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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.

    Vitejte v původním a nejsledovanějším DIABLO klubu na NYXu.

    Naši veteráni Vám jistě poradí nejlépe!


    rozbalit záhlaví
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: spadl mi mjolnic ring a instable fury, tak jsem to chtěl zkusit a předělal l toho landslide druida na cataclysm a čistí to dobře. Když se podaří resetovat dobře cooldown ultimatky tak slušný spam, skoro nuda :-) Asi to nebude tak výkonné ale je to rychlé

    Lightning Slide Druid Endgame Build for Diablo 4 (Season 5) - Icy Veins
    NESS --- ---
    Ten landslide druid je pomerne prijemny rizek, earthbreaker mam jen sacred, Vasila ani Insa nemam, nmd99 uplne na pohodu

    NESS --- ---
    Trade jsou povolene https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/trading-temporarily-disabled-updated/182697/4
    Gauntlet povoleny https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/gauntlet-is-now-available/182429/4

    a nerf/buff u sorcky

    HOTFIX 4 - August 15, 2024 - 1.5.0

    Aspect of Splintering Energy
    Damage increased from 25-50% to 50-80%.
    Splintering Energy will arc to additional enemies less frequently.
    *NOTE: Tooltip descriptors for this will be changed in a upcoming update.
    Developer Note: In rare instances, this aspect alongside Fractured Winterglass could cause detrimental server performance issues. To solve for this, we’re reducing the frequency of it arcing to additional enemies, and increasing its damage to compensate. Additionally, the amount of Frozen Orbs that can be launched from Conjurations while using Fractured Winterglass has been adjusted in these rare instances.

    Bug Fixes
    Fixed an issue where Damage over Time effects could persist after the player died and revived.
    Various stability improvements.
    Developer Note: The team is continuing our investigations around issues and player reports tied to trading. For now, trade will continue to be disabled and we will follow-up with updates. Thank you all for your patience.

    HOTFIX 4 - August 15, 2024 - 1.5.0 - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    Aspect of Splintering Energy & Fractured Winterglass Interaction Changed - Diablo 4 - Wowhead News

    A dohledu novy patch 20.8. by mel vyjit je toho vic ale vytahnu jen hordy, zbytek v linku

    Infernal Hordes
    The Spoils of Gold chest is now reuseable.
    The sound effects that play when picking up Burning Aether have been updated to be more prominent.
    The Following Infernal Offerings have been updated to increase their rewards:
    The Exalted Elite: Burning Aether amount increased from +1 to +2.
    The Surging Elite: Burning Aether amount increased from +1 to +2.
    The Unstoppable Elite: Burning Aether amount increased from +1 to +2.
    The Burning Rain: end of wave Burning Aether increased from 1-3 to 3-9.

    Diablo 4 Patch 1.5.1 Patch Notes - Infernal Hordes Buffed, Rogue Tempers Re-Enabled, Masterworking Bugs Fixed - Wowhead News
    LION_DON --- ---
    CUZMAN: rado se )
    CUZMAN --- ---
    ERXi diky si borec!!! Takhle plavnej start sem jeste nemel :-D
    POEM --- ---
    NESS: Jo diky, ja si nak vubec nebyl vedomej toho, ze Hordy davaj i matros na masterovani :) Dneska sem to pul dne hral a mam vic nez asi kdy spotrebuju uz :D
    NESS --- ---
    btw probeli bugfixy, ani to myslim nike moc nebylo

    HOTFIX 3 - August 13, 2024 - 1.5.0
    Fixed an issue where sources of items with Guaranteed Greater affixes, such as the Reputation reward or Greater Equipment Chest, did not actually guarantee an item with Greater Affixes.
    Fixed an issue where 1-Handed Maces acquired from the Purveyor of Curiosities were always Legendary quality.
    Fixed an issue where Tier 4 Infernal Compasses dropped outside of Infernal Hordes did not have appropriate affixes.
    Fixed an issue where Runeshards weren’t dropping in Nightmare Dungeons.

    HOTFIX 3 - August 13, 2024 - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums

    a Pokud by se nekdo divil proc nesel gauntlet tak

    Greetings, Wanderers,

    The team will be disabling the Gauntlet temporarily while we address an issue that was identified. It will be restored later this week following a hotfix to correct the issue.

    Gauntlet Temporarily Disabled - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    NESS --- ---
    POEM: Otazkou je proc tu pitu farmis viz co pise Julian a druha je mas Tyrael nejlepe s mw aspon 2x do DR ? To ti da 39%, kdyz mas super kliku a trefis to 3x tak 44%. armor a resisty predpokladam capnute mas, na muj vkus ta sorc ma hrozne malo HP, tzn pokud zustanes tsta tak je cvaknout neco muze, tazke bude porad v pohybu nebo nestat na blbem miste :-)
    JULIAN --- ---
    EVILMIND: mozna, nicmene kdyz udelas hordy tak z te truhly na penize toho pada fakt hodne.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: jako ono kdyz jsem videl ten screen jak nekdo prodava 3xGA ze 6 miliard, tyden po launchi, tak ani nemusim hru hrat abych vedel, ze se, jako kazdou sezonu, zase dupuje gold... :)
    DAVIDOWITCH --- ---
    Funguje jeste nyxi gaming discord realne? Asi bych potreboval s tim spearem poradit, ale neprijde mi rozumny to tim tady plevelit.
    JULIAN --- ---
    POEM: blizzardi rikali, ze HP bossu nerfnou, ale podle toho co lidi pisou, tak udelali spis opak. nicmene material na Mastering pada i v hordach takze zrovna s lighting spearem se na Pit muzes vysrat a jit farmit tam, ten council boss fight je pro spear mnohem prijemnejsi
    POEM --- ---
    Chtel bych se zeptat. Taky jedu Sorcku (level 100) s lightning spearem a farmim si level 100 pity. To co je pred bossem doslova probehnu, zadna challenge, vlastne me to musim rict vubec nebavi. Bezis a hledas portal, hm. A pak prijde boss, kde teprve realne bojuju, obcas me dokonce sejme. Coz znamena, ze na bosse mam pit level optimalni, vicemene, zatimco na to co bosovi predchazi je totalne OP

    Nerikal Blizzard nak v minulosti, ze ti bosove budou vic alligned s tim co bosum predchazi? A to uz jako ma bejt ono?
    DAVIDOWITCH --- ---
    NESS: A já to ještě nedal. Na lvl100 a mám Shako. Jsem nějak hrozně squishy a většinou mě něco trapně one shotne.
    JULIAN --- ---
    NESS: jo, chce to shako
    NESS --- ---
    JULIAN: nakonec to hraju smerem k FO, tzn avalanche, bez unstable a bez charged boltu, priznany iceblady a s FO v enchantu, nemam takovy CD aby mi to slapalo bez many a many mam zase malo, zacarovany kruh
    JULIAN --- ---
    NESS: ten spear je proste OP, taky to hraje skoro kazdej, aspon kdybych mel soudit podle streameru
    NESS --- ---
    a pak ze nerostou :-) Horda 7 s se srockou pred lvl 100 a nema ani udelane glyphy na 15

    NESS --- ---
    aha, tak nic

    Hello all -

    We will be disabling trading in Diablo IV while we investigate a possible duplication issue. We apologize for the disruption and will provide updates on when we will have trading available again once we further investigate and identify any issues we need to resolve.

    Trading Temporarily Disabled - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    NESS --- ---
    Trade je zase vypnuty, wtf ?
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    NESS: od začátku landslide, ale on ten leveling je tak rychlý, že je to skoro jedno co hraješ :-) ..pulverize ale na začátku určitě lepší
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam