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    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.

    Vitejte v původním a nejsledovanějším DIABLO klubu na NYXu.

    Naši veteráni Vám jistě poradí nejlépe!


    rozbalit záhlaví
    NESS --- ---
    Koho by zajimala S7 PTR tak je hafo infa bud tady vse pohromade

    The 2.1 PTR: What You Need to Know — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

    nebo jednotlive sekce rozebrane na wow

    All 24 Witchcraft Powers in Diablo 4 Season 7 - Wowhead News

    All New Legendary Aspects in Diablo 4 Season 7 - Wowhead News

    All New Uniques in Diablo 4 Season 7 - Wowhead News

    The Armory Is Coming to Diablo 4 With Season 7 - Swap Gear Sets - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Kdyby nekdo byl zvedavy na preview ptr pro S7 tak dnesni campfire chat v 20hod

    Join Our 2.1 PTR Campfire Chat — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    Full patch mid season https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/diablo4/24140808/diablo-iv-patch-notes

    Diablo 4 Season 6 Mid-Season Patch 2.0.5 Patch Notes - Wowhead News

    a Robuv rozbor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nlRlIUufnM

    Vtipne je oslavuje nec co tam melo by zase od zacatku a vtipne ze to je po roce a pul :-))) "No Change is now the default selected option when Enchanting an item."
    NESS --- ---
    Ty avizovane eventy

    Boost your Eternal Character
    Starting on November 19, raise an Eternal Character to new heights by using the limited-time Welcome Back Booster.
    You can select 1 Character on the Eternal Realm to instantly grant the following boosts:
    Boost to Level 50
    3 different powerful builds to choose from for your given Class
    Full set of Legendary Items
    Completed Skill Tree to suit chosen build
    All Altars of Lilith unlocked
    1 million Gold, 1000 Obols, 1 Scroll of Amnesia, and Crafting Materials
    To boost your character, travel to the tavern in Kyovashad with the character of your choosing and interact with the Fated Reliquary inside to unlock. Note that if your Eternal character is already Level 50, you’ll still receive the Legendary items and option for the builds geared towards your class. If you also own the Vessel of Hatred expansion, you’ll be able to harness this powerful boost for two characters on the Eternal Realm.

    Beware the Red-Cloaked Horror’s Return
    From November 19, 10 a.m. PST—December 3, 10 a.m. PST, the Red-Cloaked Horror has a chance to spawn in Helltide, instead of a Hellborne, while Blightfiends spread their malice within Helltide ambushes. The Red-Cloaked Horror also has a chance to appear in the Infernal Hordes and Dungeons to ambush you from the shadows. Defeat these frigid foes for increased rewards, such as Cinders, Burning Aether, and more.
    The return of the Red-Cloaked Horror brings good tidings as well, for slaying the hulking beast is guaranteed to earn you the coveted—and improved—Gileon’s Brew. For 30 minutes, this fabled Elixir increases your damage dealt to enemies by 20%, causes enemies to routinely drop additional Herbs and Crafting Materials, and grants 15% increased Experience. Gileon’s Brew also has a chance to drop from Tortured Gifts in Helltide throughout the limited-time event.

    Become the Spiritborn for a Limited-time
    From November 19—December 2, any who haven’t yet purchased Vessel of Hatred will be able to experience this acrobatic warrior firsthand when playing on Battle.net. Try this new class up to Level 25, and channel the fearsome new powers of our most mobile class yet.

    Mother’s Blessing Reignites
    From November 19—November 26, all players will earn increased experience and Gold at a (multiplicative) increased rate. Lilith blesses all her children, as this bonus applies to both Seasonal and Eternal Realms and all World Tiers. This bonus stacks, so pair it with Elixirs and the Urn of Aggression to maximize your experience gains while killing Monsters.

    Return to Sanctuary for a Brilliant Boost — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    Jeste dva tooly co sem neznal gambling tool https://diablo4.life/tools/gambling a target farming tool https://diablo4.life/tools/target-farming
    NESS --- ---

    Our next Campfire Chat begins on November 12 at 11 a.m. PST and details our midseason update for Season of Hatred Rising. Join members of the development team as they go through class balance changes, content updates, and more.
    There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.

    Visit our official Diablo Twitch, YouTube, X, and TikTok channels to watch live! Following the Campfire Chat's conclusion, we’ll post another article with a video of the chat so you can catch up on the details if you miss them.

    Tune into Our Next Campfire Chat — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    TL;DR - Farm the highest level pit you can while aiming to have the completion time less than (ideally) 90 seconds. Speed is the determining factor in experience farming. Pit turn in is not affected by XP multipliers or party members.

    Reddit - Dive into anything
    NESS --- ---
    Local Co-Op keeps crashing when 2nd player connects - XBOX
    Reddit - Dive into anything
    MAESTRO_007 --- ---
    VODNIK: kdybys neznal a nevěděl co z koho padá :-)

    Diablo 4 Unique Loot Tables
    NESS --- ---
    tldr - whisper kesy na mainu instant leveling na altu

    World record boost, level 1 to 57 in 10 seconds!
    Reddit - Dive into anything
    EVILMIND --- ---
    Už tu dlouho nebylo... :-) Plus jinde někdo popisuje srandovní dupe exploit, kdy ten duplikovanej item jde tradenout, ale novému majiteli zmizi pak z inventáře.

    Reddit - Dive into anything
    NESS --- ---
    Cely patch notes https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24140808/diablo-iv-patch-notes

    Vyber z hroznu :-) mimo buffu uber unikatek, tu jsou D3 dmg cisla uz ne 1000 000 000 000 ale 1T (konecen, stacilo rok a pul ? :-)

    Combat text for damage numbers are now abbreviated.
    e.g. 10000 damage now displays as 10k damage.

    Tribute of Titans can now drop outside of defeating bosses.
    Increased the drop rate of Rare Tributes throughout the game, other rarities are unaffected.

    Increased the base movement speed of the Realmwalker by around 15%.
    Every time you kill a wave of Bloodbound Guardians, the Realmwalker’s movespeed increases by 10%. For example: If you kill all 3 waves of Bloodbound Guardians, the Realmwalker will move 30% faster, in addition to the 15% base increase.
    The Realmwalker now has a low chance to summon a Treasure Goblin.

    Super Elite monsters will now drop even more loot.
    Previous: Super Elites drop 1-2 times as much as Elites.
    Now: Super Elites drop 3 times as much as Elites.

    Fixed an issue where Pit Bosses in Tiers 137 and above had less health than intended.

    Fixed an issue where defeating the Echo of Lilith did not reward a Resplendent Spark.

    To nejdulezitejsi bufix na spirit borna, to odnesl jen evade, pry timhle spadne na 1/5 dmg, jako smolik ale pres to lagovani asi nejel vlak :-/ Tazzke kdo ma evadku tak si ji uzijte posledni den po patchy papa

    Fixed an issue where Spiritborn could cancel the Evade animation mid-evade.
    Developer’s Note: Spiritborn's Evade could be cast more rapidly than normal depending on the input method and speed. It is now normalized to the standard Evade cast rate in all scenarios.
    NESS --- ---
    Pro info nova varka fixu a dalsi v zasobe.

    Vcera uz semi Varshan zdal fajn a je asi fixnuty, ikdyz to jende ani poznatac te dmg je tolik ze mizi pod ocima

    Fixed an issue where Varshan's barrier could have significantly larger values than intended, making him unkillable.

    Maji v planu fixnout Evade, jako chvilema je to nehratelne, zalezi jaka mapa a kolik je tam lidi, kdyz se to zacne kousat tak z toho boli i oci

    Adam Fletcher

    Just a quick update on some plans. We will have some additional client patches and hotfixes coming out this week. Some possibly as early as this afternoon/evening. These will hit on some crash related items and some of the hot button items from the weekend.

    We also looked at the Spiritborn's Evade cast animations that some are employing in specific builds. This is a bug as the Spiritborn is able to break animation frames during Evade immediately. We will be fixing this so you won't be able to Evade instantly during another one, and instead it will be normalized to the standard Evade cast rate in all situations.

    The reason why we are hitting this bug now (and some may have noticed) is that it is currently impairing other players and their experience in-game. We have mentioned before that if a build ends up impacting the experience of others, we may make changes immediately, and this is one of those instances. We expect this change to come in 2.0.3 later this week.


    Neco k opalu, je to vic viz https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/seething-opal-buff-hotfix-incoming-vessel-of-hatred-347995

    Don Adams
    Hope everyone's enjoying #Diablo4 Vessel of Hatred and Season 6!

    Some clarification on Seething Opals:
    - Fix incoming for a bug that sometimes removes the buff

    - While the buff is active, it periodically procs bonus loot and Zakarum Rep from monsters that can drop loot

    Don Adams
    - Where monsters don't drop loot (such as The Pit) the procs don't occur. Instead, you get bonus loot and rep (equal to a number of procs) along with the activity rewards. That means slaying a Pit Guardian, slaying the Council in IH, opening the chest in Undercity, etc.

    Don Adams
    - We did this to avoid dropping loot into activities where you normally don't need to worry about picking up loot. However, it does make the Opal's effect less visible and is understandably leading to some confusion. We're talking about ways to improve this.

    Don Adams
    - The XP bonus is not affected by this. It works everywhere for any monster kill that would normally grant XP.

    TL;DR - The Opals are working, but it can be hard to notice in some activities.

    Thanks for the feedback and keep an eye out for exciting improvements coming to S6!
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: videl jsem na to nejake PSA ze je Undercity mozna rozbite, takze bych asi ty nejdrazsi tam nepouzival zatim...
    Reddit - Dive into anything

    Citadela jsme chteli jit T4, ale nejak se to samo preplo nebo co na T2 - ale mozna nase vina, jsme tam predtim zmatkovali trochu s questama. Kazdopadne, byla to presne obtiznost pro nas, docela to tam rakvilo i tak. Muj hlavni problem teda byl, ze se mnou hrali tri spiritborni s dodge buildem, takze jsem je videl vzdycky jen jako tecky na obzoru... :-) Te spoluprace tam zase neni tolik co slibovali, vetsinou to jsou veci kde musis stat na dvou ruznejch mistech soucasne aby se neco otevrelo, tj. jde to asi dat cele ve dvou. Bylo tam jedine misto, kde jsme stali ctyri na ruznych miste, ale pravdepodobne to tam slo delat postupne kazde krido zvlast. Docela me stvalo, ze se tam neustale nekam portujes, a ne vzdycky je jasny, jestli se jeste pujde vratit. A pritom tam mas zabit neco pro lepsi drop bonus, a kdyz to bylo prvne tak jsme to fakt probehli dvakrat dokola protoze jsme meli 2/4, a ukazalo se, ze dalsi dva jsou az za portem. A pak hodne podobna lokace, tak jsem rovnou portli, a uz se neslo vratit a byli tentokrat pred portem. Nevim, mozna je to furt stejne a da se to naucite, ale bylo to divny.

    Je tam par mechanik co nejsou jinde ve hre, treba kdyz mas nad hlavou takovej symbol co postupne cervena, az ti to zacne psat ze si jde pro tebe smrt, a to musis vyresetovat do bile barvy v takovych bublinach - je to vlastne skoro prima kopie jednoho dungu z Lost Arc, a i dalsi veci jsou podobny Lost Arc. Teda bez te casti, ze muzes wipnout celou partu nastesti, i se mi stalo, ze jsem skoncil nekde mrtvej kde ke me neslo dojit, ale kdyz ostatni dohrajou svou cast puzzle tak to i mrtve odjinud zase portne k nim a jde se ozivit. Je docela dulezite cist napravo co ti to pise ze mas zrovna delat, protoze ne vzdycky je to videt, a v tom vizualnim spamu si klidne nevsimnes, ze zrovna ted mas nad hlavou nejakej konkretni symbol a musis jit na konkretni misto.

    Celkove me to bavilo, je to uplne neco jineho nez jinej content ve hre. A i proto je asi rozumne, ze se to chodi jen jednou tejdne, nechces neco takovyho grindovat nonstop v aRPG.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    NESS: asi na tom neco bude :)

    Since when did Angelbreath become the rarest material in the game? : diablo4
    NESS --- ---
    Campchat dobry, jen nejak roztahany, sem u toho nakonec usnul tak ani nevim jak to dopadlo :-)

    patchnotes https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24140808/diablo-iv-patch-notes

    vypada to fajn, jako nerfy tam jsou ale ptr docela pobrali, treba vyroba, lege je mw 8/12 a 2x tempera, diry do neancestru uz jsou za matro ne za prismy, ty jen u ancestru

    Penitent je rovnou od 1 lvlu stejne jako jeweler, gemy jdou taky od 1lvl. pita jede az do 150, misto do 100, je tam trosku rychlejsi levleni za fast clear. HP elit sezveda aby pasovalo k hp dung bosse.
    Nejake runy jsou pryc, neco e bufflo, ty dve nejvic op Yom a Ohm jsou nerfnute, klasove to vypada +- ok, spear sorcka je nerfnuta, limit na pocet speru soubezne, misto spear cast twice je na tempere na zbrani double dmg

    paragon glyphy celkove nerfnute (Glyph Scaling values have been reduced by 50%.) dmg na rare a magic nodech zase buffnuta, celkem dost predelavek v jednotlivych nodech/glypech

    hordy celkem fajn zmeny, ekvip truhal pryc, ganantovana affix truhla za 200, matro jde vybrat naraz a Councilove dropuji legendarky, u kompasu dost podstatne zmeny radeji precist :-)

    jako tech zmen je zase hrozne moc, vsadim se ze sem prehlidnul neco podstatneho naco zase prijdu az casem :-)
    NESS --- ---
    This one’s going to be big, wanderer! Our next livestream begins on October 2, 11 a.m. PDT and gives an in-depth look at content releasing with Season 6 and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Associate community director Adam Fletcher hosts alongside a rotating cast of developers from the team, and will also go over learnings from our last PTR and answer questions from players.

    Visit our official Diablo Twitch, YouTube and X channels to watch live! Following the livestream’s conclusion, we’ll post another article with a video of the chat so you can catch up on the details if you miss them.
    Tune in to the Pre-Launch Livestream — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

    Robova rozborka Mercu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3PQ_RfKL5k
    a to z ceho cerpa https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/mercenaries-guide
    NESS --- ---
    Kdo ma hodne casu

    The 2.0 PTR: What You Need to Know — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
    NESS --- ---
    Our next Campfire Chat begins on August 29, 11 a.m. PDT and gives a preview of the 2.0 Public Test Realm (PTR). Join associate director of community Adam Fletcher, lead live game designer Colin Finer, systems designer Aislyn Hall, game designer Charles Dunn, and expert game designer Jeevun Sidhu as they reveal what to expect in the test realm.

    Join Our 2.0 PTR Campfire Chat — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

    Sanctuary’s Treasure Goblins have returned! This time, with elevated tenacity and renewed spoils. From August 27, 10 a.m.–September 3, 10 a.m. PDT, seek out hordes of these treasure hoarders to pilfer their loot bags for increased gold and coveted drops.

    Gilded Grandeur Awaits—March of the Goblins Returns — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

    jessirocks: What will happen to players who have not purchased the new expansion? Will they be able to play with the new skills for their class, can they enter the new zone, etc.?
    Brent: It’s really important to us with this release to update the game for everyone in a major way. This includes major updates to progression, our difficulty and paragon systems, leveling, and social features such as the Party Finder feature, we’re adding that makes it easier for people to play together. Also, all classes are getting a new Active and Passive Skill, which will be available to everybody.

    Aislyn: Alongside Vessel of Hatred launching on October 8th, Season 6 is also launching with its own bespoke content, and that’s going to be free to play to all Diablo 4 owners.

    jessirocks: Ah okay, so you can still play Seasons without buying the new expansion?

    Brent: Yep, we thought it was important to continue the seasonal work and keep the core gameplay loop intact for everybody, whether you purchase Vessel of Hatred or not.

    Blizzard Confirms There Will Be a Season 6 Mechanic - Wowhead & jessirocks Diablo 4 Developer Interview - Wowhead News
    NESS --- ---
    Ten scrol of reseting bude na pikacu, jako se malou sanci bych se vyrovnal, ale jeden pokud to posila do kanalu. Ja rika jeden kolega, pokud to delas blbe vyser se nato a zkus to znova od zacatku, na spatnych zakladech nic dobreho nepostavis. Tohle tvikovani je odsouzene jen k zahube, meli by priznat ze to byla chyba a tempering v tehle podobe zrusit.

    Adam Fletcher
    Some additional info as I’ve seen questions regarding the Scrolls or Retempering

    1) These are one time use and can’t be used more than once on any given item.
    2) These will be available in the base game as well.
    3) And yes this means you have a small chance of finding these as a drop in world outside of Dark Citadels.

    Reddit - Dive into anything
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