HOBORG: jestli to chces vic technicky, tak prosim:)
2.3 Pregame Procedures
The following steps must be performed in a timely manner before each game begins:
1. If sideboarding is allowed, players may remove cards from their decks and add cards from their
2. Players shuffle their decks. Steps 1 and 2 may be repeated.
3. Players present their decks to their opponents for additional shuffling. The sideboard (if any) is also
presented at this time.
4. The appropriate player must decide whether to play first or second at this point, if they haven’t done
so already (see section 2.2).
5. Each player draws seven cards. Optionally, these cards may be dealt face down on the table.
6. Each player, in turn order, may take mulligans. (Rules on mulligans can be found in the Magic
Comprehensive Rules, rule 103.4). If a player takes a mulligan, they shuffle again and repeat the
presentation process described above.
3.9 Card Shuffling
Decks must be randomized at the start of every game and whenever an instruction requires it. Randomization is defined as bringing the deck to a state where no player can have any information regarding the order or position of cards in any portion of the deck. Pile shuffling may not be performed other than once each at the beginning of a game to count the cards in the deck.
Once the deck is randomized, it must be presented to an opponent. By this action, players state that their decks are legal and randomized. The opponent may then shuffle it additionally. Cards and sleeves must not be in danger of being damaged during this process. If the opponent does not believe the player made a reasonable effort to randomize their deck, the opponent must notify a judge. Players may request to have a judge shuffle their cards rather than the opponent; this request will be honored only at a judge’s discretion.
If a player has had the opportunity to see any of the card faces of the deck being shuffled, the deck is no longer considered randomized and must be randomized again.
At Competitive and Professional Rules Enforcement Level tournaments, players are required to shuffle their
opponents’ decks after their owners have shuffled them. The Head Judge can require this at Regular Rules
Enforcement Level tournaments as well.