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    PALO_FABUSSdílení elektronických akademických zdrojů na téma informační technologie a sociální/humanitní vědy
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    You might be interested in the book 'New Media: The Key Concepts' by
    Nicholas Gane and David Beer which has just been published by Berg.

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    jeden překlad...

    Kdo řídí internet
    Iluze o světě bez hranic
    Jack Goldsmith, Tim Wu
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Get acquainted with SAGE's many journals in Communication and Media Studies now during our free online access period. We are currently offering free full-text access to 24 journals for two months until the 31st December 2008!

    The journals featured are immediately available to you today through this free trial offer. All you have to do is register here. (https://online.sagepub.com/cgi/register?registration=FT81231) Once registered, you will have full-text online access to these titles! You can browse abstracts, perform quick or advanced keyword searches, and download full-text articles.

    Journals included in the free trial are European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Media, Culture & Society, and New Media & Society.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    "Finding the Right Place on the Map. Central and Eastern European Media Change in a Global Perspective," edited by Karol Jakubowicz and Miklós Sükösd can be downloaded here:

    This book is part of the ECREA series, which you will find here:
    ACHERON --- ---
    no nic, musim ty narazky davat vice okate ;)
    ACHERON --- ---
    OTAKAR: copak, anglická verze je na lesklém papíru?-)
    OTAKAR --- ---
    Sháním Wittgensteinovo Tractatus v elektronické podobě. Potřeboval bych však pouze v ČJ, v eng jsem jej našel, ale ten mi vzhledem k charakteru mé potřeby příliš nepomůže.
    LUKOYE --- ---
    neměl by někdo prosím tento text?

    Benjamin Reilly: Internal Conflict and Regional Security in Asia and the Pacific. Pacifica Review, Vol. 14, No. 1, Feb 2002.

    ACHERON --- ---
    MAFO: tech kapitolek je tolik, protože autor chce imitovat Understanding Media. Podle mě to bude blábol už jen podle názvu...
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAFO: nj, to si taky říkám s tím rozsahem
    MAFO --- ---
    KHALAVERA: dobry tip, diky!
    bude to drahe?
    a jaky rozsah? tech kapitolek je tolik, ze se bojim, aby to nebyly odstavce ;-)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    tohle vypadá docela užitečně, vyjít by to mělo někdy začátkem 2009

    Understanding New Media: Extending Marshall McLuhan

    By Robert K. Logan, PhD
    Chapter 1. "New Media" and Marshall McLuhan: An Introduction

    1.1 Objectives of this Book
    1.2 The Methodology Employed and What the Reader Can Expect to Find
    in this Book
    1.3 What are the "New Media?"
    1.4 The Changing Figure/Ground Relation with the "New Media"
    1.5 A "New Media" Taxonomy
    1.6 A Medium is a Technology is a Tool is a Language is a Medium is a.
    1.7 Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant
    1.8 McLuhan on New Media

    Part I. Methodological Considerations

    Chapter 2. McLuhan's Methodology: Media as Extensions of Man and The
    Medium is the Message

    2.1 There was Method in His Madness
    2.2 Summary of McLuhan's Methodology
    2.3 Was McLuhan a Technological Determinist?

    Chapter 3. Five Communication Ages: Adding the Mimetic and the
    Interactive Digital Ages

    3.1 Updating McLuhan'sn Three communication Ages
    3.2 McLuhan's Three Communication Ages: Oral, Literate and Electric
    3.3 The Origin and Evolution of Language
    3.4 Refining the Distinction between Oral and Written Communication
    3.5 The Ecology of Media and Ecosystems as Media
    Chapter 4. To What Extent to the "New Media" Confirm or Contradict
    McLuhan's Predictions

    4.1 New Patterns

    4.2 Laws of the Media and the Evolution of Technology
    4.3 The Reversal of Certain Negative Effects of the Mass Media by the
    "New Media"
    4.4 New Media's Intensification of Trends McLuhan Identified for
    Electric Media
    4.5 Faster than the Speed of Light
    Chapter 5. The Fourteen Messages of "New Media": An Overview

    5.0 Differences between the "New Media" and Mass Media
    5.1 Two-way communication
    5.2 Ease of Access to and Dissemination of Information
    5.3 Continuous Learning
    5.4 Alignment and Integration
    5.5 The Creation of Community
    5.6 Portability
    5.7 Convergence
    5.8 Interoperatability
    5.9 Aggregation of Content
    5.10 Variety, Choice and the Long Tail
    5.11 Reintegration of the Consumer and the Producer
    5.12 Cooperation
    5.13 Remix Culture
    5.14 The Transition from Products to Services
    5.15 A Comparison of Media Old and New vis-avis the Eleven Messages
    of the "New Media"
    Chapter 6. The "Digital Economy": An Expansion of the Knowledge Economy

    6.1 Introducing the "Digital Economy"
    6.2 A Paradigm Shift from Information to Knowledge and from
    Integration to Alignment
    6.3 Knowledge Management and the Web
    6.3.1. Learning System

    6.3.2. Sharing Systems

    6.3.3. Measurement System

    6.4 Lifelong Learning: Job Security in the Internet Age

    Chapter 7. Scaffolding and Cascading Technologies and Media:
    Understanding New Media as the Extensions of Earlier Media or the
    Extensions of Extensions

    7.1 Media as the Extensions of Man
    7.2 The Evolution of Media and Technologies: The Extension of Extensions

    7.2.1 Cognitive, Technical, and Social Interplay

    7.2.2 The Ratchet Effect

    7.2.3 Cognitive Scaffolding

    7.3 Cascading Technologies and Media: Understanding New Media as the
    Extensions of Earlier Media or the Extensions of Extensions
    7.4 What is the actual content of a medium?
    7.5 Neo-Dualism and the Symbolosphere
    7.6 Bifurcation of the Symbolosphere into the Mediasphere and the
    Human Mind
    7.7 The Interaction of the Spheres

    Part II. How the New Media Have Impacted the Media analyzed in
    Understanding Media

    Chapter 8. The Spoken Word

    8.1 Six Languages
    8.2 Impact of "New Media" on the Spoken Word

    Chapter 9. The Written Word

    9.1 Impact of "New Media" on the Written Word
    9.2 Tertiary Orality
    9.3 The End of Writing?
    9.4 Interactive Text

    Chapter 10. Roads and Paper Routes

    Chapter 11. Number

    11.1 The First Digital Revolution
    11.2 The Invention of Zero
    11.3 From Digits to Digitization

    Chapter 12. Clothing

    Chapter 13. Housing

    Chapter 14. Money

    14.1 Impact of "New Media" on Money
    14.2 The ATM
    14.3 E-commerce
    14.4 Online Auctioning and Fixed-Price Sales
    14.5 Online Shopping Payments, Credit Cards and e-Money

    Chapter 15. Clocks

    Chapter 16. The Print

    Chapter 17. Comics

    Chapter 18. The Printed Word and Books

    18.1 The Impact of the "New Media" on the Book and the Academic Journal
    18.2 e-books
    18.3 Audio Books
    18.4 Ezines
    18.5 The Library

    Chapter 19. Wheel, Bicycle and Airplane

    Chapter 20. The Photograph

    Chapter 21. Press (or Newspapers)

    21.1 Impact of "New Media" on the News
    21.2 The "New" News Consumer
    21.3 The "New" News Producers

    Chapter 22. Motorcar

    Chapter 23. Ads

    23.1 Advertising on Radio and Television
    23.2 Advertising on the Internet, the Web and other "New Media" Venues
    23.3 Online Viral Marketing

    Chapter 24. Games

    Chapter 25. Telegraph

    Chapter 26. The Typewriter

    Chapter 27. The Telephone

    27.1 Impact of the "New Media on the Telephone
    27.2 Teletype and fax
    27.3 The Pager
    27.4 VOIP (Voice over IP or the Internet)
    27.5 The Videophone
    27.6 Telecoms and Convergence

    Chapter 28. The Phonograph

    28.1 Impact of "New Media" on the Phonograph, the Tape Recorder, the
    Walkman and Recorded Music
    28.2 The CD
    28.3 The MP3 Player, the iPod and iTunes
    28.4 The Sony DRM Affair

    Chapter 29. Movies

    29.1 The video camera
    29.2 The VCR (video cassette recorder) and the DVD (digital versatile
    29.3 iMovies
    29.4 Movies and the Web
    29.5 The YouTube Phenomenon

    Chapter 30. Radio

    30.1 Impact of "New Media" on Radio
    30.2 Satellite radio
    30.3 Online (Web) radio
    30.4 Podcasting

    Chapter 31. Television

    31.1 Videotape and Television Production
    31.2 The Remote Controller
    31.3 Television and Education
    31.4 Cable and Satellite Television
    31.5 Globalization versus Fragmentation
    31.6 TV and the Cell Phone
    31.7 The Convergence of Television, Short Form Video and Google
    31.8 Interactive Television?
    31.9 Digital Television
    31.10 DVR (Digital Video Recorder) - A Television Revolution in the
    Making: TiVo and ReplayTV
    31.11 Television on the iPod
    31.12 iTuning Television Shows and Movies: The BitTorrent Opportunity
    31.13 The Convergence of Television and the Computer

