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    ztracené heslo?
    MAHISHGame culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    CALL FOR PAPERS for panel entitled, "Gaming our Future? Time-Politics-Security in a Virtual World"

    INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE, New York, USA, February 15th through the 18th of 2009

    The space that digital games occupy in many people's lives has grown exponentially. Research on the socio-political ramifications of digital games has not, however, and is only now beginning to catch up. This panel seeks to redress the theoretical gap between this world and a growing number of virtual worlds and welcomes therefore papers that explore the relationship between digital games and questions of time, politics/political agency, and security using insights gained from the Social Sciences as well as the Humanities.

    If you would be interested in presenting a paper, please send us an abstract of no more than 500 words by Thursday, May 22. Do not forget to include a title for your abstract, your name, your affiliation, and your contact information.

    Please contact the panel organizers if you would like more information:
    Stephanie Buus,
    Research Fellow, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
    Stockholm, Sweden
    E-mail: stephanie.buus@ui.se

    Maria Stern
    Associate Professor, Department of Peace and Development Research
    Gothenburg University, Sweden
    E-mail: maria.stern@globalstudies.gu.se

    The general call for ISA proposals can be viewed at: http://www.isanet.org/newyork2009/
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    jdi někam! ze sims serie jsem naposledy hrál sim city :D
    MAHISH --- ---
    Škoda, že ti online Simsy brzo ukončej:P
    MAHISH --- ---
    Jj získavní bodíků u sousedů a kariérní postup, to Sko to jenom potvrzuje;)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    nn, já jsem achiever... tzn. leveling .)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Popravdě jsem to nečekal. Krom poslední otázky, zda mě víc těší vstup do guildy/clanu nebo výhra nad protivníkem v duelu jsem si moc nebyl vědomej mých krvelačnejch choutek:)

    No a ty běž hrát Simsy!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ty jseš takovej killer? :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Já KESA nebo KSEA teď už nevím:)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAHISH --- ---
    The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology

    Richard Allan Bartle (born January 10, 1960, in England) is a British writer and game researcher, best known for being the co-author of MUD, the first multi-user dungeon. He is one of the pioneers of the massively multiplayer online game industry.
    EFHA --- ---
    MAHISH: ja jednou. byl jsem opilej. moc si to nepamatuju, jen ze chci zas :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: pošlu jim pozvánky na nyx, ať se podělí o zážitky:)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    j, Stan a Kyle :)

    MAHISH --- ---
    btw není tu někdo, kdo hrál/je Guitar Hero?
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MAHISH: super., tak to mi ba
    ALERT --- ---
    "Computer Game's High Score Could Earn The Nobel Prize In Medicine"

    "A new game, named Foldit, turns protein folding into a competitive sport. Introductory levels teach the rules, which are the same laws of physics by which protein strands curl and twist into three-dimensional shapes — key for biological mysteries ranging from Alzheimer's to vaccines.
    LEON_CHAMEAU --- ---
    MAHISH: To by som potrebovala, aby fungovalo k priatelovmu pisaniu diplomky ;)
    ALERT --- ---
    MAHISH: nahodou, hezkej clanek to je :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Almost famous

    My wife's fortunes started off with shirts. It was her passion in the game, making shirts as a tailor and advertising them with creative sales pitches on the Trade channel. On our original server, she made a name for herself selling shirts and proceeded to the same thing when we re-rolled. Eventually, she peddled her wares enough and with such charm that she eventually dominated the market to the point where people bought her shirts (and tuxedos, of course) even though they were priced a little higher than other shirts on the Auction House. As our server's Scarab Lord once put it while asking her to craft a shirt, "I want something branded, none of this /his original shirt's crafter's name\ sh**."

    MAHISH --- ---
    Sex in Games: Rez+Vibrator

    Pretty soon the levels and the images onscreen were just a faint blur to me. I knocked off my glasses and leaned back. I was in a daze. From far away, it seemed, I could hear Justin saying things like, "I made it to the next level!" and "This is cool!" but I was lost in my own little trance vibrating world.


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