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    KOCOURMIKES --- ---

    Great Perfection

    Dzogchen’s Unique View

    Dzogchen teaches all beings are already fully empowered Buddhas and we are each manifesting our own Pure Land mandala; whether stressful, with suffering, with joy or however we manifest our world.

    Vairotsana wrote:

    “Obstructions are self-arising wisdom, so there is nothing to cleanse. From the primordial they are pure in their own place. We understand, with no mistake, the significance of being primordial Buddhas, so there remains no one to become enlightened.”

    “Sentient beings are not in duality with the Buddhas. The things we make up in our minds are actually Buddhas. Sentient beings have been Buddhas since the primordial. Any thoughts that may appear are wisdom.”

    “Our own minds are the Buddha himself.”

    “The lord of all the Buddhas,” is about the view in which all things are understood to be primordial Buddhahood, which implies that our cause and its fruition are not two things. It being that our cause and its result are not divided, the Buddha and sentient beings are not two things.”

    “Therefore, there is no particular dhyāna meditation in which we settle our intellects. We do not settle our minds on conceptions or non-conceptions, on visualization or non-visualization, on remaining or non-remaining, or on anything.”

    “There is no enlightenment, and there is no meditation either. These words evidence that anything that we would do for a meditation is not the Great Perfection, so we have nothing to meditate on at all. There is also not even a speck of non-meditation to be meditated on. So what would we meditate on?”

    “So the state in which we don’t think at all is the supreme heart-essence of equanimity.”

    If you aren’t creating your world, then who is?

    Quotes from Chris Wilkinson’s translation of:

    The Upadeśa of Vairocana on the practice of the Great Perfection, a translation of:
    Paṇ sgrub rnam kyi thugs bcud snying gi nyi ma

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---

    Buddhu jednou tři dny strašně bolela hlava.
    Ptali se Jej, jakto, že Tebe, Osvíceného, takto bolí hlava?
    Na což Buddha odpověděl:
    "Jednou jsem byl, v jedné předchozí inkarnaci, přítomen při výlovu rybníka vypouštěním.
    Vzal jsem do ruky jednu z ryb, které byly v blátě,
    a třikrát jsem jí prstem lehce poklepal na hlavu.
    Pak jsem ten čin zapomněl očistit,
    a teď dozrálo jeho karmické ovoce."
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: jo hochu ja se snazim nezapominat dychat a sem tam meditovat. A neni to vubec spatny. Sice mas pravdu ze nejsem budhista, ale zlaty gral budhismu beru jako vyvojovy stupen na ceste kazde bytosti. Potom teprve zacina ta spravna sranda.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Utter Simplicity

    Most practitioners and seekers have been mislead into believing that there is a philosophical “view” they need to study, understand and to integrate into their mindset regarding Dzogchen, Mahamudra and Zen.

    In fact, any such “information” as data, is not only irrelevant, but is also a cause of intellectual distraction and further conceptual grasping; as though there is some information necessary to learn and know.

    ALL that is required is to orient one’s power of attention inwardly, into the consciousness from which the attention is arising. In doing so, that which was seemingly only a latent potential, is brought fully to Light. (the Buddha Mind)

    Lopon Tenzin Namdak:

    “The introduction is very simple: we just look back at ourselves."

    Any other approach is less direct and is actually missing the single most essential point, and may lead the mind astray for eons.

    What is being pointed out in Dzogchen, Zen and Mahamudra is a consciousness or awareness that is outside the causal links of thoughts, intention and mental states. It is primordially present without a prior cause.

    The traditions mentioned are all attempting to redirect the entranced attention back to its own origin, by “pointing out” the already fully present, uncaused and permanent, primordial Consciousness, the Buddha Mind.

    Here is how it’s done in detail:

    “Relax into basic space beyond beginning and end,” introduces the nature of mind. Once you recognize it, there is no need to wait for another time in the future. Basic space never began and does not end in any way whatsoever. Rigpa never began and does not end. It is totally endless, utterly beginningless."
    Tulku Urgyen

    "This wakefulness that is primordially pure is the empty quality of the nature of our mind. In the moment when we recognize our nature, we do not see any ‘thing’ whatsoever. It is already utterly pure and perfect. That is exactly what we call primordial purity. Inseparable from that is a quality of knowing: we are cognizant, at the same time. This is the spontaneous presence. These two aspects are indivisible."
    Tulku Urgyen

    Direct Introduction to Pure Awareness (rigpa in Tibetan):

    Sit in a comfortable posture in a well lit and bright room or outdoor space.

    Close your eyes.

    Notice the color at your closed eyelids. It will usually seem like an orangey color with brownish or gray tinges. Whatever the color, just observe the color that seems to be in front of your awareness that's noticing the colors.

    Now, instead of attention being on the colors at the eyelids; notice that which is the "observing" awareness that knows the colors are present. Retract attention from the object side into the subject side that is doing the observing.

    "There is an oral instruction about the way to look. It is said,
    “It is as though your eyes were looking through the back of your head instead of looking forwards.” Mingyur Rinpoche

    "It is as though your eyes are looking backwards instead of forwards as they usually do. You are looking out with your eyes but are looking back at the same time. Do not try too hard with this though, otherwise you will really make a big mistake. You just sort of look back ..." Mingyur Rinpoche

    Notice the empty nature of your own awareness that is observing. There is an empty space of awareness that knows itself, but not as a thing with shape, form or substance.

    "The way to do this is just to turn your attention slightly inward, not to look deeply inside, just to turn your focus from outward to inward in a very light way.”
    Tsoknyi Rinpoche

    Relax attention again and again from the colors or any inner phenomena, so that attention and the empty awareness dissolve into a single state of vivid and undirected awareness without a topic or focus.

    It's possible to notice the empty, transparent nature of your own awareness that deepens as one remains empty of attentiveness to any mental or perceptual content other than empty awareness itself.

    When attention and awareness dissolve as one vivid, open presence:

    "Without any in or any out - utter openness. How is it that ‘openness’? It’s empty, awake, luminous and simple..." Tsoknyi Rinpoche

    “This state that we discover is inconceivable and inexpressible. There is nothing to create here, nothing to develop or visualize. It is totally complete and perfected just as it is. That is why we call it Dzogchen or the Great Perfection.”
    Bonpo Lama, Tenzin Namdak

    Here is an ancient quote from a fundamental Great Perfection Tantra, or scriptural text, called the “The Heaped Jewels.” It com­pletely summarizes the unique method of Dzogchen practice.

    "When anyone rests in the natural state without concen­tration, understanding manifests in that individual’s mind, without someone having to teach all the words by which the mind understands these meanings. As this understanding dawns in the mind, all that is non-man­ifest and all sensory appearances, which in themselves entail no concepts, are seen to be naturally pure." (From
    Longchenpa’s Precious Treasury, Padma Publications.)

    Kalu Rinpoche:

    "Mind is poised in the state of bare awareness, there is no directing the mind. One is not looking within for anything; one is not looking without for anything. One is simply letting the mind rest in its own natu­ral state. The empty, clear and unimpeded nature of mind can be experienced if we can rest in an uncon­trived state of bare awareness without distraction and without the spark of awareness being lost."

    "The reason for this is that the ushnisha (upper crown chakra) has no size, but pervades the ultimate expanse. When the mind dissolves into the chakra of the ushnisha (upper crown chakra), buddhahood is attained."

    From end notes of "The Treasury of Precious Qualities" by Jigme Lingpa

    “As I said earlier, look at who is looking. Just as you looked at the subject, [the “me” thought], so in the same way, look back at that observer, [as an object]. Just as before, you cannot find anything, it is liberated back into the State. There is no object, no subject, nothing you can describe. Your presence is an Unspeakable State. You are not in a deep sleep, nor are you unconscious. Your presence is clear, but it is impossible to explain what is “clear”. There is no thinking, no idea of emptiness,' 'clarity' or anything else. .... That means you are seeing Nature clearly. This Nature is perfect. If you understand - open everything and leave it freely. There is no attachment to any side, to any subject, to any material. There is neither subject nor object, only the experience in this State. That is the View of Dzogchen.”

    Lopon Tenzin Namdak
    “The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen”

    In daily life:

    "It is easy to re-recognize it (rigpa). You just have to drop thinking and it is right there. There is not a lot to be done."
    Mingyur Rinpoche
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---


    "Everything visible has invisible essence . The substanceless source of the elements pervades all subtle and gross phenomena."

    "For those who are able to go beyond the obstructed gross and subtle elements to their unobstructed secret essence , there is no imbalance and so no inert gross elements are left behind. They leave a Rainbow Body , the pure color essence of the visible elements .
    When we can not go beyond into the substanceless and our substance lineage can only be traced to a subtle substance particle limit which this generation temporarily calls a quark , but perhaps another generation in the future will name differently to mark a new subtle substance limit , this is the deluded mind lineage of samsara.
    If we continuously recognize the Secret Essence which pervades all phenomena, there is a natural unbroken Wisdom Mind Lineage which is unobstructed and without end. Lines means the continuous, unbroken, precious qualities manifested through many different forms and aspects whose essence always remain pure."
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: uz zase jsi zapomnel dychat.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY: tak tak, kdyz mysl na nicem neprebyva a na nicem nelpi, opoustime 3 Rise amigo !

    vsech 6 oblasti existence naraz ,)


    Jak vidite , my jsme tady vzdycky na urovni a v obraze, nejvyssi uceni.

    Nejvyssi Pravda je nejvyssi radosti !

    Emahou ,)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    "No injustice today !"
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    Neboť, jak praví Šen-chuej:

    "Nevytvářet žádný záměr, spojený jak s bytím, tak nebytím, spojený jak se smyslovou říší, tak rozumem, je samo-existujícím budhovstvím.
    Pokud existuje sebenepatrnější kousek mysli, boddhi nebude fungovat.
    Základní podstata, prázdná a jasná. Bez jediné věci, které by mohlo
    být dosaženo: tomu se říká nepřekonatelné boddhi."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ne ze vas potrestaji, Buh vas potresta.... protoze Buh bude co, Buh bude trestat !!!

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY: presne tak, diky amigo ! :) ty mas soucit :)
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: jak dlouho studujes buddhismus pane ?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: kazde Bozstvo te muze potrestat prece, buddhismus zvlast specialne se zabyva mapovani vsech bozstev strukturou celkove reality vsech moznych vesmiru, sam Buddha jako Lokavid, odhalil nejsirsi strukturu reality, takze nad nasim Bohem je 27 dalsich urovni bozskych svetu a nad nimi jsou jeste Vajrayanova superbozstva. Jak vis, my se tady o tomto vubec nebavime a odmitame se o tom bavit, akorat vam pisu ze vas potrestaji :) Ucit ucit se...
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: my vsichni tady bychom radi diskutovali, ale o buddhismu.

    Klidne diskutuj buddhisticke myslenky z Drtikola, ale nedelej z toho Drtikol zalezitost.
    ENGUMAZ --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Na new age tady mame naseho pritele Ogmios, co nam rekne ze si mame vycistit cakry.

    A to ma chlapec uplnou pravdu, ale vic opravdu, opravdu ne, na to jsou jina auditka, treba tantra auditko, pokud tam nebudete hledat divku, muzete si tam pokecat, probrat svoje nazory a teorie.

    Tady je ale tematicky Buddhismus
    ENGUMAZ --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: diskutovat o tomhle s tebou nebudu. ty víš přesně, co je správné, co se smí a co už ne.. :)
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: to neni zadnej nazor, a uz vubec ne osobni nazor, jsou to fakta, ktere jsem ti napsal. Bara tady hodila Osho a smazala se. Jsou to nesmysly, neni to buddhismus.
    ENGUMAZ --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: zajímavej názor.. :)
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