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    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.

    Vitejte v původním a nejsledovanějším DIABLO klubu na NYXu.

    Naši veteráni Vám jistě poradí nejlépe!


    rozbalit záhlaví
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    KASUMI: No vidis to, tak pak pisni az budes chtit inv, jestli jsi nas uz nahodou nenasla a nekdo te neprijal ;)
    KASUMI --- ---
    LIQUIDFREAK: Tebe v pratelich mam
    NESS --- ---
    EVILMIND: Smolik, dokonce uz je i vymazali z zebricku https://helltides.com/pit jako jasny bylo to postaveny na bugu, ale ja to chtel zkusit :-) Spirita i Sorcku ukladam k ledu, ty sorcky skoda, je defakto kompet :-) Sem ji den farmil a piplal i ty paragony sem ji vyhnal na 60+ :-)))
    ADITU --- ---
    KASUMI: až mě pustí rodina, podívám se - jsem u Blizzardu asi jako JadeImp? Už v tom mám bordel.
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    KASUMI: ale muzes. Klidne lognu a invnu Liquidfunk13#2817
    ADITU --- ---
    KASUMI: nevadí, vytvořím vždycky partu a připojím tě. Třeba konečně taky využijeme discord na voice...
    KASUMI --- ---
    ADITU: Jak si te pridam do pratel? Mam tam navaru :)))
    KASUMI --- ---
    ADITU: Musim rict, ze jsem tezce overhelmed
    Udelala jsem singeda seasonal char, mam lvl 16… ale vubec se neorientuju😀

    A taky mi to teda uz asi potreti spadlo.. wtf.. connection

    A nemam xbox pass, takze nemuzu do guildy nebo jak se tomu tady rika
    ADITU --- ---
    KASUMI: haju dost po večerech, když dítě spí, tak kdyžtak dej vědět, jestli budeš chtít hrát společně někdy :)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: skoda, Augmentation byla jedina vec co by mohla zachranit muj build, ale uz jsem to taky nestihnul :-)
    KASUMI --- ---
    Tak jsem si to včera pustila, když dítě spalo, asi po roce a půl a myslela jsem, že si chvíli zahraju, kdy skončila teď sezóna v trojce. Takže většinu času, když dítě spalo, se mi stahoval update 😀😀😀
    NESS --- ---
    //Sem poskladal build abych zjistil ze tam nedam poweru samo az potom co jsem nafarmil unikatky, masterworknul vybavu, udelal occult gemy a preskaldal paragony, to je tak kdyz to clovek jen hraje a nesleduje co zrovna vypinaji :-/

    PezRadar 194 posts
    Community Manager

    Hello all -

    We have seen the reports related to some very egregious numbers coming from a few builds/classes. The team has some fixes underway, but in the meantime we will be disabling the Decay Augmentation Witchcraft Power in the game as this is tied to some of these issues. This means players will not be able to equip the power at this time. Players can still purchase this power, but you will not receive it, so we do recommend against doing this until the power has been re-enabled.

    We will be working on a fix and bringing this back to players next week. The team will attempt to see if we can do this via a server hotfix, but if we can’t get this in via a hotfix then we will look at doing a quick client patch shortly after 2.1.1 is released.

    Additionally, we did want to provide a few other updates on some other class items we have seen bubble up to the top of conversations.

    Necromancer: There is currently an issue with the Ring of Mendeln and its interactions with minion builds. We do have a fix for this and it is slated for 2.1.2.

    Barbarian: We implemented a fix for the Mantle of Mountain’s Fury back during our first hotfix for 2.1.0. Since then, we have seen some much better results, but we have noticed there was some confusion related to Damage over Time from the quakes and the explosion damage being inconsistent. We do plan on addressing this which will result in some further strength to this build. We do want to note that we will be looking at this build and doing some balance tweaks as we start the next season.

    This is just a few items we are looking and there are many more including game loading issues, client stability, and other class related items that go beyond the list mentioned above. We appreciate the feedback and everyone hopping into Season 7 to check out the new Witchcraft powers.

    We will provide an update soon regarding the above after the weekend.

    Decay Augmentation & Twilight Warding Disabled - Further updates on some upcoming changes - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums
    NESS --- ---
    Tohle me prijmene prekvapilo https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/lightning-spear-sorcerer-guide , jako s S5 spearkou se to neda srovnavat, je to uplne jinaci build, svizny, pomerne tuhy a slusne naklada

    Pyre jsou co se tyce dropu nerfnute tak na 1/3, driv dal i 600+ ted stezi 200+

    a planovany hotfix 2.1.1 na 4.1. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/article/24171214/diablo-iv-patch-notes
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    NESS: asi to funguje :D z peti vymen 3x legenda, ohm (tu sem potreboval), yul, nagu :D
    NESS --- ---
    Muhehe, ikdyz je Qua ted Magic (modra), tak podle craftu je stale Rare (zluta) tzn 3 Qua jdou premenit na nahodnou Rare s 15% moznosti na Legendarni (oranzova)

    Tzn kdo mate Qua nevahejte nez to fixnou :-)

    How to Get Rare and Legendary Runes Easier - Icy Veins
    NESS --- ---
    Jeste nejaka nova storka/video

    New Diablo 4 Short Story: The Seven Brides of the Serpent - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Pravdepodobne zatim stoji Decay Augmentation tzn je dost mozne ze bude v dohledne dobe vypnuta jako byl Hex
    NESS --- ---
    //Pyre od vcera ve hre, bohuzel nepisou ze byl podvazany drop rotu z pyre, bajoko je ten drop tak 1/3 toho co padalo pred fixem

    HOTFIX 4 - January 30, 2025 - 2.1.0
    Fixed an issue where Cleansing Pyres were causing server crashes. Cleansing Pyres can now appear and be interacted with again.
    Fixed an issue where loot could drop from Exposed Roots destroyed by other players.
    Various stability improvements.

    HOTFIX 4 - January 30, 2025 - 2.1.0 - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums

    //Naleduji dalsi bugy s wichpowerama, vyherce je ted Spirit a Sorcka, oba stim daji pit150 https://helltides.com/pit Spirit za 2:48 a Sorcka za 5:33, tzn s prehledem prekonavaji nebugleho Nekra, tzn se da ocekavat dalsi fix

    NESS --- ---
    Kdo jeste neudelal gemy, tak udelatko https://d4-occult-gems.vercel.app/gem-crafting ktere zavas spoicta kolik je ceho potreba
    NESS --- ---
    //Recyklace eventu, ted je rok hada ? Kosmetiky ale vypadaji pekne

    The long-awaited celestial journey has returned! From February 4, 10 a.m.–February 18, 10 a.m. PST players in both Seasonal and Eternal Realms can bask in the moonlight of the Lunar Awakening limited-time event.

    Augmented Lunar Shrine Effects:
    Artillery Shrine – Casts have a chance to summon a holy bomb.
    Blast Wave Shrine – Each explosion summons a cluster bombardment.
    Channeling Shrine- Increased attack speed and chance to reset cooldowns.
    Conduit Shrine – Summon frequent, powerful, shocking strikes.
    Greed Shrine – Chance to summon a Treasure Goblin. While the Shrine is active, kills summon a Treasure Goblin.
    Lethal Shrine – Chance to instantly execute a struck monster, causing Fear on surrounding monsters. Note: this includes Elites, but excludes Bosses and other Players.
    Protection Shrine – You reflect all incoming damage. Damage reflected scales with Level and Difficulty.

    Pursue Celestial Fortune in Lunar Awakening — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
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