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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    Super bug - nezapočítaly se mi dva smouldering ashes...
    EXSECRABILIS --- ---
    NESS: Ja bohuzel nemam matros na nic.
    Nejak tuhle sezonu nestiham jak se mne do toho mota zkouskove.
    Navic zjistuju, ze minion master sice jde - vesmes umlatim vsechno, ale trva to neskutecnej randal casu…
    Jeden nmvault mam cca na 15 minut. Sice jsme save, ale neutika to :))
    NESS --- ---
    Pujde nekdo dnes vecer loom ? mam uz 40+ coru a do vecera jeste neco pridam.

    Jinak zkousim arc/ball s melted a celkem to jde, na 80lvl sem dal mn81, zkousel sem i mn100 ale dojizdim na jedy, nemam slot na flameshield a jak dojde na jedove louze koncim :-/

    Jo jeslti nekdo neznanamenal tak talrasha s pavoukem nefunguje, tzn smolik a porad jen na 3 elementy, skoda
    NESS --- ---
    By PezRadar 7 hr 28 min ago (Patch ?????)Source#5

    A hotfix has rolled out this evening resolving this issue.

    We have re-enabled WT4 Vault of the Loom.

    Trading has also been re-enabled.
    NESS --- ---
    A do tretice tenhle vystrel, buch sud co to zase pecou

    Hi all -

    The design team has some upcoming plans for players who may have numerous Uber Uniques that they may not use.

    The team wanted to get a PSA out to users to hang onto these for now. We will have more information to share soon regarding this but felt it was important to give an early heads up to players.

    PSA - Hang onto unused Uber Uniques - Console Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    NESS --- ---
    A problem s loodovanim po patchy, jako taky se mi to sekalo ale to se seka posledni dobou tak casto ze sem to neresil, klasika ze se z dungu portujou 4 lidi a dvou to nejde vubec a treti zustave nekde ve vzduchoprazdnu :-)

    Chiming in to let folks know that the team is investigating the issue. Thank you to all the folks reporting, and also sharing workarounds that have worked for them. As news comes from the team, we will share and update folks here.

    Blizzard Investigating Game Issue - Hangs At Loading After Patch - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Loom byl/je vypnuty

    PezRadar87 posts
    Community Manager
    We’ve have temporarily disabled access to the World Tier 4 version of the Vault of the Loom while the team investigates some connection issues players are experiencing.

    We will update once this is available again for all players.

    World Tier 4 Vault of the Loom Disabled Temporarily - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: poprvé za druida ca jedu companion build :-) ..chtěl jsem zavzpomínat na witch doktora a jeho pety z D3... Zatím mě to baví. Uvidím jak moc to bude drhnout teďka. Když padnou nějaké pěkné unikáty tak zkusím ten lightning build
    NESS --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: S cim to jedes ?

    Zkusil sem jak je na tom po nerfu arc/ball sorcka a porad velmi dobra, skoro bych rekl ze jako levlovaci je to stale nejlepsi sorc volba, end game se asi vratila do stavu pred S2, tzn vic nez ok
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    /dohrál jsem podruhé kampaň a regulérně mi konci spadla brada zase. To je fakt masterpiece :-)

    A teď hurá do toho endgame obsahu. Už se těším jak zkusím vaulty co jsem ještě nehrál, zabeham helltide, bossy atd (bez ironie :D)

    Podle.mne .bez odemčení paragon/power to prostě nebude nikdy mit potenciál té zábavné repetitivní farmy v endgame. Můžou vymyslet obsah kvalitní, mechaniku, ale člověk musí vidět nějaký (pseudo) smysl v dálce (tak to mám já s motivací) ale.ja byl vždycky antiseason
    NESS --- ---
    Fajn statistiky mame zase v mailu, celkem skoda ze stele nejsou zebricky a ani zadna forma ingame statistik, ale aspon super ze posilaji sezoni vycuc, sim si rikal kdy prijde :-)

    Potent Blood Earned

    Monsters Slain

    Bloodseekers Slain

    Blood Lure Donations
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Muj tip ze necuknou a prohlasi ze totak je v poradku a ze chteji aby si to lidi uzili, nebo tak neco :-)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: je hrozne vtipny jak Blizzard reaguje s odstupem na stiznosti, ze pavouk je hrozne slabej, akorat mezitim lidi prisli jak s nim davat miliardy damage za uplne vsechny classy, jsem zvedavej jestli cuknou nebo ho fakt jeste posilej... :)
    NESS --- ---
    NESS: Ta sama sorcka na 60 lvl (t4)

    NESS --- ---
    O tom supresoru uz mluvili dopredu, pomerne rozumne ze tam je okno

    The Suppressor affix has been adjusted.
    The Suppressor Field no longer is always on. It now has a 6 second duration and 50–75% uptime.
    The field can be cancelled if the monster with the affix is Stunned, Frozen, Knocked Down, or Dazed.
    We've adjusted the layout and monster spawns for several Dungeons. Smaller adjustments have also been made.
    Nightmare Dungeon Sigils will now display the levels that monster will be for the Sigil's Tier.

