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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    cela vec je komplikovana jeste tim ze Buh (Brahma) kazdeho vzkrisi. Bible plati. Zapadni buddhismus ktery je agnostisticky a ateisticky je chybny :-)
    SMILE_DOG: jedna se o trojtisicovy svet tisicu vesmiru :) navic v kazdem zrnku prachu je nespocet Buddhu :-)
    SMILE_DOG --- ---
    ...urcite je pro me zajimavy precist si neco z davnych textu a naucit se nejaky novy cesty praxe, takze klido pastuj dal...
    SMILE_DOG --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: v soucastne dobe na zemi zije pres pres 7 miliard lidí a roste to exponencialni radou... to mi teda zas tak vzacne neprijde... pokud mluvis o kvantovem fenomenu musis navic zapocitat nekonecne mnozstvi paralelnich vesmiru a dostavame se na absolutni uroven vsehomira kde je vsechno jen Jedno...

    ...ja nechci popirat nic z toho so jsi tu pastnul, jenom rikam ze prilis mnoho teorie a cislovani svetu a premysleni o vyznamech pekla a raje je spise brzda (dualismus) a ze budhismus je hlavne praxe, hlavne s tim vubec nejak chtit zacit a ono uz se te to premele... a je uplne jedno jestli v tomto nebo v kolikaterem zivote.. peklo i raj je soucastne ted a tady... po smrti uz bych se niceho nebal, kazdej se dostane tam kam ma (jestli nekdo zil celej zivot ve strachu, tak to uz zas takova zmena nebude, kdyz se bude bat i po smrti ;))
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    SMILE_DOG: to mate jinak... po smrti je 6 risi pro znovuvyvstani vedomi (klidne to muzeme brat jako kvantovy fenomen)... lidske znovuzrozeni je velmi vzacne... spis se jedna nebeske svety (zridka)/svet zvirat/hladovy duchove/pekla
    SMILE_DOG --- ---
    stejne mi to s tim strachem nebo odporem k znovuzrozeni prijde takovy vselijaky... mne se treba na Zemi libi, klidne si to dam znovu...kdyz se clovek drzi aspon zakladu a neublizuje zamerne druhym a nevymysli pytloviny tak by to nemelo ani nikam vyrazne upadnout...zadnej casovej horizont prece danej neni a stejne jednou osviceni dosahnem vsichni... bat se znovuzrozeni je prece taky bardo...
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Manifestace v bardech = test čistoty karmy. Resp. to co tě děsí/ vyvádí z míry teď a tady může být důvodem k znovuzrození. Jasněže se na tom musí pracovat v tomto životě.
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: So highend level imho. Nějaké konkrétní vhledy k laické diskuzí? ;)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "In the Bardos the person will be engaged by lights which terrify. If the person fails to see these lights as manifestation of their essential nature and being they will be presented with lessor lights which will seem much more comfortable and inviting than the lights which terrify and merger with these lessor lights is what leads to continued cyclic existence. The lama who engages the person in the Bardos through the rites seeks to encourage the person to see the terrifying light for what it is and accept it and not be swayed by the lessor lights because of their own insecurities guilts and fears etc. But shouldn’t we be engaged in this before we die? I for one do not find any of these religious appeals to what happens after death appealing."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    I am sorry I cannot provide where this text comes from I pulled it from somewhere????? It is informative.

    When, in the Longde and Menngagde or Upadeshavarga series of Dzogchen, the final attainment is carried to its very limit or very near it, the yogi may attain one of the four modes of death that are characteristic of Dzogchen. These are:
    (1) The rainbow body or jalüv, which results from the “mode of death of the dakinis (khandrosvi),” proper to those who have attained the highest realization resulting from the practice of the Vajra-bridge or Dorje Zampavii pertaining to the Longde series of Dzogchen. This realization should not be confused with the so-called “rainbow body” resulting from specific Tantric practices of the Path of Transformation, which is not at all equivalent.
