Jedna z věcí, o kterých se mi dennodenně zdá, je už koukám nějakej ten pátek realitou. Art engine:)
Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer nybble-engine (2000-2004)
Nybble-Engine, a nybble is four bits or half a byte.
Nybble-Engine-Toolz is a peer-to-peer server network. The installation's software converts network processes into three-dimensional abstract movies and projects them in a cinema-like fashion onto a semicircular surround screen. Additionally, real-time generated surround sounds are played. This setup closes the loop of the installation: participants sit on a central "surfer sofa" as if they were in their own living-room. They use game-pads to enter a shooter game environment where "bullets" from data objects, action bots and other players whiz around. Every hit on an object triggers network processes; at every shot an anti-war mail is created and sent.
Nybble-engineering refers to a method that starts at the programming level of real-time tools. Here it is primarily their replicating components that represent a technical artistic challenge. The AV products generated from these, so-called nybble-engine-movies (NEMs), are structurally interactive real-time network films. Nybble-engine thus stands for both the entire program framework and for the action-bots in their function as non-linear emergences. In addition, a freeze frame is extracted on the basis of nybble engineering and sintered via a 3D printer: the data-objectile. This object represents a functional equivalent that is not analogously conceptualized, but rather in terms of problem orientation. The nybble engine project is generally presented in a pop-coded form as a live modular lecture. - - -
The Pong Dress
Margarete Jahrmann (A) artist and theorist, born 1968, lives in Zurich and graduated from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in 1994. Since then she has realized a variety of mediapoietic network projects, CD-ROMs, life generated modular software lectures, data objects and projects. Jahrmann is also co-founder of the art-server 96 - 98 correspondent of the online Journal Telepolis.
Max Moswitzer (A), multimedia artist. He works on hardware hacking and art-scripting, server-art setups, generative visuals and dynamic data visualizations. 1990 co-founder of the artist group "You Never Know", where he exhibited e.g. at the Secession Vienna or international experimental galleries. Moswitzer studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where he is now lecturer for hybrid media.