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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    KALTY --- ---
    No já mám po Sorce, Barbovi a Roguně teď Necra. Včera jsem za celý den to hodil na 76ku a tedy Ebon-piercer a tedy fakt super...
    Lvlil jsem to s minionama (které nesnáším), ale těch pár hodin se dá přežít :)
    Takže dnes podle mě tak čtvrtá 100ka :)
    NESS --- ---
    Jo a ten immortal shatter firebolt sice pitclear 150 (a bez lekvaru) ale funguje to jen na jedineho pitbosse :-), takze to nejenom je defakto nehratelne z pohledu vybavy, ale jeste musi stravit asi pomerne dost casu pri rybareni v pite, takze takovy lidovy build :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Sem zvedavej jak hodne se Rob trefi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7jG9Puhaqs aneb odhad tierlistu po mid patchy https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bN8C_Fe9nrWv__jUc_Vdbl220g4NM0mlux-ga_s_-5s

    Skokanem rozhodne Rog, nekdo tam nad ni musi drzet ruku, ani naznak fixu multidipu u Victomize (heartseeker), o 25% bufnuty radius u Kissu (rapid) a nova Adny punctura https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/andariels-puncture-rogue s buffnutou Andy vizazi.
    Barb i tuhle sezonu podle me nejlepsi, siroky vyber a je celkem jedno jestli bash, flay, thorn, pripadne DD, bleed WW, nebo support. Z pohledu mid patche asi nejzajimavejsi flay, uz ted nejlepsi boss killer a pvp duelant, kde te ani smrt nezastavi abys kuchnul toho druheho, pokud nema immune, tak to ve vetsine pripadu neuhealuje, vykrvi se a chcipne taky :-)
    Nekro (minion) si uzilo svou pulsezonu slavy a z S+ se propada na A :-)
    Sorc ma jediny (nejlepsi S++) build immortal shatter firebolt, ktery je schopna hrat jen Mekuna :-) Zbytek prinejlepsi B, kupodivu nejvyssi pitclear si zatim drzi Ballka Pit117
    Druid no :-) nato jaky tam byl hype u Tornada (B tier a Pit120) tak best Windshear (A tier) s pit clearem na 122 ktery ted jeste bude buffnuty pres boony a passivky
    BOBESH --- ---
    ja vim, ze tady jste na to zvykly, ale vcera me prekvapilo, ze de na 85l stihnout s nahodakama v 15:55 legion a v 16.00 wb :))
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    NESS: Nevidane, take sis vsiml ze jejich bufy nerfy postradaji brain? :D
    NESS --- ---
    celkem vtipny ze bafnou nejvic dva nejsilnejsi buildy, shatter fireboltku a flay u ktereho i ja se svym naprd vybavenim dam 7G :-) zadne boostery/ lektvary, jen cisty build, sem si rikal ze to zkusim u dummy nez to zitra zvednou abych videl rozdil

    NESS --- ---
    Robuv rozbor dopadu nerfu lektvaru na buildy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L78Ulz8j9o, minion nekro je vitez, pak bleed bash barb, na druhou stranu flay barb zase bufnuty, ne ze by to flay nejak potrebovala, ale proc ne, zajimavy bude bufnuty tryrak s bleed barbem.

    Osobne jedu direct bash na pit farm a flay na bosskill, takze me se to nijak nedotkne
    NESS --- ---
    Po 100x pit101 mi to vychazi na 12%, aneb za 100 pit jsem dropnul 12 stonu, nejdelsi doba 19 a nejkratsi 1, prumer na jede sutr tak tech 8-9 runu a asi tak 1/2h

    Jinak jsou novy patch notes https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes s patchem co vyjde zitra, za barby boost ww a flay

    Tohle ok "Health and damage levels have been reduced in the Pit. The adjustment is most significant as players approach tier 60, so more players can fully participate in Masterworking."
    tohle ne moc pochopitelne, uz ted je strilime od boku "All Tormented bosses have had their health reduced by 30%. This includes Blood Boils from Tormented Echo of Lilith."
    Tohle nepotesi nekra :-) "Fixed an issue where Holy Bolts Elixir's damage was scaling unintentionally high when it was triggered from pets such as Necromancer's Minions."
    NESS --- ---
    DAVIDOWITCH: Skoro to tak vypada ale podle tohohle sem myslel ze to je pevne 18%

    The chance to receive a Stygian Stone on completion of the Pit has been increased.
    Tier 1: 5%
    Tier 40: 10%
    Tier 100: 18%
    Tier 200: 30%
    DAVIDOWITCH --- ---
    NESS: Nepsali ze to zvednout o 18%? Takze kdyz to bylo treba 1%, tak to bude 1.18%? (Klasickej rozdil mezi procenty a procentnimi body, kterej nikdo neresi)
    NESS --- ---
    Mozna mi neco unika ale chape nekdo blizzardi matiku ohledne % dropu ? V patch notes rikaji ze pit100 18% drop, ale posledni 2 stony me to stalo 15 a 19 behu, zkusim jich nabehat 100 (kdyz uz jsem v 1/3) a uvidim kolik toho bude, ale mam znacne pochybnosti

    Na druhou stranu uz jsem 2 ubery dropnul mimo Uber bosse Dur/Andy, Dooma v NM dungu a Starless u Icebeasty

    Jinak to vypada ze start S6 posouvaji na rijen na release expanze a S5 tim padem bude kratsi.