    Chapter 32. Weapons

    Chapter 33. Automation (plus the factory)
    Part III. The Analysis of New Media not dealt with in UM

    Chapter 34. Hybrid or convergent technologies

    Chapter 35. The Multifunction Printer, Photocopier, Scanner And Fax

    35.1 Impact of "New Media" on the Printer
    35.2 The scanner and OCR software

    Chapter 36. The Cell Phone

    36.1 The Impact of "New Media" on the Telephone: the Emergence of the
    Cell Phone
    36.2 New Cell Phone Services
    36.3 The Multifunction Cell Phone
    36.4 The Social Impact of the Camera Cell Phone

    Chapter 37. The Personal Computer (desktop and notebook)

    37.1 The Personal Computer
    37.2 The Tablet PC
    37.3 The Service and Disservice of Computers

    Chapter 38. The PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

    38.1 The PDA and Wireless Email
    38.2 The Pentop Computer

    Chapter 39. Computer Software

    Chapter 40. The Internet

    40.1 A Medium of Media
    40.2 Roots: The History of Pre-electronic Proto-Internets
    40.3 The Origins of the Internet
    40.4 Oral Structure of the Internet
    40.5 Discussion Groups on the Internet
    40.6 Netocracy: The Ultimate Participatory Democracy
    40.7 Electronic Crime and Punishment
    40.8 The Internet and Commerce
    40.9 Art and the Internet

    Chapter 41. Email, Instant Messaging (IM) and SMS (short message

    41.1 Email, IM, SMS
    41.2 GMail

    Chapter 42. Bulletin Boards, Usenets, Listservs, MUDs, MOOs, and Chat

    Chapter 43. The World Wide Web

    43.1 Emergence of the World Wide Web
    43.2 The Service and Disservice of the Web
    43.3 Web TV
    43.4 Web-based Social Networks
    43.5 Web 2.0
    43.6 The Semantic Web
    43.7 Folksonomy
    43.8 del.icio.us

    Chapter 44. Blogs

    44.1 What is a Blog?
    44.2 The Blog as News Medium
    44.3 Social and Psychological Impacts of Blogs
    44.4 Non-textual Blogs
    44.5 The Blook
    44.6 The Blog Goes Mainstream

    Chapter 45. Search Engines plus Google and Libraries

    45.1 Search Engines
    45.2 The Dominance of Google
    45.3 Google's Competitors
    45.4 Initiatives of Google Technologies Inc.
    45.5 Google, Wyse, Thin Clients and a Possible Personal Computing
    Revolution: A Speculation
    45.6 Digitizing and Searching the World's Literature: The Impact of
    the "New Media" on the Library
    45.7 Will Google Realize Vannevar Bush's Vision of the Memex Device
    45.8 The Flight of Books from Undergraduate Libraries
    45.9 Electronic Browsing
    45.10 Is Google the Seventh Language?
    45.11 About.com - The Human Internet

    Chapter 46. Video Conferencing and Web-based Collaboration Tools
    46.1 Video Conferencing
    46.2 Web-based Collaboration Tools
    46.3 Collective Intelligence

    Chapter 47. Virtual Reality (VR) and Simulations

    47.1 What is VR?
    47.2 The Reality of Virtual Reality
    47.3 Games and Role Playing on 3D Virtual Reality Platforms

    Chapter 48. Robots, Bots and Agents

    48.1 Robots
    48.2 Bots and Software Agents

    Chapter 49. Artificial intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems

    49.1 What is AI?
    49.2 What is Strong AI?
    49.3 A Personal Critique of Strong AI
    49.4 The Potential AI Exploitation of the World Wide Web

    Chapter 50. "Smart Tags" and Dataspace

    50.1 Bar Codes and "Smart Tags"
    50.2 Dataspace
    50.3 The Dataspace Enabler: Accessing, Navigating, and Searching
    50.4 The Future Convergence of Cyberspace and Dataspace and the
    "Smart Box"
    50.5 The "Smart Tagged" Book that is Smart, Readable and Searchable
    50.6 Is Dataspace the Eighth Language?

    Chapter 51. Enabling Technologies not dealt with in Understanding Media

    51.0 Definitions
    51.1 Electronics
    51.2 The Mouse and the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    51.3 Haptic and Olfactory Technology
    51.4 Hyperlinks, Hypertext and Hypermedia
    51.5 Modems and ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
    51.6 Fiber Optics
    51.7 Communication satellites
    51.8 WIFI, Blue Tooth and FireWire
    51.9 Open Source Technology
    51.10 Wikis and the Wikipedia
    51.11 Ubiquitous Computing
    51.12 RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

    Appendix I. McLuhan's Methodology: There Was Method in his Madness

    A1 The Equivalence of Media and Technologies
    A2 Technology as Extensions of the Body and Media as Extensions of
    the Psyche
    A3 Media as Living Vortices of Power
    A4 Media Create New Social Patterns and Restructure Perceptions
    A5 "The Medium Is the Message"
    A6 The Content of Any New Medium Is Always Older Medium
    A7 Hybrid Systems
    A8 The Subliminal Effects of Media
    A9 The Counterintuitive Effect of Media
    A10 The Flip: Humankind as an Extension of Its Technologies
    A11 Societies Imitate Their Technologies
    A12 The Global Village
    A13 The Rear View Mirror History as the Laboratory of Media Studies
    A14 Three Communication Ages
    A15 Break Boundaries
    A16 Acoustic versus Visual Space
    A17 Writing, the Alphabet, and the Printing Press
    A18 Fragmentation in the Age of Literacy
    A19 New Information Patterns Emerge at the Speed of Light
    A20 Centralization versus Decentralization
    A21 Integration and Multidisciplinarity versus Specialization
    A22 Hardware versus Software and Information
    A23 Hot and Cool/ Light On Versus Light Through
    A24 Media Studies as Civil Defense Against Media Fallout
    A25 Understanding both the Service and Disservice of New Media
    A26 The Absence of a Moral Judgment
    A27 The Myth of Objectivity
    A28 The Oral Tradition and Probes
    A29 Art as Radar and an Early Warning System
    A30 Obsolesced Technologies Become Art Forms
    A31 Multidisciplinarity
    A32 "Media Analysis" versus "Content Analysis"
    A33 The Study of Interface and Pattern Rather Than a "Point of View"
    A34 Figure-Ground Relationship
    A35 The Reversal of Cause and Effect
    A36 The User Is the Content
    A37 An Antiacademic Bias
    A38 Laws of the Media

    Appendix II - The Emergence and Evolution of the World Wide Web and
    Individual Web Sites
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Rasha A. Abdulla, The Internet in the Arab World: Egypt and Beyond
    (Peter Lang, 2007)

    John Amman, Tris Carpenter, and Gina Neff, eds, Surviving the New
    Economy (Paradigm Publishers, 2007)

    Mark Andrejevic, iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era
    (University Press of Kansas, 2007)

    William Aspray and Paul E. Ceruzzi, eds, The Internet and American
    Business (MIT Press, 2008).

    Andrea J. Baker, Double Click: Romance And Commitment Among Online
    Couples (Hampton Press, 2005)

    Antonina D. Bambina, Online Social Support: The Interplay of Social
    Networks and Computer-Mediated Communication (Cambria Press, 2007)

    Megan Boler, Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times (MIT
    Press, 2008).

    Christine L. Borgman, Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information,
    Infrastructure, and the Internet (MIT Press, 2007).

    Axel Bruns, Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production
    to Produsage (Peter Lang, 2008)

    Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine, eds, Theorizing Digital Cultural
    Heritage: A Critical Discourse (MIT Press, 2007)

    Andre H. Caron and Letizia Caronia, Moving Cultures: Moblie
    Communication in Everyday Life (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007)

    Paul E. Ceruzzi, Internet Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner,
    1945-2005 (MIT Press, 2008)

    Samir Chopra and Scott Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free
    and Open Source Software (Routledge, 2008)

    David Ciccoricco, Reading Network Fiction (University of Alabama Press,

    Mia Consalvo, Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames (MIT Press, 2007)

    Hilde G. Corneliussen and Jill Walker Rettberg, Digital Culture, Play,
    and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader (MIT Press, 2008)

    Edgar Gomez Cruz, Las Metaforas de Internet (Editorial UOC, 2007 -
    written in Spanish)

    Mark Deuze, Media Work (Polity Press, 2007)

    Daniel Downes, Interactive Realism: The Poetics Of Cyberspace
    (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005)

    Susan Driver, Queer Girls and Popular Culture: Reading, Resisting, and
    Creating Media (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Anthony Dunne, Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic
    Experience, and Critical Design (MIT Press, 2005)

