě že mám dneska jedno univerzální workflow, který akorát pouští ironpython skripty, takže není potřeba kvůli každé změně a opravě všechno předělávat... nicméně teď bych potřeboval udělat úpravu toho společnýho základu, takže nás to asi čeká...

    Julie's Office Dev Blog : Sharepoint Workflow Versioning
    Deploying an update to a workflow does require a bit of work. This is covered in the Microsoft patterns and practices SharePoint Guidance (http://www.microsoft.com/spg).

    If you don't change the serialization (properties, activites, or order of the workflow) you can just redeploy overtop. Bascially, anything that's a quick bug fix. If you change the serialization you have to deploy a new workflow.

    Instead you’re going to have to deploy the subsequent version it as if it were a completely new workflow. It gets its own GUID in the workflow.xml, and has to be associated with the lists and libraries all over again. You’ll want to set the version 1 workflow to “No New Instances.” To do this, go to the list’s settings screen and go to Workflow Settings -> Remove Workflows. Here you’ll find a radio button to set the workflow to “No New Instances.” When version 2 is deployed and associated, only version 2 will be allowed to start on an item. At the same time, any currently running version 1 workflows will continue to operate normally.
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL: povazuje je za systemove, je potreba v Exploreru vypnout "Hide protected operating system files"
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