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    ztracené heslo?
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    TLUSTEI: jj, zase mi to bylo pripomenuto ted na vikendu s agoskou, jak to vypada, kdyz nekdo nedokaze prekrocit ortodoxni hranice, do kterych se necha sam dobrovolne vtesnat. takze je to zrovna celkem aktualni, ze zrovna toto tema zminujes, ale tech lidi ubyva... myslim, ze neni duvod to nijak odsuzovat, protoze je to stejne, jako odsuzovat rodicovske pary v 50. letech za jejich chovani k detem. svet se proste vyviji diky jednomu kazdemu, kdo ho tvorime, od stredoveke krestanske evropy uz jsme udelali dost velky krok, takze ... trpelivost :) predsudky a "jedine pravdy" ;) padaji, ale trva to ;)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "The closed minded orthodoxy of religion is equalled or exceeded by the closed minded orthodoxy of scientists who, in our society, have become the new high priests.

    Most of the problems we face in our world today, whether they be spiritual and religious or scientific, political and economic, are all because people are holding onto some perspective that has nothing to do with the truth, but has everything to do with their belief system and addiction to something that is outdated and they can't let go of it. There are countless examples of how the mainstream scientific community has rejected enormous breakthroughs because it didn't fit into their belief systems.
    One should have very few beliefs and an abundance of faith. Otherwise, people get trapped in brainwashed dogma, whether it be scientific or religious. They become chauvinistic and egotistically attached to it."

    Dr. Steven Greer (z jeho knihy Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge)
    MKAA --- ---
    SELECTOR_IX: mas to spatne.. to ma byt coooooooooooooofeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii .)
    MONKOK --- ---
    SELECTOR_IX --- ---
    VEROUNKA: cofeee!! :)
    ISHRI --- ---
    quuuuuuíííííííííííííííííááááááááááááéééééééééééýýýýýýýýýýýoooooooooo!!! ;oB
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: jasně, íííííííííáááááááááááááááá ;)
    MKAA --- ---
    Tady je proste fajn :)
    MKAA --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    to jsou zvuky páté dimenze? už jste tam transmutovali?
    TILOPA --- ---
    AND --- ---
    MKAA --- ---
    VEROUNKA: to mi prijde ze se to nejak moc leskne na ckoladu, ale jako predstava vyborna... a nebo to je hodne dokonalej odlitek cokolady .)
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    treba je to cokoladovy a na slunci se to roztece :)
    MKAA --- ---
    MTO: asi tak .DDDDD
    MTO --- ---
    VEROUNKA: pomooooc :-D
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    jak byt in ;)

    KUBBE --- ---
    RANGDROL: Dik za tip, jeji zivotni pribeh vypada dost zajimave ... :)
    RANGDROL --- ---
    Jinak jsem dnes delal ukol do skoly a sem by se ten kousek mohl hodit-je to jedna z otazek na ktere jsem odpovidal

    Question:Explain the concept of the window of perception.

    We have some possibility how to see and feel the „reality“.
    When we go trough our life and growing up,we are finding the deeper connection with the essence, with who we really are.And when we are in this deep connection,our being vibrate on higher freguency and we have more energy to see more „things“.We can go through doors of Maya and duality and we can experience that world behind the world is not behind and that curtain falls and all levels of manifestation of non manifest world are here.
    This process is also connect to process of creation.More we are in alow mode of being more the higher purpose of life, the wisdom and love can fulfill the“reality“.
    It is principle of healing, it's way of entlighment.
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