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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    OGMIOS: svet je Stvoritelovo stvoreni
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: chces rict ze to co manifestuje svet je silena mysl? :D
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    vsechno je energie, karma je taky jenom energie
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    OGMIOS: protoze je to silena Kosmicka hra.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Vedeli jste ze existuje Vajrayanovy ocistec ?
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: spis mi rekni proc se to manifestuje tak jak se to manifestuje. kde udelali soudruzi vsichni buddhove chybu?
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    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "Dharmakaya is like space. You cannot say there is any limit in space in any direction. No matter how far you go, you never reach a point where space stops and that is the end of space. Space is infinite in all directions. So is Dharmakaya. Dharmakaya is all-pervasive and totally infinite, beyond any confines or limitations. This is so for the Dharmakaya of all Buddhas. There is no individual Dharmakaya for each Buddha as there is no individual space for each country. You can't say there is more than one space can you? It is all -pervasive and wide open. This is the same the Dharmakaya level of all Buddhas. That's the Dharmakaya sphere within which Sambhogakaya manifests. The three kayas are the basic dimension within which all mundane worlds manifest and disappear."
    December 30, 2013 at 8:02am · Like
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
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    The ordinary mind of dualistic perception is the great demon of conditioned existence that causes one to wander in the three realms of Samsara.
    -Dudjom Lingpa, in a vision of Manjusrimitra
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    Dharmakaya is the basis for everything and is not disconnected from anything. It is the common absolute empty nature of all Buddhas identical with all that exists. Here, Samantabhadra abides beyond dualism: vast, limitless sparkling empty space full of infinite potential. This is the essential nature, a luminosity expressed in the clarity of manifestation that is Sambhogakaya. The expressive ever-present energy within the luminosity is Nirmanakaya. The sparkling clear light of luminous unlimited energy that pervades all three kayas is known as Rigpa. Rigpa is also indistinguishable from the Base, the ground of being, known in Bon as kunzhi, the unity of clarity and emptiness found in the constant natural indeterminate open unfolding of appearance and awareness.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Garab Dorje transmitted Maha Ati to various Indian masters including Manjusrimitra, who obtained instant realization simply by observing a gesture of “direct introduction” from his master. Garab Dorje wrote the following teaching:

    Mind’s nature is Buddha from the beginning.
    It has neither birth nor cessation, like space.
    When you realize the real meaning of the equal nature of all things,
    To remain in that state without searching is meditation.

    Manjusrimitra then expressed his understanding of this instruction:

    I Am Manjushrimitra
    I have attained the accomplishment of Yamantaka.
    I have realized the great equality of samsara and nirvana;
    Omniscient primal wisdom has arisen. {{5}}

    Maha Ati: Natural Liberation Through Primordial Awareness - Buddhist Geeks
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    The mind's original nature is like space;
    It pervades and embraces all things under the sun.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Buddha Prophesized about the coming of Jesus
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The phenomenal world, without addition or subtraction, is Mahamudra.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Keith Dowman / Mahamudra / Tilopa's Mahamudra Teaching to Naropa
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    Pochopil jsem, že Cesta není nic jiného, než zbavit se všeho, co jsem kdy slyšel, viděl, co jsem kdy zažil, myslel, snil a chtěl. Neboť vše, co jsme si kdy pomysleli a k čemu jsme přilnuli, se stává snem, který budeme muset prožít. Bře­menem, které nám brání následovat všechny Tathágaty na cestě pravé přirozenosti, na cestě odložení těla a mysli. Neboť, jak praví Šen-chuej:

    "Nevytvářet žádný záměr, s odstraněným jak
    bytím, tak nebytím, a zničenou jak smyslovou
    říší, tak rozumem, je samo-existujícím budd-
    hovstvím. Pokud existuje sebenepatrnější
    kousek mysli, boddhi nebude fungovat.
    Základní podstata, prázdná a jasná,
    Bez jediné věci, které by mohlo
    být dosaženo: tomu se říká
    nepřekonatelné boddhi."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Mirror of the Heart of Vajrasattva

    VAJRASATTVA: THE SECRET OF THE FOUR WISDOMS Trekcho, Togal and Bardo - Richard Chambers Prescott - Knihy Google
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    When the mind dwells on nothing, true mind appears. » Diamond Sutra
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