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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "I confess that there is nothing to teach: no religion, no science, no body of information which will lead your mind back to the Tao. Today I speak in this fashion, tomorrow in another, but always the Integral Way is beyond words and beyond mind. Simply be aware of the oneness of things." ~Lao Tzu
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "Zazen" practice gives solid experience of Dzogchen Rigpa. There is no more stronger practice for it. I can only recommend it is very strong meditation practice and the original practice of historical Buddha, Tathagata himself.

    Zazen is indeed like a light of Sun, Buddhas zazen is infinite.


    Zazen can be learned conveniently in the SoTo Zen centres, or some good instructory videos and books. it is padma-asana with dhayani mudra (dhyana=zen, also Dhyanic Buddhas) and WITH backed ass ! :)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Zazen a Dzogchen

    Is there any "practice" that enhances what is pointed out in Dzogchen, Mahamudra or Zen, that is in itself not a gradualist method or approach?
    Yes indeed! The sitting practice of Soto Zen called "shikentaza" is ideal. Shikentaza means "just sitting".
    Dogen Zenji described it as the practice "of" a Buddha, not a means to become a Buddha. So there is no expectation of gaining some higher state or enlightenment.
    However, by engaging in lengthy sessions of shikentaza the mind becomes crystal clear and transparently vast.
    It's like if you have a jar filled with water, mud and sand, and you swirl it around, the water is murky and unclear. If you set the jar down, just leaving it still, the sediment settles to the bottom and the water becomes perfectly clear automatically.
    Likewise by leaving the mind alone and undisturbed, it's turbulence will settle down and the mind will become crystal clear on its own. But it's important that no self-effort is exerted nor any expectations be held.
    Here's how:
    One style is to sit in a relaxed meditation posture on a cushion or on a chair; with back straight. Either look at a point on the floor slightly in front of the body, or look straight out, slightly upwards, and keep the eyes fixed and not moving.
    Breath slowly and naturally.
    Your mind-state is that of being a mirror; all thoughts and perceptions appear in consciousness but nothing is engaged with. You are simply present and aware with no other agenda.
    An alternative practice it to do all the same, but look into the sky without moving your eyes with your mouth slightly open.
    The longer you sit in shikentaza the better; the more settled and clear the mind becomes. When it becomes crystal clear and transparently empty, profound wisdom insights will arise spontaneously over time.
    This was my core practice since I was 16 when I was a student of Japanese Soto Zen master, Matsuoka Roshi. I started with forty minute sessions in the Zendo, and worked up to two to three hours of unbroken shikentaza. It usually took at least two hours before the wisdom (rigpa) insights began arising spontaneously.
    It's especially beneficial to practice in nature if possible or at least in a room that has some good fengshui (aesthetic balance).
    (Thogal is also such a practice)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    To be in a deluded state is to sense you are a perceiver and experiencer of an already existing environment, instead of being the projector of it.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Instant Buddhahood

    Actors remain as their true identity while they "assume" or mentally generate their role's character and personal identity as the script dictates.

    The actor generates the mood, emotional tone and the character's physical comportment as accurately as possible.

    But at no time is the professional actor's original identity modified by the roles it pretends to be.

    That being so, then it also must be that the "assumed identity" is occurring in the same mental space as the actor's true identity. The assumed identity is just a temporary overlay or mask being generated by the actor's mind itself upon and within the true identity of the actor.

    The actor could assume many different complete identities over time without ever conditioning or altering his or her true identity in any way. At the end of a work day, the actor always goes home as the original identity.

    Rigpa is a Buddha. A Buddha has a true "identity" as defined by the inherent, and unconditioned attributes of all Buddhas. The Buddha can creatively generate infinite numbers of imaginary identities to assume, just like our actor could.

    But for most of us, our Buddha Mind is projecting our identity as one that doesn't recognize its nature as being merely a fictional projection (tsal) of the Buddha Mind (Rigpa) itself.

    In other words, you are fully a functioning Buddha in this exact moment who is projecting an identity that doesn't know it's merely a self-projection. It's this ignorance that is the first link in its samsaric stage play.

    It seems the assumed character has become fused somewhat permanently in its script and role without knowing the true nature of itself as being the energetic projection (tsal) of the unconditioned actor or Buddha fully engaged in its active performance.

    Here's how to snap out of the karmic character role and its samsaric script immediately:

    Close your eyes. Sense your personal identity as your full name invokes. For me it would be like thinking "I am Jackson Peterson".
    Contemplate and feel fully your unique self and sense of "me".

    Next, still with eyes closed; sense your consciousness is a fully active and functioning Buddha. You are that perfect Buddha. Your mind IS the Buddha Mind. Stay with this contemplation until fully felt with some sense of conviction.

    Now sense that AS a Buddha, that you, AS a Buddha are imagining yourself to be your ordinary personal self-identity. Notice how both aspects are occurring in the exact same mental space. Stay with this for a little while.

