ad 1) bug free - hahaha :). Nicméně asi půjdu do toho long term, když nebudu vyloženě potřebovat nějakou fičurku ze stable.
Mikrotik to popisuje takto:
RouterOS versions are released in several "release chains": Long-term, Stable and Beta.
Beta: Released every few days, only undergoes basic internal testing, should not be used in production
Stable: Released every few weeks, includes all tested features and fixes
Long term: Released rarely, and includes only the most important fixes, upgrades within one number branch not add new features. When a Stable release has been out for a while and seems to be stable enough, it gets promoted into the Long Term branch, replacing an older release, which is then moved to Archive. This consecutively adds new features.
A obrázek k tomu:
ad 2) proč většinou vypínáš to ipv6? Kvůli bezpečnosti, to nepotřebuj nebo kvůli něčemu jinému?