    David S. Evans, Andrei Hagiu, and Richard Schmalensee, Invisible
    Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform
    Industries (MIT Press, 2006)

    Herve Fischer and Rhonda Mullins, Digital Shock: Confronting the New
    Reality (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006)

    Anthony Fung, Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media
    Corporations in China (Peter Lang, 2008)

    Martin Hand, Making Digital Cultures: Access, Interactivity, and
    Authenticity (Ashgate, 2008)

    Kristen Haring, Ham Radio's Technical Culture (MIT Press, 2007)

    Byron Hawk, David M. Rieder, and Ollie Oviedo, eds, Small Tech: The
    Culture of Digital Tools (University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

    N. Katherine Hayles, Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the
    Literary (University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)

    Charlotte Hess and Elinor Ostrom, eds, Understanding Knowledge as a
    Commons: From Theory to Practice (MIT Press, 2007)

    Tim Jordan, Hacking: Digital Media and Technological Determinism
    (Polity, 2008)

    Eduardo Kac, ed, Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond (MIT Press, 2007)

    Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic
    Imagination (MIT Press, 2008)

    Sharon Kleinman, ed, Displacing Place: Mobile Communication in the
    Twenty-First Century (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Stephen Kline, Nick Dyer-Witheford, and Greig De Peuter, Digital Play:
    The Interaction of Technology, Culture, and Marketing (McGill-Queen’s
    University Press, 2003)

    Christophe Lécuyer, Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of
    High Tech, 1930-1970 (MIT Press, 2006)

    Rich Ling, New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication Is Reshaping
    Social Cohesion (MIT Press, 2008)

    Eugene Loos, Leslie Haddon, and Enid Mante-Meijer, The Social Dynamics
    of Information and Communication Technology (Ashgate, 2008)

    Geert Lovink, Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture
    (Routledge, 2008)

    Geert Lovink and Trebor Scholz, eds, The Art of Free Cooperation
    (Autonomedia, 2007)

    Annette N. Markham and Nancy K. Baym, eds, Internet Inquiry:
    Conversations About Method (Sage, 2009)

    Sharon R. Mazzarella, ed, 20 Questions About Youth & the Media (Peter
    Lang, 2007)

    Paul D. Miller, ed, Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture
    (MIT Press, 2008)

    Kathryn C. Montgomery, Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and
    Childhood in the Age of the Internet (MIT Press, 2007)

    Karen Mossberger, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Ramona S. McNeal, Digital
    Citizenship: The Internet, Society, and Participation (MIT Press, 2008)

    David E. Nye, Technology Matters: Questions to Live By (MIT Press, 2006)

    Lisa Nakamura, Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet
    (University of Minnesota, 2008)

    Kate O'Riordan and David J. Phillips, Queer Online: Media Technology and
    Sexuality (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Laikwan Pang, Cultural Control and Globalization in Asia: Copyright,
    Piracy and Cinema (Routledge, 2006)

    Amelia Sanz and Dolores Romero, Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory
    and Praxis (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007)

    Shayla Thiel Stern, Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls and the World of
    Instant Messaging (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Tanja Storsul and Dagny Stuedahl, Ambivalence Towards Convergence:
    Digitalization and Media Change (Nordicom, 2007)

    Melanie Swalwell and Jason Wilson, Pleasures Of Computer Gaming: Essays
    on Cultural History, Theory and Aesthetics (McFarland, 2008)

    May Thorseth and Charles Ess, eds, Technology in a Multicultural and
    Global Society (NTNU University Press, 2005)

    Kim Toffoletti, Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and
    the Posthuman Body (I. B. Tauris, 2007)

    Sherry Turkle, ed, Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (MIT Press, 2007)

    Joseph Turow, Niche Envy: Marketing Discrimination in the Digital Age
    (MIT Press, 2006)

    Victoria Vesna, ed, Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information
    Overflow (University of Minnesota, 2007)

    Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite, eds, The Internet in
    Everyday Life (Blackwell, 2002)

    Zach Whalen and Laurie N. Taylor, eds, Playing the Past: History and
    Nostalgia in Video Games (Vanderbilt University Press, 2008)

    David Wills, Dorsality: Thinking Back through Technology and Politics
    (University of Minnesota Press, 2008)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    nemáte někdo zkušenosti s přístupem k dokumentům, které jsou regionálně omezené, tj. nastavováním proxy? potřeboval bych se dostat k 3. kapitole v této knize:

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Are online databases and journals changing scientists' reading habits?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2008
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam