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    ztracené heslo?
    ORGANAJihoslovanské kulturní a společenské reálie, souvislosti, kuriozity
    ORGANA --- ---
    Pyramidy v Bosne

    A to vite, ze v Bosne, u mestecka Visoko,asi 30 km od Sarajeva, maji mozna pyramidy? Minimalne si to mysli Semir Osmanagić, amatersky archeolog, narozen 1960 v Zenici, ale jinak zijici v Houstonu. Mistni vedci se tomu sice brani a zbytek vedecke komunity po svete je tim skoro pobouren, nicmene mistni turisticky biznys z teho zacal tezit uz ted a prodava suvenyry pyramidek...

    "It is estimated that 200,000 people visited Visoko this year and Bosnian pyramids are the main reason for this. "

    "Kroz svoj pseudoistraživački rad i posjete mnogobrojnim drevnim gradovima širom svijeta nudi drugačiji pogled na antropologiju, historiju civilizacija i teoriju evolucije. Postavio je hipotezu o postojanju piramide u Visokom, Bosanske piramide Sunca, i još tri piramide u blizini Bosanska piramida Mjeseca, Piramida Ljubavi i Hram Zemlje. Svi vodeći svjetski kao i domaći stručnjaci smatraju Osmanagićeve hipoteze ništavnim."

    Jinak vedci jak to vypada ho maji fakt docela za bludatora, jak vyplyva z wiki, uz kvuli Osmanagićovu soudu, ze Majove pochazeji od Antlantidanu a ti od Plejad...

    "It is my theory that the Maya should be considered watchmakers of the cosmos whose mission it is to adjust the Earthly frequency and bring it into accordance with the vibrations of our Sun... Their ancestors, the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, erected the first temples on energy potent points of the Planet. Their most important function was to serve as a gateway to other worlds and dimensions."

    Nicmene, proc ne, ze...to, ze k tomu nejsou postacujici dukazy jeste nutne neznamena, ze to tak nebylo...ackoliv presvedcit o tom vedu jinak nez pomoci dukazu nelze...
    I kdyz na strankach pisi, ze jakesi geometricke dukazy maji ci co...
    A vubec na tech svych strankach pisou,ze uz to potvrdil kdeko, nejakej egyptskej badatel a taky jini..
    resp. jde o to, ze zatim jakoby nasli jakysi megatezky bloky, ktery nebyly vytvoreny prirodni cestou a cely se to celkem shoduje se strukturou pyramid v egypte ci mexiku...

    jen skoda, ze posledni update te stranky je z roku 2006...


    ja myslim, ze je to ok jak to je, bosna tim akorat ziskava na reklame a vydelava na turismu:) imho to stene bude jeste trvat, nez se neco prokaze nebo ne..
    ORGANA --- ---
    to RVHP: Tak to mame standardne podezrele podobny zazitek s tim BF

    slusna stranka s novinkama z balkanu - spis kultura a tak
    CALE --- ---
    hihi tak to domluvime v demince :)
    RVHP --- ---
    CALE: No jsem pro! Na Belehraad!
    CALE --- ---
    RVHP: nechapes to spatne ale je tu jeste moznost abys jel taky, pojedu tam nejspis pres nejakej vikend a o neco malo bych si ho prodlouzil... zalezi na domluve :) Akorad ubytovani najit bude adventure :)
    RVHP --- ---

    to chapu, ja privezl akorat nejaky klobasek, tetovac, steku lucky strike (115din) a slaby pulkilo ovciho syra ze sjenice ... ale tahat to v batuzku neni uplne ono:-) chapu to spravne, ze by se dalo neco objednat???
    CALE --- ---
    chjoooo :(((( tak to me ale brutalne mrzi chlape...
    no ale kazdopadne jsem cestu zvladnul pod devet hodin a privezl si tunu kajmaku, ajvaru a par lahvi Vranca :))) to znamena ze zasob je porad malo a pojedu nekdy pristi mesic zase :)
    RVHP --- ---
    CALE: Kruciprdel ... tak to nam Jeleni utekli o fous ... já byl od 8. do 10. :-( Predtim jeste par dni v RS..
    CALE --- ---
    RVHP: omg neser me, kdy si tam byl... ja od 7.5 - 13.5, vedet to tak tam zajdem na obed a Jelena :)
    RVHP --- ---
    ORGANA: BF je opravdu prijemny film, videl jsem ho pred tydnem v BG. zase jsem uplne nesdilel veseli, ktere pulsovalo salem pri tech vypovedich policistu a spol. ale celkovy dojem je super.
    CALE --- ---
    koukam ze to je takovej modelingo-tenisovej blog... ale i takovej je asi treba :)
    CALE --- ---
    obrazek moc dobrej :P
    ORGANA --- ---
    a docela dobrej obrazek, uz na nej nejakou chvili koukam...

    ORGANA --- ---
    vida, vyborne....

    ja prihodim jeste jeden novy srbsko/černohorský film, objevil se v březnu 2009, na jehož promítání jsem byla včera:

    The Belgrade Phantom (2008)

    Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979. While Yugoslav president Tito is in Cuba settling international matters, a mysterious Phantom occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets. Through the radio the Phantom publicly challenges the police to try and catch him. More than 10.000 people are in the streets supporting their hero. The police are forced into a game where he sets the rules. The Phantom becomes a political threat. What started as a game turned into a political scandal and remained a myth that would never be forgot.
    dostalo to 8.3 z 10...a jako stoji to za to:) je to polodokumentarni forma - a vypovedi tech policistu, co to tehdy zazili, jsou skvely:)
    RVHP --- ---
    Pozvanka na promitani

    20. 5. 2009 v 19 hod.

