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    ztracené heslo?
    TALANKA --- ---
    OXIS --- ---
    Podle popisku na MJJsource je tohle zajímavý článek, ale obávám se, že to se svou aj tak úplně nedám.Vy možná jo :) https://medium.com/...e762c49dd?fbclid=IwAR3Nn70qVQTtrrGIIVmTsyVX1ClRg_5MNxA2IUer73Q9X8i8t15no7FY-5c
    KERB --- ---
    Michael Jackson - Entering Neverland (2019 Documentary)
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    KERB: Týden zpátky. Škoda, že to nepadlo hned, mohli jsme si ten čas ušetřit oba..
    KERB --- ---
    BIRLIBAN: o tom s čím přišla nebo nepřišla FBI bych se být Vámi poradil s Wikileaks .) týden zpátky zveřejnili celý FBI spis více než 10 letého vyšetřování -) ušetřím vám čas: nic.

    KALIPH --- ---
    STATEMENT from The Estate of Michael Jackson:

    The last few weeks have been a challenge for everyone who loves Michael. Many of you have been asking for an update from the Estate, and I have the following statement to share.

    We want to start by again thanking all of Michael’s fans and acknowledge and thank Michael’s nephew, Taj, his niece, Brandi, and his brothers, Jackie, Marlon and Tito, Grace Rwaramba, Aaron Carter, Brett Barnes, Stephanie Mills and all of the other individuals around the world who have spoken out on his behalf. We also want to acknowledge those in the media who have done their job as journalists by reviewing the facts, noting how they were ignored in Leaving Neverland because it didn’t fit into the filmmaker’s one-sided agenda of denigrating Michael’s legacy.

    We also want to provide a brief update on our efforts, as well as share some thoughts with you from the past two weeks. We share your frustration and anger that a man who was found innocent in a court of law in life is being attacked, financially exploited and smeared by corporations and individuals who are only making claims now because he is no longer here to defend himself.

    In addition to our public statements regarding our position on Leaving Neverland, our legal efforts continue. While it would not be prudent to publicly divulge our strategy and list our efforts, rest assured we are committed to holding HBO and Channel 4 accountable for their egregious, uncorroborated smear of Michael’s legacy. Many of you have asked why we are seeking open arbitration. The answer is simple: we believe the public deserves to know how Leaving Neverland really came about, why no counter opinion was ever sought, why so many facts were ignored and why individuals were smeared who should have at a minimum been contacted to get the other side of the story. It is outrageous that such a one-sided smear was ever allowed on the air without challenge. We all know that if Michael was still alive it would never have been aired.

    We also have other non-legal initiatives that we will disclose at the appropriate time. What is important for us, and always has been, is that we continue to take the long view as we have over the last decade. That means not doing anything rash that would give HBO, Channel 4, the film’s director and, especially, the subjects of the film, what they most crave now. They want to engage in a way that focuses more attention on a film that has no doubt underperformed given that the media did everything in its power to sell this film to viewers. But given the enormous attention and free publicity the media gave this film, the numbers have clearly not matched the hype in the markets where it has aired, with many viewers opting to stop watching after the first part.

    We recognize that the press often magnifies each affront related to this film. But from our view the actual impact of this documentary on the public and their behavior has not been as significant as the media want people to think. While some would like you to think otherwise, we can confirm that the consumption of Michael’s music has not declined and his streaming numbers have not decreased in the wake of this documentary. This tells us that in addition to those of us who know the truth about Michael, those who may not understand Michael’s eccentricities and the way he chose to live his life outside of society’s norms are still choosing to appreciate and enjoy the art he created. We have licensees worldwide who are proudly selling Michael Jackson merchandise. We have insight into a significant amount of data that the fans do not see and we are working 24/7 behind the scenes to synthesize all that information and act accordingly.

    We are also seeing a sharp disconnect between the reception of the film by everyday viewers and the mainstream media. Despite being outright propaganda, many viewers see through the one-sidedness, the over-the-top salacious claims, the staged dialogue and other dramatizations. They see that what Leaving Neverland boils down to is a sales job aimed at convincing viewers Michael Jackson isn’t the man millions of people know and love, including the two subjects of the film and their families until they chose to sue for hundreds of millions of dollars. As people have had time to digest Leaving Neverland and review the facts, many are recognizing they can’t take it at face value. We are especially proud of Michael’s fans and those who continue to stand up for him by pointing out the numerous inconsistencies and flaws in the film. Numerous individuals who have studied every facet of these cases has poked numerous holes in the stories of the two subjects. Some critics and individuals are now courageously admitting publicly that, having studied the facts, their view of the film changed 180 degrees.

    Michael Jackson cannot be silenced, and neither can his fans, whether it is those who proudly play his music in public squares to show their support, the coffee shop owner in New Zealand who played his songs all day long in protest of Leaving Neverland or those who put posters and signs around cities proclaiming his innocence. As Michael predicted 25 years ago, the truth will be his salvation.

