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    ztracené heslo?
    DAWEARTHSHIP - recyklované domy ^*^ energeticky soběstačné a ekologicky harmonické stavby
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DAWYT --- ---
    SVETLUSKA222: ahoj myslim, na te zoo se domluvili (ale nevim) a pak jeste chteji postavit zemelod na nejakem tajnem mistu u prahy, vice info tady http://www.zemelod.cz/cz/sbirka.html
    SVETLUSKA222 --- ---
    DAWYT: No docela by mne zajímalo, zda by to fungovalo i v Čr. Nevíte někdo jestli ten projekt v tý zoo Praha byl schválen?
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    IQ: Máte doma nepotrebnú slamu? Postavte si z nej dom | Z domova | tv.sme.sk
    SELECTOR_IX --- ---
    DENDROBATA: říká se tomu tepelná past. zapátrej na googlu
    LURA --- ---
    BRANA: Ten dům je moc hezký, i ten nový, co staví teď.
    MATT: To je sice možné, že to dostavěl už před několika lety, já si ale myslím, že i tak je to hezké a bez ohledu na papouškování novin je dobré, že se píše i o takovýhle stavbách a dostane se to na veřejnost.
    DENDROBATA --- ---
    Jeste nez zacnu patrat na netu, resil se tu (nebo je tady expert na) hybridni system pro ohrev teple vody k myti a vytapeni pohaneny solarnimi kolektory a kamny na drevo. Shanim veskere informace .. predstava takova ze pokud sviti slunicko, bude se voda ohrivat kolektory, jinak se zatopi v kamnech .. taky voda by mohla mit dva obehy, jeden na teplou vodu k myti a druhy na ustr. topeni .. coz mozna ale bude zbytecne pac prave resim cca do 40m2 obytne plochy a nakonec zustane jen ohrev teple vody obecne. Samozrejme se mi jedna o lowtech/lowcost variantu, takovych tech profi hybrid solar systemu by se dalo asi najit dost. Jaky typ kamen bude pro tento system vhodny? zasobnik... jaky? Dik za jakykoli koment ci info ..
    SELECTOR_IX --- ---
    hlavně tam sou smíchaný fotky z obou jeho prvních. zajímal by mě spíš ten třetí, jestli už stojí...
    MATT --- ---
    BRANA: to je stejne hrozny, Simon Dale ten dum dostavel pred trema, nebo kdovi kolika lety, uz se odstehoval, ale teprv ted o tom vsichni papouskujou, protoze se to nekdy v zari objevilo v Daily Mail..
    BRANA --- ---
    Dům jako z pohádky aneb Vítejte v Hobitíně | Dumazahrada.cz - Vše o bydlení, stavbě, zahradě a realitách
    MATT --- ---
    DOKKTOR: +/- ta naše, imho za jasna se dostanes pres ten 1kW/h, ale zas 8kW/den je dost optimisticky
    DOKKTOR --- ---
    MATT: zeměpisná šířka?
    MATT --- ---

    ZORB --- ---
    DAWYT: na difuzni svetlo to asi makat nebude...
    DOKKTOR --- ---
    What happens if clouds go in front of the sun while I'm cooking?Edit

    Your food will continue to cook as long as you have 20 minutes of sun an hour (using a box cooker). It is not recommended that you cook meats unattended when there is a possibility of substantial cloudiness. More information on this see Food safety. If you can be sure that the sky will stay clear though, you can put in any type of food in the morning, face the oven to the south, and the food will be cooked when you get home at the end of the day.

    If serious cloud cover significantly more than 25-30 % moves in and looks like it's there to stay, you need to save the food by moving it to some other kind of cooker. If your food is basically done (or near to and still very hot), and you're just keeping it warm enough to be safe and tasty until mealtime, you can tuck it into a box (or leave it in the box cooker, if that's what you're using) with insulation such as old quilts or comforters or sleeping bags tucked around it before closing the box and it will stay hot for at least a few hours. If the food definitely needs more cooking or has cooled into the danger zone, what will best emulate the gentlle heat of your solar cooker is an oven turned low (between 200 and 250F, depending on how much cooking the food still needs and how much time you have to reach it in). Electric slow cookers (aka crockpots) can also provide a good save for underdone foods such as soups, stews, etc. You can also use a stove burner, but if you want to retain some of that special flavor of solar cooked foods, keep the heat on the low side or use a diffuser on the burner. None of those options use as much power or heat up your kitchen as much as burners on high or higher oven termperatures.

    Solar cooking frequently-asked questions - Solar Cooking
    DOKKTOR --- ---
    DAWYT: řekl bych že ne. soudím ze zkušenosti podpalování fajfky lupou - pod mrakem nelze ;)
    DAWYT --- ---
    DOKKTOR: hezky, funguje to i v kdyz je pod mrakem?
    DOKKTOR --- ---
    DAWYT: parabola na vaření
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