"As a result, UFC seems to have pinpointed a sweet spot between unbridled barbarism and social acceptability, and has now reached a scale that would have been unimaginable at the turn of the millennium."
"As long as UFC was excluded from Madison Square Garden (MSG), it was never able to shake its image fully as a shady and not-quite-kosher pastime. Now that the ban has been lifted, the firm hopes that its perceived newfound respectability will reverberate far beyond the Big Apple. "
Ale jinak je tam celkem slušný info, je to holt článek psanej pro ty, kteří o tom ememá nic moc neslyšeli.
Ultimate Fighting Championship’s big night: Madison Square Garden takes mixed martial arts mainstream | The Economist
btw - UFC 205 shattered the Holyfield-Lewis record with gate revenue of $17.7m