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    ztracené heslo?
    WYNDMYLL_238rane nahravky // early recordings
    BEATMAN --- ---
    aha? teď to vidim, no.. i slepce se někdy utne, i mistr slepece se někdy utne. :D
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    BEATMAN: "Odkazy na zajimave audio a video zalezitosti z oblasti ne-klasicke hudby a rane "pop music" nahrane do roku 1950." :) takze bohuzel jsi stejne OT, ale myslim, ze ti to pro jednou odpustime ;)
    BEATMAN --- ---
    Mnoo, já sice píšu poslepu jak prase, takže jsem ten poslední, kdo tady asi může kibicovat, ale pokud něco chci, tak se snad umím vyjádřit přesně, ne? Pokud nejsem takové triviality schopen, tak nemám an nci nárok a neměl bych tudíž zasírat audítka absurdními žvásty. Pardon za ot.
    Abyh nebyl zcela ot, sháním rané nahrávky skupiny typu Dybuk, Z kopce, live nahrávky Mňágy z 80. let a vůbec nějaký takový raritní bigbeat 60. až 80. let, zejména pak rané nahrávky dnešních hvězd. :-))
    PREVIT --- ---
    Mozna hleda nekoho, kdo umi hrat na gramec...:)
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    BEATMAN: mozna :)
    BEATMAN --- ---
    Možná, kdo by ty desky mohl někde nebo měl kde přehrát, potažmo nahrát, čti nagrabovat?? :-))
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    fakt jsem se snazil, cetl to opakovane s odstupem nekolika hodin..
    nic :(
    TOOMUCH --- ---
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    ja taky ne
    LOPIK --- ---
    Tak teď jsem vůbec nepochopil, cos měl na mysli..
    PPHUFIK --- ---
    ahoj, mam hudbu z kuby, ameriky, kdo by ji mohl sdovolenm zahrat. ps neco jako desky vseho druhu jejich asi 41, P.S. kdo by to umel zahrat, dale vazna muzika, opery, z ruska francie japonska, jazz klavir, i afrika rok do vetsinou originaly.
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    aha, tak uz zmizel i ten prispevek o mazani, na ktery jsem reagoval :))
    BEATMAN --- ---
    k téhel sháňce se s dovolením připojuji.
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    ja jsem nic nesmazal...?
    HIPSY --- ---
    Cottontail , Big & Band , Jump, Jive and Wail
    nebo nejakou starsi 'fast' swingovou hudbu
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    ZAMOTEK: parada, uz jsem se bal, ze to tu budeme muset zavrit :)
    ZAMOTEK --- ---
    Early Yiddish Music [1908-1927 Arhoolie 1997, CD 7034]

    nejspíš už jsem to sem kdysi dával, ale pro jistotu a zájemce znova, tentokrát už je to kompletní album. Raný klezmerový nahrávky, viz také http://www.klezmershack.com/bands/schwartz/earlyklez/schwartz.earlyklez.html

    HIPSY --- ---
    Ahoj shanim nejaky starsi nahravky od
    Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas
    Dick Dale & the Del Tones
    Swinging Blue Jeans
    - zkousela jsem torrenty ale vetsina je z toho mrtva. Kdyby nekdo mel nebo vedel kde se daji stahnout tak se mi ozvete do posty. Diky
    TOMLISAK --- ---
    zdravim, nema nekdo moznost mne poskytnout dva chansony od S. E. Nováčka: "Na slovíčko, pane autore" a "Herečka" ??? v roce 1942 to desky Esta nazpivala Ljuba Hermanová...
    REEFER --- ---

    Jelly Roll Morton - "vynalezce" jazzu, ja sem na nej narazil ve filmu Legenda o 1900 - doporucuju film i hudbu.

    Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton (September 20, 1885 or October 20, 1890?July 10, 1941) was an American jazz pianist, bandleader and composer who some call the first true composer of jazz music. Morton was a colorful character who liked to generate publicity for himself by bragging. His business card referred to him as the Originator of Jazz, and he was and is valued as a source of rare information about early jazz, despite his penchant for hyperbole.

    Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress interviews
    In 1935, Morton moved to Washington, DC, to become manager and piano player at a dive called at various times the "Music Box", "Blue Moon Inn" and "Jungle Inn" in the African American neighborhood of Shaw. (The building that hosted the nightclub still stands, at 1211 U Street NW.) Morton was also the master of ceremonies, bouncer, and bartender of the club. He was only in Washington for a few years; the club was owned by a woman named Cordelia who allowed all her friends free admission and drinks, which prevented Morton from making the business a success. When Morton got stabbed by one of her disgruntled friends in 1938 in which he suffered wounds to the head and chest, his wife Mabel demanded that he depart Washington.[1] There is speculation the attack may have contributed to his early demise.

    However, it was during his brief residency at the Music Box that folklorist Alan Lomax first heard Morton playing piano in the bar. In May 1938, Lomax invited Morton to record music and interviews for the Library of Congress. The sessions, originally intended as a short interview with musical examples for use by music researchers in the Library of Congress, soon expanded to record more than eight hours of Morton talking and playing piano, in addition to longer interviews during which Lomax took notes but did not record. Despite the low fidelity of these non-commercial recordings, their musical and historical importance attracted jazz fans, and they have helped to assure Morton's place in jazz history.
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