    (2) The body of atoms (lü dül thren du dengviii), which results from the “mode of death of the vidyadharas (rigdzinsix),” proper to those who have attained the highest realization resulting from the practice of Trekchö or the Nyingthik (which, as we have seen, belong to the Menngagde series of Dzogchen). This realization is compared to the breaking of a closed vase, upon which the internal space or dimension and the external space or dimension fuse.
    (3) The body of light (ökyikui or öphungii), which results from the mode of death called “self-consuming like a fire,” proper to those who have developed to a certain extent the fourth vision of Thögel and/or the Yangthik, and thus attain the second highest level of realization that can result from these practices. This type of body is often called “rainbow body” as well.
    The total transference or phowa chenpo (powa chenpoiii), which does not involve going through the process of death and which results from the mode of ending life called “invisible like space,” proper to those who have attained the highest level of realization resulting from the practices of Thögel and/or the Yangthik. P158-159
    RAPAL --- ---
    RAPAL --- ---
    RAPAL --- ---
    "The essence of Guru Yoga is simply to remember the guru at all times: when you are happy, think of the guru; when you are sad, think of the guru; when you meet favorable circumstances, be grateful to the guru; and when you meet obstacles, pray to the guru, and rely on him alone. When you are sitting, think of the guru above your head. When you are walking, imagine that he is above your right shoulder, as if you were circumambulating him. When you are eating food, visualize the guru at your throat center and offer him the first portion. Whenever you wear new clothes, first offer them to the guru, and then wear them as if he had given them back to you." ~ His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
    SMILE_DOG --- ---
    JARDAHOROR: otazkou zustava co na to rikat tve vedlejsi ja? :}
    OGMIOS --- ---
    TOOM: ale zase kdyz mas hodne burtu se sebou tak v klidu ;)
    TOOM --- ---
    Ulpívat v tomto životě na tomto světě bez práce na probuzení je jako těšit se z pobytu v hořícím domě. Už nevím kterého lamu parafrázuji. Je to fuk naokonec :)
    LU_EXE --- ---
    v navaznosti na tohle:
    Chcete si udržet bystrou mysl a paměť? Zapomeňte na léky | Týden.cz
    me napadlo, jak je to s meditaci a s mozkem/demenci, pripadne jinyma chorobama, necetl jste o tom nekdo neco ?
    BNT --- ---
    a tak je to tu (na diskusních serverech míněno) skoro vždycky... jeden o voze, druhej o koze, nebo né? :)
    OGMIOS --- ---
    DIDGENAUT: takze ani nikdo jinej to v budhisticky tradici nepopisoval?
    DIDGENAUT --- ---
    OGMIOS: přečti si všechny ty příspěvky ještě jednou, ptáš se pořád dokola na to, co již bylo řečeno. Buddhovi nešlo o nic jiného než o ukončení "utrpení". Svou cestu učil k "ukončení" utrpení. K otázkám, které nevedly k ukončení "utrpení" se nevyjadřoval.
    OGMIOS --- ---
    DIDGENAUT: no v tom pripade mi ted Buddha vychazi jako typek z prodejni akce..koukej koupit jinak uvidis. a samzorejme ze se snazim pochopit kam to lezu driv nez tam vlezu. kdyz prijdes k utesu a pod tebou bude voda a ty neuvidis pod hladinu..skocis tam rovnou a nebo nejdriv pujdes zjistit co tam je?
    jinak ja si myslim ze svet opravdu je dokonalej v tom jak funguje. to ze tu je utrpeni je soucast stejne jako to ze tu je blaho. a ono v basolutnim kontextu opravdu maji i mista svoji karmu dke se muze stat neco spatnyho. ono to neni jen karma z minulosti ale hlavne z pritomnosti. podle toho jak se vari voda. nekdy holt lidi daj prilis energie do urcitych udalosti ktere vedou k takovejm prusvihum jako tebou zminovany Bhopal ci valky ci neco jineho. vse je ale vysledkem lidskeho snazeni. zvlast v dnesni dobe kdy lidi zaplavili tento svet. to ze proti tomu nic nezmuses je mozne. nekdo na to nemusi mit silu. vzdy mas ale moznost se neucastnit.
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