    Hadersfild, 2007, 95 min, původní znění, EN titulky

    Režie: Ivan Živković
    Hrají: Nebojša Glogovac, Goran Sušljik, Miki Manojlovic

    Dům národnostních menšin, Vocelova 602/3, Praha 2.

    Vstup zdarma:-)

    Popis filmu: Bezcílnost svého života v oprýskaném paneláku, cynismus a absenci citů si Raša v kristových letech uvědomí teprve při konfrontačním setkání s dávným kamarádem. Katalyzátorem prozření se mu také stane duševní nemoc stejně starého souseda. Jeho onemocnění vzniklo právě přílišným hledáním smyslu života při studiu okultismu a různých náboženství v kombinaci s opiáty… Ve své druhé rovině příběh ukazuje existenční problémy obyvatel na maloměstě současného Srbska, které poznamenala nejen válka, ale jejichž národní identitu nyní stírají negativní západní vlivy. Precizní režie, výborná kamera, skvělé herecké výkony spolu s kvalitní předlohou daly vzniknout komornímu dramatu, jež vyniká realističností postav a syrovostí dialogů.
    ORGANA --- ---
    si tak čtu, co napsala jedna Kanaďanka o mužích (i ženách) v Bělehradě...není to žádná intelektuální velekrmě, ale kčertu s tím:)...jestli má někdo náladu, čtěte a reagujte...
    ORGANA --- ---
    :) tak dnes jen takova mala usmevnost na patecni odpoledne...

    Macedonia PM Asks For French Support
    Skopje | 15 May 2009 |
    Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy this Friday to lobby for Paris's support for his country's EU aspirations.

    At the meeting, originally set for Thursday, but delayed due to the Government's plane malfunction, Gruevski is expected to reiterate that that Macedonia has completed its part of the work regarding visa liberalisation.
    ORGANA --- ---
    Zift (2008)

    Scene group ARTHOUSE released dvd screener of Bulgarian war drama Zift during last night. This release has Bulgarian audio and hardcoded English subs. The movie has a very decent rating at IMDB and won numerous film prizes as well. Quality is standard on 1 CD.

    “Zift” is a genre mixture of neo-noir and sots-art. The story unfolds in one night. Moth is freed on parole after spending time in prison on wrongful conviction of murder. Jailed shortly before the Bulgarian communist coup of 1944, he now finds himself in a new and alien world - the totalitarian Sofia of the 60s. All hell breaks loose as soon as Moth walks out of jail. He tricks the bloodhounds of the communist state. He spends his first night of freedom in a breathtaking chase with time, trying to avoid fate, as he gets closer and closer to his ultimate demise. His frantic flight draws the map of a diabolical totalitarian city — decaying neighborhoods and gloomy streets, the bathhouse, the city canal, the hospital, the cathedral, the pompous works of communist architecture centered around the Mausoleum, smoky joints, bars, and finally — the graveyard. In the pursuit of truth, Moth runs into a bizarre parade of characters - agents, medics, barflies, outcasts, gravediggers and other species of the asphalt jungle.
    ORGANA --- ---
    tohle je ovsem vubec nejvetsi mazec:)) dokazete si predstavit, ze by to fungovalo u nas?

    Chuck Norris Guards Croatia Bakery

    Store bosses have seen off burglars by placing a life-sized photo of Hollywood action star Chuck Norris in the window.

    The Prerada bakery had experienced burglaries on an almost bi-weekly basis, and installed a life-size cut-out of the famous American tough guy in its window, with the warning that the store is “under the protection of Chuck Norris”.

    Now the bakery hasn't had a single burglary for more than a month.

    “To be honest we just started it as a joke but it really has worked. Thieves haven't been anywhere near us for ages. People seem to respect him,” sales assistant Mirna Kovac told LiveNews.

    "Everyone around here has seen his films and he's quite a popular character, perhaps even among criminals, so they've decided to leave us alone," she added.

    (Source: Croatian Times, LiveNews)
    ORGANA --- ---
    aneb co me opet pobavilo... mi se uz i zda, ze cist zpravy z balkanu je mnohonasobne vtipnejsi nez humoristicke casopisy...

    Croat Convicted of Killing Serbs Hides in Bosnia

    Both Croatian and Bosnian laws do not allow extradition of local residents to other countries. Over the past two decades, many convicted or suspected criminals have used this legal loophole to escape justice by moving from one country into the other.

    Another recent example is the case of the former Bosnian Croat member of the Bosnian presidency, Ante Jelavic, who has escaped from local criminal charges in Bosnia to Croatia. After living in Zagreb for years, he was recently abducted, apparently for ransom, and brought illegally to Bosnia. Yet he mysteriously managed to escape and illegally return to Croatia.

    Motivated by cases such as those of Ante Jelavic and Branimir Glavas, Bosnian and Croatian authiorities have initiated preparations for an agreement that would allow extradition between the two countries. The agreement will be officially signed within the next month, officials said.

    podle posledniho odstavce uz by meli mit podobni ptackove po ptakach...paklize k tomu skutecne dojde...
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