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    ztracené heslo?
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    unfindability and undefinability - applied on your life and your fellow human beings, on your sufferings and confusions stemming from this life and universe
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    When taken very deeply, unfindability is incredibly freeing. Reality stops making sense, in the best way. There is peace, love and compassion in this seeing. There is relief from suffering. And yet all of those things are ultimately unfindable. You have not only made the case against awareness, you have made the case against everything, leaving only a mirage-like, illusory, conventional reality that is infused with impermanence. We suffer because we think things are permanent – life, death, stories, identities, awareness, suffering, labels. When none of that is seen as findable and permanent, all suffering around those things relaxes. All of that “I know how things really are” kind of thinking falls away. All of your absolutes fall away. Your relience on the inference of awareness falls away. This is a joyful way to live. Highly recommended!
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    The Case Against Awareness - A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way - SCOTT KILOBY SCOTT KILOBY
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    Self is a Subconscious Projection

    It’s possible for an inward observing mind to discover the emptiness of a personal self or “me”, that thinks, that intends, that chooses, that perceives, experiences and acts.

    A sudden shift can occur where the subconscious self is seen through. It’s a bit like waking up from a dream, where during the dream, the dreamed identity seemed real.

    Start by sitting quietly and just notice any sounds. Is a sound just happening without the necessity of feeling “I am hearing a sound”? The “I am hearing” is just an after thought. Sounds are occurring but not “to” a someone like a middle man who is listening. That sense of there being a “listener” is imaginary.

    Work with this exercise concerning the “immediacy of sounds” for awhile until an insight arises. An experience of true anatta (no self) can arise.

    Once this anatta insight arises, one can then do the same exercise with the other four senses. Continue until it’s seen that all five sensory experiences do not need a perceiving self as a middle man observing them.

    Another example would be a moment of “seeing”. Seeing is a perceptual moment of colors. When eyes open in daylight, there is an immediate experience of color. That perception of color
    at first, is absent the sense of “I see”. That “seeing” is anatta, without a self.

    When the anatta insight is obvious with all five senses, then apply the exercise to “thoughts”. Take time with this one in order to see a thought occurs without a thinker or a contemplator of thoughts. Thoughts don’t occur “to” a me, nor are they “mine”. They just occur as sounds just occur. No one has ever thought a thought. There is no “thinker” just like there is no “sounder” or listener. This applies to imagination, fantasies and memories too.

    When the anatta (no self) insight occurs clearly, regarding thoughts and all mental cognitions, then notice the feeling of identity as “me” when it arises. That “me” feeling is not occurring to another, real “me”, it is occurring in the empty mental space of anatta, that has no “me”, is not a “perceiver” or a witness. That “me” is an imaginary “me” identity projected by the subconscious mind, no more real than the “me” in last night’s dream.

    When this anatta insight occurs regarding the “me” itself, the seeker, the practitioner, the anxious one, the fearful one and the suffering one, all suddenly disappear. They were never real at any time, they were just imaginary projections of the subconscious mind. Nothing was ever problematic, except in the imaginary narrative of the “me”.

    The core of dualism is the presence of a “me” to which all phenomena seem apart from, and to whom phenomena seem to appear.

    A Buddha is a consciousness without a “me”. A citizen of samsara is a consciousness where the subconscious is projecting an imaginary “me”.

    A great video that can trigger and enhance the anatta insight:

    Neuroscience and Free Will
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    Liberation has nothing to do with the person
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    Aktuálně - Monzuny ohrožují Rohingy v Bangladéši - unicef.cz
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    High-ranking Buddhist monk accused of sexual abuse in China - CNN
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    “My realization is higher than the sky. But my observance of karma is finer than grains of flour.” - Padmasambhava
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    Liberation has nothing to do with the person
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    Spotřeba masa hrozivě roste, na přírodu to má devastující vliv – Novinky.cz
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    Žena zachránila býka před jatkami, zvíře se teď od ní nehne – Novinky.cz
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    Liberation has nothing to do with the person
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    Expansion Out of Contraction

    It can actually happen that suddenly an expansion at the space of the heart and throat can occur where the energetic release and opening is simultaneous with a complete absence of the “me” as a personal identity.

    It’s the best moment ever! It’s an experience of self-absence that’s fully known, but paradoxically, by no one. There is no sense of having been liberated, but just an absence of the one who sought liberation.

    Many say “I have seen through the egoic self and understand its empty nature.” But that is not the same as the egoic self, felt as “me”, suddenly vanishing. It’s not even close!

    The self is a glitch in the mind’s soft-ware. It’s like the mind generating an imaginary snake upon a rope in a dark room. The imaginary snake just suddenly disappears when the lights are turned up. Same with the “me”.

    To turn the “lights up”, I recommend visiting and participating at www.liberationunleashed.com
    and also to check out these videos:






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    Poslední slova Steva Jobse

    Došel jsem až na vrchol úspěchu ve světě byznysu. V očích druhých je můj život nejspíš ztělesněním úspěchu. Nicméně mimo práce mám jen málo radosti. Na konci je bohatství jen aspektem života, kterému jsem přivykl. Když teď ležím na nemocniční posteli a promítám si celý svůj život, uvědomil jsem si, že všechno to uznání a bohatství, na kterém jsem si tolik zakládal, zbledlo a ztratilo význam tváří v tvář blížící se smrti. Ve tmě se dívám na zelená světla strojů, které mě udržují při životě a slyším jejich mechanické bzučení. Cítím jak se blíží dech boha smrti. Teď už vím, že když nakumulujeme dostatečné bohatství, aby nám vydrželo po zbytek života, měli bychom usilovat i o něco dalšího, co s bohatstvím nesouvisí. Mělo by to být něco mnohem důležitějšího: možná vztahy, nebo umění, snad sen z mládí... Bezuzdné následování bohatství nás promění v pokřivené bytosti, jako jsem já. Bůh nám dal smysly a možnost cítit lásku v srdci každého, ne iluzi kterou přináší bohatství. Bohatství, jež jsem vyhrál v mém životě si nemůžu vzít s sebou. Mohu si odnést jen vzpomínky vysrážené láskou. To je skutečné bohatství, které vás bude následovat, doprovázet a dodávat vám světlo a sílu k tomu jít dál. Láska může cestovat tisíce mil. Život nemá žádné omezení. Jdetě tam kam chcete jít. Dosáhněte výšin, kterých chcete dosáhnout. Je to všechno ve vašem srdci a ve vašich rukou. Jaká postel je nejdražší na světě? Nemocniční postel. Můžete zaměstnat někoho, kdo bude řídit vaše auto, někoho kdo pro vás bude vydělávat peníze, ale nikdy nemůžete najmout někoho, kdo by za vás nesl vaši nemoc. Ztracené materiální věci lze nalézt. Ale je tu jedna věc, která nemůže být nikdy nalezena v případě ztráty - život. Když jede člověk na operační sál, uvědomí se, že existuje jedna kniha, kterou má ještě dočíst - Kniha zdravého života. Bez ohledu na stadium života v němž se nacházíte, budete každý jednou čelit dnu, kdy se opona zatáhne. Ochraňujte lásku k vaší rodině, lásku k svému partnerovi, lásku vůči svým přátelům ... Mějte rádi sami sebe a s láskou opatrujte ostatní.
    - Steve Jobs
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    Odsoudil Nydahl verejne stareho Kalua ?
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    Sogyal a Kalu to je neco strasneho. U Trungpy je usmevne jak ho dodnes nekteri zapadaci berou vazne, kazdy ke svemu :)

    Ale ten Dzongsar to je nesmirne zranujici. Napsal ty knihy svoje a ted tohle. Mozna toho jeste bude litovat a omluvi se za to jak poskodil buddhismus svymi slovy.
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    Dzongsar se tim krytim diskvalifikoval ze slusne spolecnosti. Za to pujde do Vajra pekla, tragedie.
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    Buddhist group leader steps down over sexual assault claims | World news | The Guardian
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    Warning: Buyer Beware

    This is what I mean about the traditional Tibetan lineage teachers and “masters” are often quite mentally and emotionally disturbed; not that they are acting from holy “crazy wisdom” as claimed. They are just plain crazy! Sakyong was Trungpa’s son, no real surprise there. I consider the way these lineages control their people and organizations to be no better than any other “guru” led cults. This is the same pattern of sexual abuse that occurs again and again, like with creepy Sogyal, the drunk Trungpa and the elder Kalu. There are many, many others that others have discussed with me. Then of course we have the bizarre apologists, like Dzongar that try to put down the victims instead of the predators.

    Japanese and American Zen traditions have much the same problems with their “masters”. Funny how it’s always the men who head up these patriarchies that become the sexual predators. Wake up people!
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