    Diablo 4 Season 6 Will Launch with Expansion - Vessel of Hatred Interview Roundup - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Hele nevratila se pita stim dropem pred ten predposledni patch ? ted mam 16kol pit100 a 0 stonu, jako to neni 18% drop, nebo mi neco unika :-)
    NESS --- ---
    Tak schvalne jestli nejak vyresi brickovani u temper a zrusi omezeni na matro v pite v parte.
    NESS --- ---
    By PezRadar 6 hr 44 min ago (Patch ?????)Source#1

    Hello Wanderers

    We first want to start by thanking everyone for jumping into Season 4 and experiencing the revamped systems introduced with Loot Reborn. We are also thrilled to see the excitement around Vessel of Hatred where we announced the release date of October 8th this past weekend at the Xbox Showcase. We are excited to share more as we head toward launch, and you all can expect more information on July 18 when we do a deep dive into the Spiritborn class coming with the expansion.

    We want to take some time to provide some clarity and updates on a flurry of things heading to Diablo IV in the upcoming weeks.

    The next update hitting Season 4 will be our mid-season patch. As you all know, mid-season patches include a ton of significant updates to the game related to class balance and more.

    We will be releasing patch notes for the mid-season update (Patch 1.4.3) this coming Friday (June 14) and will be releasing the update sometime next week.

    Typically we host a livestream for our mid-season updates, but we instead will be hosting a separate livestream next week on Friday (June 21) to talk about the next season in our Season 5 PTR Campfire Chat. We will have more information on that soon.

    Originally we had our mid-season update coming after this PTR concluded, but we agreed releasing the mid-season update prior to the PTR would be better for all players.

    Why is that? Well, the Season 5 PTR would have some of these changes coming with the mid-season update, and we didn’t want to create any type of whiplash for players as they go from finishing the PTR back to Season 4. Due to this, we believe delivering the mid-season update sooner will be the best for everyone.

    As you can see there is a ton going on in the world of Sanctuary. We look forward to sharing more in the upcoming weeks and will have more information on Season 5 PTR including stream times and more next week.

    Thank you
    ~Diablo IV Team

    An update on the mid-season update and Season 5 PTR - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    BARTUC --- ---
    I kdyby to sebralo runestony obema, tak je to v pohode :-)
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Jj, koukal sem vcera kolik a neco pres 4K runestonu, nemam sanci to vybehat.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: jo v podstate neni zadnej duvod nedat vsem stejne, protoze sice ostatni neplati za otevreni, ale toho materialu z NM maji stejne vsichni po kokot.
    NESS --- ---
    Dotaz, nezaznamenal nekdo jeslti Styg stony muze dropnout pri hre v parte i ten co pitu neotevrel ? Osobne bych rekl ze ne ale treba vi nekdo neco vic.

    Jinak doufam ze tu pitu fixnou aby matro padalo vsem stejne, to je jako by v NM dostal plny pocet glyph expu jen ten co to otevrel.
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: jsem ted hrál a spletl jsem si to. Mám 15k+ Armor ale na druidovi s tornádem :-) ..asi to dělá paragon deska, equip mám normálně 925 a master worlk 4//12 všude, +Armor nikde nemám. Je to build z maxrollu klasický.

    Ten support má 9500 a to má i Armor narolovany jako affixy. A šlape teda hustě :D hodi na hromadu víc jak celou obrazovku ktomu dmg redukce pro všechny atd. S úplně základním gearem bez master worku a GA + zakladni gemy jsme běhali ve dvou 115 pit úplně vklidu za pár minut. Ale občas zásek na bossovi dlouhý zbytečně. Kámoš měl nějakého necra mionion AOE build na farmeni do helltide :D
    NESS --- ---
    MAESTRO_007: Jak pise Bartuc nema, jako lepsi o fous vic nez tech 9230, presne to nikdo nema, mene bez 9000 bych nedaval a vice jak 9500 taky ne, cokoliv nad 10K je uz na prehozeni vybavy, na levleni nejlepsi obetovat jeden aspekt a hodit juggernauta.
    Na end, treba u barbu se teto hraje ze mas na vybave jeden armor a dva resisty a resist dozenes 3 sutrama kdy jeden zustava necapnuty, pripadne pokud jim to vyjde davaji navic jeden res all. Druid to ma jednodussi pac resisty zas tak neresi, ale zase nema silu tzn armor dohani dvouma na vybave kdy je lepsi tobtam dostat v affixu nez v tempere
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam