The benefit of zen meditation are endless in our daily life.
od uživatele Gregoire Debailly dne 19. leden 2012 v 9:22
When i was young i listened often « Mens sana in corpore sano ». It is clear that the healthy of body as lot influence on the healthy of the mental, of the mind. 50 years later i would also add at this sentence from Juvénal in 45 after JC, that our state of mind, our mental healthy has also a deep influence on our body healthy. Everybody known that a healthy body and healthy mind are the condition of happyness.
But yet, lot of people considere that happyness depend at first from the money you have, from your matériel possession like, houses, car, boat and so one, there is no limit. Of course money is important because very usefull, but only money, and materiels things cannot help you to create the inner peace in your mind, it can help to create the condition for this research but that all.
I noticed in my life that the more people have money, and materiels possession, and the more quickly the desires increase, ( this is the princip of the society of consum ) the jalousy between people too, and also the suspicion, « from where come all the money of this man, how did he get it ? ».
Money and the power that gives to people, create in our society, lot of expection, and of course lot frustration, it create too, lot of anxiousness, lot of stress in the society.
The source of our inner peace come from inside us. All start with oneself, when a man become more peacefull , less agressif in his daily life, his inner peace will influence his family, his neighboor, his collegues, his city, his country, the all world. When we change state of mind, when we change posture, change behavior, then the world change. Only like that the changement is possible, when we change inside, but to try to change the world outside, to change the mind, the point of view of the other, around us, and try to make that it correspond to our desire, is a pure illusion.
The source of the peace and quietness in inside you. Therefore, it doesn't matter, if you are buddhist or not, believer or athéist, just remember that if you want a better body healthy, it is very important to have also a good mental, an healthy mind, more quiet, more peacefull, more stable, more silent, because when then mind is quiet, it is possible to breath better, to eat better, to digest better, to sleep better, to have better day and better night. We are more accessible for the other, because more relax. We feel balanced . People who sit regulary, who medidate regulary have a huge energy.
Too much stress, too much anxiousness, to much expectation, too much frustation in the life, provocate finaly disorder and trouble in the entire body.
That is why i recommand the meditation to all people, to sit, to stay concentrated on their sitting posture during the time of the meditation, and let beside for a moment, all their problem of daily life, and take the time to recover a quiet and deep breathing, take the time to place correctly your body. Take the time to recover this inner peace before to return at your daily affairs, take the time to take some distance from your daily life. You will see you will feel immediatly much better after, more sure, less hesitating, less nervous or anxious.
When i was young i listened often « Mens sana in corpore sano ». It is clear that the healthy of body as lot influence on the healthy of the mental, of the mind. 50 years later i would also add at this sentence from Juvénal in 45 after JC, that our state of mind, our mental healthy has also a deep influence on our body healthy. Everybody known that a healthy body and healthy mind are the condition of happyness.
But yet, lot of people considere that happyness depend at first from the money you have, from your matériel possession like, houses, car, boat and so one, there is no limit. Of course money is important because very usefull, but only money, and materiels things cannot help you to create the inner peace in your mind, it can help to create the condition for this research but that all.
I noticed in my life that the more people have money, and materiels possession, and the more quickly the desires increase, ( this is the princip of the society of consum ) the jalousy between people too, and also the suspicion, « from where come all the money of this man, how did he get it ? ».
Money and the power that gives to people, create in our society, lot of expection, and of course lot frustration, it create too, lot of anxiousness, lot of stress in the society.
The source of our inner peace come from inside us. All start with oneself, when a man become more peacefull , less agressif in his daily life, his inner peace will influence his family, his neighboor, his collegues, his city, his country, the all world. When we change state of mind, when we change posture, change behavior, then the world change. Only like that the changement is possible, when we change inside, but to try to change the world outside, to change the mind, the point of view of the other, around us, and try to make that it correspond to our desire, is a pure illusion.
The source of the peace and quietness in inside you. Therefore, it doesn't matter, if you are buddhist or not, believer or athéist, just remember that if you want a better body healthy, it is very important to have also a good mental, an healthy mind, more quiet, more peacefull, more stable, more silent, because when then mind is quiet, it is possible to breath better, to eat better, to digest better, to sleep better, to have better day and better night. We are more accessible for the other, because more relax. We feel balanced . People who sit regulary, who medidate regulary have a huge energy.
Too much stress, too much anxiousness, to much expectation, too much frustation in the life, provocate finaly disorder and trouble in the entire body.
That is why i recommand the meditation to all people, to sit, to stay concentrated on their sitting posture during the time of the meditation, and let beside for a moment, all their problem of daily life, and take the time to recover a quiet and deep breathing, take the time to place correctly your body. Take the time to recover this inner peace before to return at your daily affairs, take the time to take some distance from your daily life. You will see you will feel immediatly much better after, more sure, less hesitating, less nervous or anxious.
The benefit of zen meditation are endless in our daily life.
Réverend Seï Debailly
Praha 2012
Réverend Seï Debailly
Praha 2012