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    ztracené heslo?
    MAHISHGame culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak
    MAHISH --- ---
    The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology

    Richard Allan Bartle (born January 10, 1960, in England) is a British writer and game researcher, best known for being the co-author of MUD, the first multi-user dungeon. He is one of the pioneers of the massively multiplayer online game industry.
    EFHA --- ---
    MAHISH: ja jednou. byl jsem opilej. moc si to nepamatuju, jen ze chci zas :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: pošlu jim pozvánky na nyx, ať se podělí o zážitky:)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    j, Stan a Kyle :)

    MAHISH --- ---
    btw není tu někdo, kdo hrál/je Guitar Hero?
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MAHISH: super., tak to mi ba
    ALERT --- ---
    "Computer Game's High Score Could Earn The Nobel Prize In Medicine"

    "A new game, named Foldit, turns protein folding into a competitive sport. Introductory levels teach the rules, which are the same laws of physics by which protein strands curl and twist into three-dimensional shapes — key for biological mysteries ranging from Alzheimer's to vaccines.
    LEON_CHAMEAU --- ---
    MAHISH: To by som potrebovala, aby fungovalo k priatelovmu pisaniu diplomky ;)
    ALERT --- ---
    MAHISH: nahodou, hezkej clanek to je :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Almost famous

    My wife's fortunes started off with shirts. It was her passion in the game, making shirts as a tailor and advertising them with creative sales pitches on the Trade channel. On our original server, she made a name for herself selling shirts and proceeded to the same thing when we re-rolled. Eventually, she peddled her wares enough and with such charm that she eventually dominated the market to the point where people bought her shirts (and tuxedos, of course) even though they were priced a little higher than other shirts on the Auction House. As our server's Scarab Lord once put it while asking her to craft a shirt, "I want something branded, none of this /his original shirt's crafter's name\ sh**."

    MAHISH --- ---
    Sex in Games: Rez+Vibrator

    Pretty soon the levels and the images onscreen were just a faint blur to me. I knocked off my glasses and leaned back. I was in a daze. From far away, it seemed, I could hear Justin saying things like, "I made it to the next level!" and "This is cool!" but I was lost in my own little trance vibrating world.


    MAHISH --- ---
    divotvorná jeskyně:D
    ALERT --- ---
    Dan Sandin - Imerzivní prostory a radikální technologie
    22. * 23. kv*ten 2008
    Daniel J. Sandin je profesor na School of the Art and Design,
    University of Illinois v Chicagu, ředitel tamní interdisciplinární
    výzkumné laboratoře EVL (Electronic Visualization Laboratory),
    umělec, vynálezce a vývojář nástrojů pro zpracování videa (analogový
    Sandin Image Processor). Je také spoluvynálezcem prvního "divadla
    virtuální reality" CAVE (1992, s Tomem de Fanti) a dalších VR či AR
    (augmented reality) aplikací (ImmersaDesk, Varrier) a jedním z
    nejvýznamnějších tvůrců v historii elektronického umění. Zabýval se
    mimo jiné videoartem, interaktivním videem, imerzivními elektronickými
    prostory, technologií videoher, virtuální realitou a hnutím open source.

    pátek 23. května, 12:45 - 17:00, IIM

    prezentace díla Dana Sandina v 3D prostředí CAVE, představení dalších
    VR 3D aplikací, dílna se studenty a pedagogy


    Článek o návštěvě Dana Sandina a Institutu intermédií:

    trochu k tematu, cave parba :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Play With Me! Blindfolded Labyrinth Running in San Francisco

    The ancient Greeks banned it, but we're playing it anyway!
    MAHISH --- ---
    Ještě jsem neměl čas to číst, ale vypadá to na zajímavý článek:

    Persuasive Games: Texture
    But unlike paintings and plats principaux, games are not static scenes or objects -- they are interactive models of experiences. To simulate the behavior, rather than just the appearance of texture, games have to use more than visual effects.

    MAHISH --- ---
    MAHISH --- ---
    Jedna z věcí, o kterých se mi dennodenně zdá, je už koukám nějakej ten pátek realitou. Art engine:)

    Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer nybble-engine (2000-2004)
    Nybble-Engine, a nybble is four bits or half a byte.

    Nybble-Engine-Toolz is a peer-to-peer server network. The installation's software converts network processes into three-dimensional abstract movies and projects them in a cinema-like fashion onto a semicircular surround screen. Additionally, real-time generated surround sounds are played. This setup closes the loop of the installation: participants sit on a central "surfer sofa" as if they were in their own living-room. They use game-pads to enter a shooter game environment where "bullets" from data objects, action bots and other players whiz around. Every hit on an object triggers network processes; at every shot an anti-war mail is created and sent.

    Nybble-engineering refers to a method that starts at the programming level of real-time tools. Here it is primarily their replicating components that represent a technical artistic challenge. The AV products generated from these, so-called nybble-engine-movies (NEMs), are structurally interactive real-time network films. Nybble-engine thus stands for both the entire program framework and for the action-bots in their function as non-linear emergences. In addition, a freeze frame is extracted on the basis of nybble engineering and sintered via a 3D printer: the data-objectile. This object represents a functional equivalent that is not analogously conceptualized, but rather in terms of problem orientation. The nybble engine project is generally presented in a pop-coded form as a live modular lecture.

    http://climax.at/ - http://climax.at/nybble-engine/

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=_c2uCL9XMC4 - http://www.aec.at/en/prix/news_detail.asp?iNewsID=369 - http://www.aec.at/en/archives/prix_archive/prix_projekt.asp?iProjectID=12473

    The Pong Dress http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/2006/08/apparently-vali.php

    Margarete Jahrmann (A) artist and theorist, born 1968, lives in Zurich and graduated from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in 1994. Since then she has realized a variety of mediapoietic network projects, CD-ROMs, life generated modular software lectures, data objects and projects. Jahrmann is also co-founder of the art-server konsum.net. 96 - 98 correspondent of the online Journal Telepolis.

    Max Moswitzer (A), multimedia artist. He works on hardware hacking and art-scripting, server-art setups, generative visuals and dynamic data visualizations. 1990 co-founder of the artist group "You Never Know", where he exhibited e.g. at the Secession Vienna or international experimental galleries. Moswitzer studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where he is now lecturer for hybrid media.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAHISH: super
    MAHISH --- ---
    HARRIS: Jé, až to řeknu kamarádům, že jsem Bůh!... tak mi na to odpovědí ať už ty hry nehraju:)) Super, určitě tu svůj fetiš nech pořádně rozjet;)

    Mně konečně přišla kniha http://www.gamescenes.org/ , tak sem z ní budu postupně něco přidávat.
    Tak třeba tohle má pěkný provedení:)

    Micah Ganske Look In To My Eyes (2005)

    As technology in home-entertainment advances, one finds oneself confronted with virtual environments that more and more accurately mirror reality. The idea that we are entertained by these things simply because they are in the format of a “game” is fascinating to me. Eventually we will be able to have perfectly realistic simulations of our day-to-day lives where every second chance can be had by just hitting “restart.” This photographic series is about simulating this eventual simulation by placing the viewer behind my eyes. It is about how the most monotonous activity becomes pure candy when it’s placed at a sufficient level of distance to the spectator.

    2005 Adobe Design Achievement Awards
    Digital Photography/Imaging: Winner

    Micah Ganske
    Yale University School of Art

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