    The Estate of Michael Jackson

    Thank you for your continued support of Michael and his legacy.

    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    KERB: Tenhle fakt funguje i obráceně - to, že se to někde píše neznamená, že je to lež. Tyhle brilantní úvahy ale nikam nevedou a nepodávají žádnou odpověď.

    Nevím to = je to nesmysl - další nezvratná fakta, tečka. Bělení kůže je v posledních desetiletích oblíbený i nebezpečný trend nejen u mediálně známých (Rihanna, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, Sammy Sosa, aj.), ale i běžných smrtelníků. Neobyčejně populární je např. na Jamajce, kde jsou na ulici k dostání stovky takových přípravků, ovšem neatestovaných a zdraví nebezpečných. Každopádně, MJ trpěl natolik silnou formou vitiliga, že bylo posléze snazší užít bělící krémy na části kůže, jež zůstaly tmavé, čímž se pigmentu zcela zbavil. Údajně měl užívat hydrochinonové deriváty, abychom byli přesní.

    A můžeme pokračovat:
    Nepodstoupil MJ náhodou plastické operace, protože se to všude psalo, tak je to asi pravda, že? :).
    KERB --- ---
    John Ziegler interviews Taj Jackson on Leaving Neverland, Wade Robson, March 9, 2019
    NEXEN --- ---
    Viděl jsem prvních asi 40min. Pozbývá to smyslu, kopání do mrtvol. Nepotřebuji vidět víc.
    KERB --- ---
    tohle je michael jackson -)

    Debra Willis talks about her friendship with Michael Jackson
    KERB --- ---

    to není premisa, to je fakt. Těch faktů proč těm dvěma nevěřit je tolik, že i když se na to podívám se sebeotevřenější myslí, tak je to evidentní honba za penězy.

    jestli vás opravdu zajímá jestli je vinen nebo ne, doporučuju sledovat třeba jenom účet https://twitter.com/tajjackson3

    ať vidíte také druhou stranu "příběhu".

    Nechat se vybělit je nesmysl, to ani nejde. Ti lidé, kteří nechtějí ty skvrny ukazovat používají make up aby celá kůže měla jednotnou barvu, každej den, extrémně psychicky náročná záležitost. Když měl ještě více černého pigmentu mělo smysl používat tmavší make up, když už byl víceméně bílý, tak světlý make up. Nezlobte se, ale nechat se vybělit co to je za hloupost? Zkuste říct těmhle lidem, že se nechali vybělit. To není udělám to jednou a budu bílý, to se dělá denně.

    když už.. líbí se mi přirovnání, že denně se opalují miliony lidí aby vypadali tmavší a to je v pořádku?

    Things Not To Say To Someone With Vitiligo

    Girl with vitiligo talks about Michael Jackson
    KALIPH --- ---
    Differences Between Leaving Neverland/interviews and the Robson/Safechuck lawsuits | The Michael Jackson Allegations
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    KERB: Tuhle premisu bychom ovšem mohli použít i na tvrzení o jeho nevině, není-liž pravda. MJ se ale nechal vybělit. Skutečnost, že se tak stalo v důsledku vitiliga to nevyvrací, přece. Nicméně, pochopil jsem, jak se zde k tomu stavíte..
    KERB --- ---
    Post | About Mike Smallcombe: Journalist, writer and author of Michael Jackso
    KERB --- ---
    BIRLIBAN: to, že se to někde píše neznamená, že je to pravda, tečka. Nenechal se MJ náhodou vybělit, protože se to všude psalo, tak je to asi pravda, že? :)
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    KERB: Je-li to informace o nalezení porn. materiálu, o čemž psala řada zahraničních medií, tak ano, jsou to nepříjemná fakta. Fakta o tom, že FBI naopak něco našla, byť s tím nepochopitelně přichází v roce 2016..
    KERB --- ---
    BIRLIBAN: neprijemna fakta? neni na tom samozrejme zblo pravdy o faktech nemuze byt vubec rec. Pochopte, 10 let tajnyho vysetrovani FBI nenasli nic a stejne ho poslali k soudu, ale protoze se nikdy nic nestalo, tak samozrejme nebyl odsouzen a to si piste, ze ho chteli dostat do teplaku. A ted po tom vsem si dva nymandi co chteji penize vyfabulujou dokument a mame to brat vazne? s jejich backgroundem..? nezlobte se, ale na to ja samozrejme vubec nechtel reagovat, ale kdyz uz jsem byl osloven...
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    Takže nepříjemná fakta raději ignorujete?)..
    KERB --- ---
    brandi je btw. ta co chodila s robsonem dlouhy leta

    Nicole's View Livestream: Exclusive Taj & Brandi Jackson Discuss "Leaving Neverland"

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