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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Samsara is never more than your current thought being energized and believed!

    Nirvana is the absence of all thought.
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: to nema smysl. K cemu to je? To je jako byt ci nebyt. Rikaj ze bud jsi a trpis nebo nejsi a netrpis. Jestli jsem se posledne koukal spravne do zrcadla tak bych mel byt. Az se tam kouknu priste a nebudu tak k cemu to bude dobry? Podle me to je velke neresitelne dilema. Usilovat o nebyti. Si takhle teda sednes a rikas si dokola. Ja neexistuju, ja nemyslim, nic neexistuje. Jenze pritom tam sedis jak trubka a otevres oci a se ti vsechno smeje do ksichtu. Tak je zase zavres a reknes tomu jsoucnu radsi hlasitejs ze je uplne mimo a ze prece neexistuje. No mnoho uspechu.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Rigpa as Quantum Coherence
    A "quantum coherent state" is one where a condition of perfect symmetry and part-less wholeness abides. This is our "natural state" of rigpa awareness.
    It seems that only concepts can interfere or create an incoherent state of rigpa called dualistic mind (sem) as samsara. The decoherence and loss of symmetry is experienced as discomfort, egoic selfing, and a sense of separation and isolation.
    When the conceptualizing mind is allowed to become inactive, the natural state of coherence as rigpa, arises spontaneously.
    It's like holding an inflated ball under water; whenever you let go of it, it pops back to surface effortlessly. We hold the mind "under water" in dualistic decoherence continuously through engaging in conceptualizing, daydreaming and thinking.
    When the mind ceases conceptualizing and thinking, the quantum coherent state of rigpa automatically reappears and pops back into surface consciousness, as that consciousness. Then continuous insightful wisdoms, bliss and unconditional love are automatically appearing as the intrinsic qualities of our naturally coherent state.
    This is why it's agreed amongst all Buddhist traditions that nirvana is a non-conceptualizing state.
    The Buddha: MN 140 Dhātuvibhaṅga Sutta:
    " ‘He has been stilled where the currents of conceiving do not flow. And when the currents of conceiving do not flow, he is said to be a sage at peace.’ Thus was it said. With reference to what was it said?
    Monk, “I am” is a conceiving. “I am this” is a conceiving. “I shall be” is a conceiving. “I shall not be” ... “I shall be possessed of form” ... “I shall be formless” ... “I shall be perceiving ” ... “I shall be non-perceiving” ... “I shall be neither-perceiving-nor-non-perceiving” is a conceiving. Conceiving is a disease, conceiving is a cancer, conceiving is an arrow. By going beyond all conceiving, monk, he is said to be a sage at peace.
    Furthermore, a sage at peace is not born, does not age, does not die. He is unagitated, and is free from longing. He has nothing whereby he would be born. Not being born, how could he age? Not aging, how could he die? Not dying, how could he be agitated? Not being agitated, for what will he long?
    So it was in reference to this that it was said, ‘He has been stilled where the currents of conceiving do not flow. And when the currents of conceiving do not flow, he is said to be a sage at peace.’"
    Nagarjuna: "What language describes is non-existent. What thought describes is non-existent. Things neither arise nor dissolve, just as in Nirvana."
    "Thought is bondage; the immeasurable openness of empty awareness is freedom."
    Dzogchen Master Nyoshul Khenpo
    One of the greatest realized Indian Buddhist masters the planet has known is Tilopa. He lived almost a thousand years ago. He realized the non-dual state of Awareness, which is called Mahamudra in his tradition. Here are his Six Points of Practice advice for entering Mahamudra directly:
    "Don't recall.
    Don't imagine.
    Don't think.
    Don't examine.
    Don't control.
    Let's take a look at what two Dzogchen masters have to say, starting with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and then Longchenpa.
    He says in his book: Present Fresh Wakefulness:
    "Give up thinking of anything at all, about the past, the future or the present. Remain thought-free, like an infant."
    "Innate suchness is unobscured the moment you are not caught up in present thinking."
    "That which prevents us from being face to face with the real Buddha, the natural state of mind, is our own thinking. It seems to block the natural state."
    "Rigpa, the Natural State, is not cultivated in meditation. The awakened state is not an object of the intellect. Rigpa is beyond intellect, and concepts."
    "This is the real Buddhadharma, not to do a thing. Not to think of anything. Like Saraha said, "Having totally abandoned thinker and what is thought of, remain as a thought-free child."
    "Thinking is delusion."
    "When caught up in thinking we are deluded. To be free of thinking is to be free."
    "That freedom consists in how to be free from our thinking."
    "As long as the web of thinking has not dissolved, there will repeatedly be rebirth in and the experiences of the six realms (of suffering)."
    "The method: But if you want to be totally free of conceptual thinking there is only one way: through training in thought-free wakefulness. (rigpa)."
    "Strip awareness to its naked state."
    "If you want to attain liberation and omniscient enlightenment, you need to be free of conceptual thinking."
    "Being free of thought is liberation."
    "This is not some state that is far away from us: thought-free wakefulness actually exists together with every thought, inseparable from it... but the thinking obscures or hides this innate actuality. Thought free wakefulness (the natural state) is immediately present the very moment the thinking dissolves, the moment it vanishes, fades away, falls apart."
    "Simply suspend your thinking within the non-clinging state of wakefulness: that is the correct view."
    Longchenpa wrote: "A Buddha with a thinking mind is an ordinary sentient being (unenlightened) , but a sentient being without a thinking mind is a Buddha."
    Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche:
    "One sign of having trained in rigpa, the awakened state, is simply that conceptual thinking, which is the opposite of rigpa, grows less and less. The gap between thoughts grows longer and occurs more and more frequently. The state of unfabricated awareness, what the tantras call "the continuous instant of non-fabrication," becomes more and more prolonged. The continuity of rigpa is not something we have to deliberately maintain. It should occur spontaneously through having grown more familiar with it. Once we become accustomed to the genuine state of unfabricated rigpa, it will automatically start to last longer and longer. By simply allowing the expression of thought activity to naturally subside, again and again, the moments of genuine rigpa automatically and naturally begin to last longer. When there are no thoughts whatsoever, then you are a Buddha. At that point the thought-free state is effortless, as well as the ability to benefit all beings."
    One of this century's greatest Dzogchen masters was Tulku Urgyen. He wrote on this topic often and with great emphasis. Here is a quote from his book titled As It Is, volume 2, pages 168 and 169:
    A student asks: Can there be thinking during Rigpa?
    Rinpoche: "It is essential to resolve the fact that there is no namtog (thought) whatsoever in the state of rigpa; it is impossible. Darkness cannot remain when the sun rises. A hair cannot remain in a flame. It is only in a moment of distraction that you lose the continuity of rigpa. It is only out of that loss, which is marigpa, unknowing, that thinking can possibly start to move. This loss of continuity, in the sense of forgetting and being distracted, is called co-emergent ignorance. To reiterate, thinking means to conceptualize out of the state of unknowing. Thinking only begins after marigpa sets in, at the loss of rigpa! During the non-distraction of rigpa, no thought can begin. I cannot emphasize this enough - there is no thought during the state of rigpa!"

    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: a co delas kdyz jsi vedomim bez myslenek? Existujes pokud se neprojevujes? Myslis-> tvoris. Dokud nevypustis myslenku tak jsi jen potencial. Schredingerova kocka.
    FORAMINIFERA --- ---
    Treat everyone as Buddha!
    As I’ve said, the core of the Vajrayana tradition is that we strive to embody pure perception. We view our thoughts and emotions—even the difficult ones—as manifestations of timeless awareness. We see every person as a buddha, and we treat them as such. We view the world that we live in as a pure realm, enlightened just as it is.

    This tradition of treating everything and everyone as though we are meeting the Buddha face-to-face is our main practice in the Vajrayana. It is the life blood of our tradition and the very highest ethical standard we could aspire to. In this day and age, with confusion and conflict all around us, the world needs this more than ever.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    I am a space from which all things simply come and go, finding nothing to resist them.

    Or I am all things that come and go.

    Diamond Sutra:
    "Subhuti, what do you think? Let no one say the Tathagata cherishes the idea: I must liberate all living beings. Allow no such thought, Subhuti. Wherefore? Because in reality there are no living beings to be liberated by the Tathagata. If there were living beings for the Tathagata to liberate, He would partake in the idea of selfhood, personality entity, and separate individuality."
    Also from the Diamond Sutra:
    "Yet when vast, uncountable, immeasurable numbers of beings have thus been liberated, verily no being has been liberated. Why is this, Subhuti? It is because no Bodhisattva who is a real Bodhisattva cherishes the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality."
    "A Bodhisattva should develop a mind which alights upon nothing whatsoever..."
    "The mind should be kept independent of any thoughts which arise within it." (the principle of khorde rushen)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” ~Helen Keller
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    “We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting”
    ― Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

    “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
    ― Coco Chanel
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Zdroj nekonecneho dobra a svetla - to je Dharmakaya (nirvana), Buddhovska podstata vedomi, byti, bohu a lidi, a vesmiru: buddhismus
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    FORAMINIFERA: soustred se na svuj zivot, to znamena se soustredit na svoje vedomi.... to je ono, kazdy impuls a podnet z toho je pak autenticka cesta, ktera je zdrojem naplneni, radosti atd.
    FORAMINIFERA --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: tak tohle bych si mela vytesat do zdi i na ruce a na nohy a vsude, protoze tohle presne porad delam - koukam, jak to delaji ostatni a porad se bojim, ze ja to delam blbe.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Do not compare, do not measure. No other way is like yours. All other ways deceive and tempt you. You must fulfill the way that is in you. ~Carl Jung
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    How to Build Character Through Integrity (with Pictures) - wikiHow
    FORAMINIFERA --- ---
    Do not hold onto the notion that mind is empty. To hold an idea, ‘Now it is empty; now it is empty,’ is a conceptual construct that we keep in mind. That is not necessary. In the moment of recognising, you see that mind is empty. At that point allow it to be naturally as it is, without applying any technique whatsoever. That is naturalness with­out technique. That will last for a little while. Your attention will then stray, and you will at some point notice that your attention wandered off. Our mind is not completely beyond us—we know when we get distracted. Simply recognise what was distracted. Again, the moment you do so, you see that there is no thing to see; and the moment of seeing that there is nothing to see, it is free of thought. And again leave it in uncontrived naturalness for a short while. The mind of all sentient beings is already empty; it is not something that we have to create.
    Recognising the Thinker, by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche – Buddhism now
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

    “One love, one heart, one destiny.”

    Don't remind the world that it is sick and troubled. Remind it that it is beautiful and free
    OGMIOS --- ---
    FORAMINIFERA: potom uz nezbyva nez to zkusit.
    FORAMINIFERA --- ---
    OGMIOS: visco... Tulku Urgyen Rinpocheovi bych verila..
    Tohle neni stav out in space, naopak je to velmi blizko jakoby a jednoduche, prazdne.
    OGMIOS --- ---
    FORAMINIFERA: hmm, jednou jsem mel zazitek ze jsem se dostal do bodu bez formy a myslenek. Odtamtud jsem se pozdeji vratil do normalni reality s tim ze jsem mel vedome vnimani propojeni se vsim. Vnimani sveta je potom prevratove. Vztahovani ke svetu je prevratove. Nesouhlasim tedy ze to neni nic specialniho. Ten zazitek pomalu vyvanul neb to neumim udrzet ci znovu tam vejit. Nicmene pohled na svet ti to prevrati, jak muzem existovat v rezimu odpojeni? Nicmene chapu i rezim odpojeni, muzeme si potom vyzkouset veci jako ruzna utrpeni nebo romantickou lasku a tak. Muzeme to prozivat jako by to bylo definitivni a po nas potopa. Naopak v rezimu propojeni jsem nebyl dlouho a tak jsem spoustu veci nestihl zjistit. Ba dokonce se toho i trochu bojim. Nicmene je to posetile neb propojeni je mou podstatou.
    FORAMINIFERA --- ---
    "... [materialistic type of person] wants a flabbergasting meditation experience. If something astounding happens that he can see or hear or maybe even touch, he thinks, “Wow! I am really getting somewhere now! This is completely different from what I am used to — such a beautiful experience! Such bliss! Such clarity! Such emptiness! I feel totally transformed! This must really be it!” [Rinpoche chuckles.]
    On the other hand, when you reach the “even plains” of nonthought, the simple quiet after conceptual thinking dissolves, there is nothing very exceptional to see or hear or grasp. You may feel, “Does this really lead anywhere? There is nothing special in this!” Honestly, the view is not something spectacular; on the contrary, it is free from pinpointing anything particular at all."

    (from "Rainbow Painting" by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Kerry Moran, Erik Pema Kunsang)
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