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    ztracené heslo?
    PALO_FABUSSdílení elektronických akademických zdrojů na téma informační technologie a sociální/humanitní vědy

    diskuse zaměřena na sdílení a shromážďování elektronických zdrojů: časopisy, mailing listy, newslettery, journal alerts, institucionální weby, databáze, nebo přímo studie, články, eseje, pokud je považujete za hodné pozornosti... vítané jsou taky archivační, citační či kolaborativní nástroje, které se osvědčily či se nabízejí k otestování
    rozbalit záhlaví
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALO_FABUS: "The Washington Post reported that a former U.S. intelligence official believes Elbakyan is working with the GRU, the same Russian military intelligence unit that stole emails from the Democratic National Committee in the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. election and leaked the documents to Wikileaks. "

    lol, no tak určitěéé
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    UBC, SFU allegedly hacked by Russian intelligence-backed internet pirates - Vancouver Is Awesome
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    DOBYTEK: tak jeste nazev
    Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a ‘Pirate Bay of Science’ Never Goes Down
    TADEAS --- ---
    French ISPs Ordered to Block Sci-Hub and LibGen - Husham.com
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    As More Universities 'Ditch' Elsevier, Sci-Hub Blossoms - TorrentFreak
    TADEAS --- ---
    University of California Boycotts Publishing Giant Elsevier | Technology Networks
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    Swedish ISP punishes Elsevier for forcing it to block Sci-Hub by also blocking Elsevier / Boing Boing
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    DEF CON 26 - Svea, Suggy, Till - Inside the Fake Science Factory
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    DOBYTEK: Ještě si dovolím link na nové auditko [ Akademický svět - tipy a triky ]
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    PALO_FABUS: Neni to skoda? Preci jen by to bylo tematicky dost jinde. Mne tady ty clanky prijdou zajimave, vsak jich prece nemusi byt dvacet tydne.
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    DOBYTEK: a nestačilo by použít toto? nežije to tady zrovna hekticky, ale lidé, které by zajímal tvůj klub, to tady už sledují... klidně kvůli tomu upravím název a dám ti adminská práva...
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    Snažím se založit auditko zaměřené na užitečné postupy a programy pro akademiky, podpořit můžete zde [ DOBYTEK @ nyx :: kluby :: věda a technika ]
    DOBYTEK --- ---
    Scientific publishing is a rip-off. We fund the research – it should be free | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian

    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    bez ověření

    DOBYTEK --- ---
    trocha tematickeho humoru

    TADEAS --- ---
    Russia is building a new Napster — but for academic research

    What will future historians see as the major Russian contribution to early 21st-century Internet culture? It might not be troll farms and other strategies for poisoning public conversation — but rather, the democratization of access to scientific and scholarly knowledge. Over the last decade, Russian academics and activists have built free, remarkably comprehensive online archives of scholarly works. What Napster was to music, the Russian shadow libraries are to knowledge.

    Much of the current attention to these libraries focuses on Sci-Hub, a huge online library created by Kazakhstan-based graduate student Aleksandra Elbakyan. Started in 2011, Sci-Hub has made freely available an archive of over 60 million articles, drawn primarily from paywalled databases of major scientific publishers. Its audience is massive and global. In 2017, the service provided nearly 200 million downloads. Because most scholars in high-income countries already have paid access to the major research databases through their university libraries, its main beneficiaries are students and faculty from middle- and low-income countries, who frequently do not.

    Such underground flows of knowledge from more- to less-privileged universities are not new. But they used to depend on slower and less-reliable networks, such as developing-world students and faculty traveling to and from Western universities, bringing back photocopies and later hard drives full of scholarly work. Sci-Hub scaled this process up to meet the demand of an increasingly interconnected global scientific community, where the first barrier to participation was access to research.
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