I am in South Africa for our retreat today:
Our topic matter for the retreat may directly instigate an insight into the actual nature of reality, join us:
Close eyes: notice the light at the translucent eyelids. Notice an aware “knowing presence” that is what’s knowing the light experience at the eyelids.
Each moment of consciousness as experience is:
The texture of the state of mind, feeling, thought or perception. (the energetic formation)
The aware clarity (rigpa awareness) that knows within and as the textured experience.
The empty and ungaspable nature of each textured moment of consciousness, with no duration.
Every moment of consciousness is all three aspects at the same time occurring as a flash of that “textured presencing” happening in absolute emptiness, to no one.
Anatta (no self):
The sense of being a personal self as a “me” is just another textured moment of consciousness. There is no continuous “me” or self, as all moments of textured consciousness have no duration, and all release upon the arising within the changeless empty nature.
Reincarnation is the sense that moments of “selfing consciousness” are a continuing entity; but there is no continuity because of “anicca”, impermanence. With no “duration” what entity exists over time to reincarnate? It’s the rapidity of “selfing moments” that give the illusion of a continuing single entity, like spinning a lit incense stick in the dark that appears as a circle.
There is “no one” to benefit from these insights, yet all the suffering due to the fictional belief in a personal self vanishes.