    Season of the Construct
    The following updates have been applied to the Seneschal's abilities.
    Gyrate: Damage increased by 30%.
    Pummel: Damage increased by 30%.
    Bushwhack: Damage increased by 20%.
    Impale: Damage increased by 30%.
    Focus Fire: Damage increased by 20%.
    Lightning Bolt: Damage increased by 20%.
    Firefly: Damage increased by 10%.
    Tempest: Damage increased by 10%.
    Reconstruct: Healing increased from 22% to 32% of Maximum Life at level 1. At level 10, the healing is increased from 40% to 50% of Maximum Life.
    Frigid Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.
    Bleeding Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.
    Electrocution Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.
    Poison Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.
    Dusk Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.
    Burning Support: Damage increased from 50% to 60% of the Supported Skill's Damage.

    Diablo IV Patch Notes — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    From February 6, 10 a.m.-February 20, 10 a.m. PST players in both Seasonal and Eternal Realms can bask in the resplendency and joy of the Lunar Awakening limited-time event. A mysterious phenomenon is manifesting throughout the shrines of Sanctuary, enchanting them with immense and prosperous power. Celebrators believe this to be their Ancestors, blessing them from beyond the grave to celebrate this joyous occasion!

    Augmented Lunar Shrine Effects:

    Artillery Shrine – Casts have a chance to summon a holy bomb.
    Blast Wave Shrine – Each explosion summons a cluster bombardment.
    Channeling Shrine- Increased attack speed and chance to reset cooldowns.
    Conduit Shrine – Summon frequent, powerful, shocking strikes.
    Greed Shrine – Chance to summon a Treasure Goblin. While the Shrine is active, 25 kills summons a Treasure Goblin, and 50 kills summons a second.
    Lethal Shrine – Chance to instantly execute a struck monster, causing Fear on surrounding monsters. Note: this includes Elites, but excludes Bosses and other Players.
    Protection Shrine – You reflect all incoming damage. Damage reflected scales with Level and World Tier.

    New Lunar Awakening Event Coming February 6 - Wowhead News

    During the Lunar Awakening Holiday Event, players will be able to find Lunar Shrines instead of a normal Shrine occasionally. These empowered Shrines offer the original effect of the Shrine, plus some additional powerful effects. If that wasn't enough of a boost to leveling, while the effects of a Lunar Shrine are active players will gain 50% bonus Experience and 30% increased Movement Speed!

    In order to more easily seek out Lunar Shrines for all their bountiful boons, Nightmare Dungeon Sigils will gain a chance to have the Ancestor’s Favor Nightmare Dungeon Affix, which replaces all Shrines in the dungeon with Lunar Shrines, as well as granting an extra 10% increased Paragon Glyph Experience Bonus. Much like
    Gileon's Brew
    from the Midwinter Blight Holiday Event, players will be able to keep any Nightmare Dungeon Sigils that have the Ancestor's Favor Affix after the event ends.

    Lunar Awakening Event Great for Leveling - Diablo 4 - Wowhead News
    EXSECRABILIS --- ---
    Asi uz to vsici vedi, ale pro mne to byla novinka.
    Kdyz najdete goblina a date mu execute (nejsem schopen rict zda minion - hraju minion mastera s decripfy kdy daj minioni ik mobkam pod 10%hp - ci ja lucky hitem) tak ho sice zabijete, ale loot nedostanete…
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: Podle mě je to prostě další miniboss toho season eventu, na stejný úrovni jako ta špičatá truhla nebo pilíř kde musíš vydržet v kruhu. I má stejný drop myslím...
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Zajimavy, ten skill setup a paragony vypadaji na barba v podstate normalne, jestli to je jen firefly tak dobre vedet :-) firely sem vubec nezkousel tak to asi zkusim, jinak po vcerejsku uz mame genesis, to sme tech loomu nemuseli bezet ani nejak extra moc, dropl sem to ja a Bartuc, tzn 50/50, jako zaklad je to fakt behat ve 4, dneska doufam ze repete. Fajn je ze ten uber mamlas dropuje vejce, predpokladam jen pro toho kdo to pousti, vcera sem jak pustil 4 a dostal vejce 2. Vecer sem pak jeste vybehal par ign coru akorat sem si nejak myslel ze kazdy herald dropuje jeden a evidetne ne kazdy, prislo mi ze to je ted tak 50% sance.

    BTW nevite nekdo co je zac ta moucha co ma specialni ikonku na mape (ikonka vypada jako helma?), sem nejak neprisel v cem je zvlastni
    EVILMIND --- ---
    dostavas zpatky vic, z tech truhle jsou garantovany ale i random

    btw tady prispevek na tema jak pet neni zase tak slabej :)

    PET=OP! EASY LILITH INSTANT KILL by Construct in Season 3 Diablo 4
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