Bohm and the Holographic Universe
Michael Talbot writes:
“Bohm's view that space is as real and rich with process as the matter that moves through it reaches full maturity in his ideas about the implicate sea of energy. Matter does not exist independently from the sea, from so-called empty space. It is a part of space. To explain what he means, Bohm offers the following analogy: A crystal cooled to absolute
zero will allow a stream of electrons to pass through it without scattering them. If the temperature is raised, various flaws in the crystal will lose their transparency, so to speak, and begin to scatter electrons.
From an electron's point of view such flaws would appear as pieces of "matter" floating in a sea of nothingness, but this is not really the case. The nothingness and the pieces of matter do not exist independently from one another. They are both part of the same fabric, the deeper order of the crystal.”
Similarly, when the active energy of mind rests still within Pure Awareness, the Mind of Clear Light (the Crystal), there exists a perfect transparency of consciousness that unfolds as the Mind’s Buddha Wisdoms. However, when the active dynamic of the mind’s energy enforms itself into a “thought topic”, the transparency becomes opaque, in which thoughts act like a friction within the mind’s clarity. The sense of self is the main point of friction which grasps and rejects at other thought forms.
Alternatively one could consider that when the mind is “no mind”, absent of mental thought forms of every kind, awareness as the changeless and empty host or context of mind, would be crystal clear and transparent. In this quantum coherent state, the Buddha Wisdoms and primordial insights would begin to proliferate spontaneously.
The mind arises as a pranic field of thought forms that beclouds the transparency of the crystal sphere of empty awareness; within Mind of Clear Light.
When the pranic field clears as the contents of mind cease to arise (no mind), the natural transparency (zangthal) and Buddha Wisdoms of the Mind of Clear Light, spontaneously emerge.