    Now shift back and forth several times from sensing yourself as your personal self-identity (karmic self) and then as your being a Buddha .

    After doing that for a few minutes; then sense you are a Buddha "in the act of projecting your egoic identity". It's like sensing you are a Buddha Mirror and you are projecting your egoic identity as a reflection that is appearing in your transparent and perfectly clear Buddha Mind.

    Practice with this "recognition" exercise until identity fully shifts into your true Identity as an always present and changeless Buddha.

    "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts..."

    William Shakespeare
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Ever Present Clear Light
    Q. What is your condition in this moment?
    A. It's a rather beclouded state of uncomfortable consciousness.
    Q. What is it that is knowing that condition? Could it be that the clear light of awareness is the cognitive aspect of the condition itself?
    Isn't it like the clear glass of a mirror in which the reflections appear? Could a reflection appear absent the ever-present clear glass of the mirror?
    Does the ever-present clear and transparent glass ever change as do the reflections?
    In Dzogchen we can notice that no matter what mental, emotional or perceptual phenomena appear, that which knows those occurrences are happening is the perfect clear light of awareness (rigpa) itself.
    So whether karmic mind or the egoic self are present or not, the clear light of rigpa is always equally their host, just like the clear glass of a mirror always hosts it's reflections in its transparent emptiness.
    In any experience, notice the aware and empty quality of the "noticing" itself. By doing so, the reflection or experience reveals its true nature to be awareness itself appearing momentarily as the occurrence. The ocean is manifesting a wave.
    In this moment of "seeing", the formative or energetic aspect of the occurrence releases upon the arising.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    How does one enter the direct path of Dzogchen without any preparation, development or further maintenance?
    Notice the ever-present quality of an aware observing that is only a naked knowingness and empty observingness. It's not produced or fabricated. It's the only "constant" in all experience.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Ucim Zazen, Buddhuv Zazen, linie transmise.... tak jak me to naucil Mistr. pokud by se chtel nekdo presne Zazen naucit (Buddhovo cviceni-osviceni), naucim, piste POSTA, zajdeme na Staromak nebo si necham poslat zafu a muzeme na travniku, v parku, bydlim v lese :D Praha, musite prijet.

    Presna transmise pro Skutecne Telo Buddhy, klicova poloha tela a mysli, odlozeni tela a mysli, Dharmakaya Buddhismus, ja jsem Mahayana, ochrance Dharmy, ochrance Mahayany a Vajrayany.

    Zazen Mistra Dogena, to je Rigpa, to je Hishiryo - Beyond consciouness.

    (tohle je sice silna medicina ale je to naprosto bezpecne. Techniky z FB zkousejte na vlastni nebezpeci, ikdyz to taky buduje charakter :)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    zazen je i tady, 4 skupiny, na Staromaku, cilize je to 5 krat tydne zazen... rano vecer

    Skupiny a jóga :: Centrum Lotus
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Zazen is infinite, infinity eternity.....
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "Zazen je nejhlubší odpověď na všechny otázky, které si člověk může položit.“

    - Mistr Sei Yu Debailly

    " Zazen je velka cesta, velka stezka. Je to zniceni nazoru, existence a neexistence, zivota, smrti, je to zniceni viry ve vecnost, v zanik. Je to nedualita. To, cemu nas uci zazen, je prava povaha vsech veci. Zazen odtina vsechny nase pochyby. Musime cvicit s velkou radosti. Toto cviceni je hluboke a tajemne, nikdo ho nemuze zmerit. Svetlo zazenu je jako jas slunce. Toto cviceni je nekonecne. "

    - Mistr Debailly

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ZAZEN, SAMOTNE CVICENI ZAZENU = ZIVOT NA 100 % !!! :D v tom zazenu sedet, ne o nem premyslet.

    Pak ze Zazenu, coz je cviceni samotneho historickeho Buddhy, vylezete ze zazenu a svet je jako 1. den po stvoreni, uplne cerstvy a zarivy, 500 mikro afterglow :D


    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY: uz jsem si myslel ze ses prihlasil na Zazen !! :D

    to je 10 000 % probuzeni, staci ti jedna hodina a je to asi tak 5krat silnejsi nez LSD....

    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Už jsem se přihlásil ;)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    akce Zazen Praha

    26. červen v 19:00–21:00

    Zen dojo MYO GEN JI Praha

    Na Třebešíně 1060/10, 100 00 Praha

    Vědomá pozornost v každodenním životě


    Veřejná · Pořádá Zen dojo MYO GEN JI Praha a Sótó zen ČR - Sangha žáků mistra Kaisena
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY: amigo, ty citajes tohle? [ KOCOURMIKES @ BUDDHISMUS ]
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: 100kliků/100 dřepů! Nic víc nepotřebuješ. Duhové tělo & diamantová mysl se dostaví mimochodem. Ještě lépe 1klik/ 1dřep- každý 10min. výdrž= levitace startup pack :D
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY: Neznicitelnost Diamantoveho Supersportovce :)
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